After the car was parked, Xu Jiajia jumped out and said, "Are you stupid? If you stand in front of the car like this, what if I fail to brake and kill you?

Do you want me to make a mistake?"

Wang Hao was scolded by Xu Jiajia. He broke his fingers and cried, "I'm a fool. I don't know these!"

Xu Jiajia laughed angrily, "I think you are more sober than anyone else now."

The village chief was so scared when he saw Wang Hao rushing up that his heart beat to his throat. Seeing that Wang Hao was fine, he let go of his worries.

He hurried over and said apologetically: "Xu Gongan, this fool waits for you at the entrance of the village every day. She got a heat stroke yesterday. I had no choice but to bring her to see you."

Wang Hao also complained: "I waited for my sister for a long time. My sister promised to come to see me. I am a liar and lied to me."

Xu Jiajia was not to blame: "I went to see you the day before yesterday and went back with the village chief. I have something to do."

Wang Hao pulled Xu Jiajia's sleeve and looked at her eagerly, tears rolling in his eyes: "I miss my sister, please don't abandon me."

The little girl spoke clearly.

She didn't look like a fool at all.

Xu Jiajia looked at the village chief: "Is she really stupid? Why do I feel that she is not stupid at all?"

The village chief also felt that it was very mysterious. In front of Xu Gongan, this girl had a clear mind and didn't stutter when speaking.

In front of other people, she was stupid and didn't know anything. She also ran to watch men pee and even took off her pants to compare with others.

Different structures, can they be compared?

"Xu Gongan, she is only normal in front of you."

The village chief wanted Xu Jiajia to accept Wang Hao, but he felt that she had no obligation to do so.

Xu Jiajia pondered for a few seconds, and finally took out two meal tickets and five yuan from her pocket and handed them to the village chief: "Take her to the state-owned restaurant for a meal before going back, I will wait a few days to find her."

Wang Hao understood, she looked at Xu Jiajia with tears in her eyes: "Sister, don't you want to be good? Does your sister think that Haohao is stupid?"

Xu Jiajia looked at Wang Hao's bulging head and said gently: "No, sister is very busy these days and has no time to take care of you. Wait until sister is done with this period of work, and then go to find you, okay?"

Wang Hao lowered his eyes and looked at the ground: "Okay."

After comforting the little girl, Xu Jiajia got in the car, started the engine, and continued driving.

Through the rearview mirror

Xu Jiajia saw the girl chasing the jeep with tears in her eyes: "Sister, sister, you must remember to come find me."

She sighed softly.


How come this girl is so attached to her!

"Don't worry, sister won't forget."

Wang Hao wiped her tears after the jeep disappeared from her sight, tilted her head and looked at the village chief: "Old man, who are you?"

Without waiting for the village chief to speak, she covered her chest with a panicked look: "You, you want to bully me?"

Village chief: "..."

The damn girl did it on purpose, right?

"I almost worship you as my ancestor, how dare I bully you?"

Wang Hao didn't listen. She shouted on the street with a bald head: "Help, someone is bullying me, wuwuwu... Help, I'm going to be beaten to death!"

The village chief was almost mad at her. He said that this girl couldn't leave Xu Gongan. Once she left, she would be wrong: "Look carefully who I am, I am the village chief, the village chief."

The village chief was almost broken by her.

Passersby heard the shouting, ran over angrily, grabbed the village chief's arm and wanted to send him to the Public Security Bureau: "You dare to commit a crime at the door of the Public Security Bureau? Do you think the Public Security Bureau is a decoration?"

The village chief almost had a heart attack: "I didn't, I am the village chief, she is from our village, I brought her out to find someone."

The passerby didn't believe it: "She obviously doesn't know you, you hateful old man, you trafficked people, and you dare to quibble!"

The village chief was so angry that he trembled all over: "I am not a human trafficker, go to the Public Security Bureau and ask Huang Gongan, she knows me."

Damn it!

He is a red and scary party member, but he was regarded as a human trafficker. Is there any justice in the world!

