The chicken was so delicious that it was hard to climb.

Xu Jiajia's face changed, and she handed the roasted pheasant to Wang Shazi: "Can you climb a tree? Forget it, I'll push you up."

Wang Shazi felt that she was underestimated. She took the roasted chicken and climbed up the tree with one hand. Her agility was like that of a wild monkey.

Xu Jiajia was surprised. Is this really a fool? Normal people can't learn this!

The footsteps of the wild boar were getting closer and closer.

Xu Jiajia concentrated her mind, took out a self-defense knife, jumped onto the wild boar's back, and stabbed the wild boar's eyes with the knife.

The piercing pain made the wild boar scream.

It bumped around wildly.

Its butt hit the tree next to it.

The leaves fell to the ground.

The wild boar was about to hit a nearby rock.

Xu Jiajia quickly jumped off the wild boar's back.

After landing safely, she started to attack the wild boar's buttocks again.

Wang Shazi on the tree thought it was fun. She wrapped the remaining pheasants with leaves and put them on the branches to make sure they would not fall, then she swooped down from the tree.

She picked up a thick stick and rushed over to hit the wild boar on its back.

She was very strong.

The wild boar screamed after being hit by the stick.

It showed its terrifying fangs and rushed towards Wang Shazi.

Xu Jiajia was afraid that Wang Shazi would get hurt, so she ran over to pull Wang Shazi away, then took a run-up, jumped onto the wild boar's back again, and stabbed it several times in a row.

Blood sprayed on Xu Jiajia's face.

Her eyes were blurred, but the movements of her hands did not slow down at all.

Seeing this, Wang Shazi didn't stop, picked up the stick and hit the wild boar on the head.

The wild boar's eyes were full of stars.

It groaned.

Its limbs went limp.

It fell to the ground.

It didn't die at the moment it fell.

It kicked its back legs twice before it was completely dead.

After making sure that the wild boar was dead, Xu Jiajia was able to take the time to educate Wang Shazi. She said coldly: "Do you know that it was very dangerous just now?"

Wang Shazi threw the stick in his hand and stood straight like a good baby, looking like he was willing to be beaten and scolded. Seeing this, Xu Jiajia's heart softened and she wanted to stop educating him.

She was also afraid that this girl would encounter this situation next time she went up the mountain.

"This is a wild boar, very powerful. If you don't have a gun, you will only be beaten if you encounter such a beast.

There are many beasts in the mountains. You are not allowed to go into the mountains in the future, understand?"

Wang Shazi, who was scolded, nodded like a good baby, with tears in his eyes: "Sister Li doesn't allow you to go into the mountains either."

Xu Jiajia wanted to poke her forehead, but was afraid that lice would fall on her, so she had to withdraw her hand helplessly: "Then why are you going into the mountains? When the forensic doctor comes, we will go down the mountain. You are not allowed to go into the mountains in the future, otherwise, there will be no pheasants to eat."

Wang Shazi pulled Xu Jiajia's sleeve pitifully: "If you don't go into the mountains, sister will give me chicken to eat."

Xu Jiajia responded: "Okay--"

Xu Jiajia was afraid that the smell of blood would attract other beasts.

She and Wang Shazi worked together to drag the wild boar to another place.

As soon as all this was done.

Huang Ying came with the forensic doctor and two colleagues.

The male colleague put on labor protection gloves and moved the body to the stretcher.


The village chief learned that the body had been found, and hurried to the foot of the mountain with several villagers.

Seeing the body on the stretcher, his face suddenly changed: "Oh my God, it's really Chen Zhiqing! How could her body be on the mountain? Could she have been killed by a wild beast?"

Huang Ying wanted to ask him how he became the village chief: "If a wild beast had killed her, there would be injuries on her body. The deceased had no injuries on her body, so this possibility is not true."

The village chief choked: "..."

"Xu Gongan, I asked the villagers, the shoes belonged to Chen Zhiqing."

Xu Jiajia nodded: "I know, thank you."

The village chief was terrified. The body was found. If the murderer was a villager, he, as the village chief, would also be responsible: "Xu, Xu Gongan, Chen Zhiqing, how long will it take to find the murderer?"

Xu Jiajia paused, thinking of something, and asked: "Are there any villagers in your village who have been seriously injured recently?"

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