The passerby grabbed the village chief's arm and wanted to go to the Public Security Bureau. The village chief pointed at Wang Hao who was standing in the middle of the horse: "Let me go, it's not safe for her to stand there."

The passerby hesitated, and finally grabbed the village chief's arm and walked to the middle of the road. He tried to pull Wang Hao, but Wang Hao was regarded as a bad guy by him and punched him in the stomach.

The passerby bent over in pain, and after a moment's rest, he raised his head and looked at Wang Hao with gritted teeth: "I pulled you away with good intentions, but you hit me? You are repaying kindness with hatred!"

Wang Hao tilted his head and looked at the passerby: "Bad guys, bad guys, you are all bad guys."

The passerby who was a little slow noticed that something was wrong with Wang Hao. He pointed at Wang Hao's head and said, "Is there something wrong with her?"

Without waiting for the village chief to speak, Wang Hao bit the passerby's finger.

"Ahhh... let me go." The passerby's facial features were squeezed together in pain: "Ahhh... I will never meddle in other people's business again."

The village chief had a headache. This dead girl was too difficult to control: "Let him go quickly."

Wang Hao loosened his teeth, with innocence on his face, a trace of simplicity in his eyes, and a trace of stupidity: "He is a bad guy."

The passerby quickly retracted his hand. When he heard Wang Hao say that he was a bad guy, he was so angry that he fell backwards: "I am not, I shouldn't meddle in other people's business."

Leaving this sentence, the passerby left angrily.

The village chief was afraid that Wang Hao would run to the road again, so he grabbed Wang Hao's arm: "I am old and can't stand the stimulation. Please let me go."

Wang Hao: "..."

After saying so much, I couldn't understand a word.

The village chief dragged people to a nearby state-owned restaurant. He ordered three dishes, which cost exactly five yuan in total.

After ordering the dishes.

Turning around, he found that Wang Hao had run away again.

He was so annoyed that his chest hurt: "Wang Hao, if you run around again, I will tell Xu Gongan."

As soon as he said this, Wang Hao's feet paused, then he pulled the corner of his clothes, twisted his buttocks, and walked slowly over.

The village chief seemed to have mastered the traffic password and mentioned Xu Gongan several times. As he expected, Wang Hao became much more honest.

The village chief was overjoyed: "If you are obedient, I will say more good things about you to Xu Gongan next time he comes to our village."

Wang Hao's eyes twinkled when he heard it, like the bright star in the sky: "Okay, you can't lie."

The village chief grinned: "No lie, no lie."

The dishes came up soon.

Although the village chief is an official, he rarely goes to state-owned restaurants.

Seeing the dishes coming.

He swallowed his saliva and couldn't wait to pick up the chopsticks to eat.

He was fast.

Wang Hao was faster.

She didn't use chopsticks, she just grabbed with her hands.

The village chief felt that his heart was about to break. Damn, the dead girl's hand just touched her butt.

"Auntie, please be a human being!"

Wang Hao grabbed a handful of meat and put it in her mouth, tilted her head and looked at the village chief: "I'm not a grandma, I'm a fool, and I'm also good."

The village chief asked the sky speechlessly: "..."

After staying with the fool for a long time, he also became stupid, and actually said such words to the fool!

If she could understand, she wouldn't torture him so much!

"Use chopsticks to eat, otherwise, I will tell Xu Public Security that you grab the food with your hands."

Wang Hao immediately picked up the chopsticks and started to pick up the food.

The village chief laughed, hum, I can't cure you!


On the other side.

Xu Jiajia sent Li Matchmaker to rent a house first.

There are not enough rooms in the family compound, and so many people can't live there.

She arranged for Li Matchmaker to live in a rented house.

After putting down the things, she took Li Matchmaker to the family compound.

The guard saluted Xu Jiajia.

Xu Jiajia also saluted back.

Seeing this sacred and solemn scene, Li Matchmaker also saluted the guard in an irregular way.

Xu Jiajia parked the car under the sycamore tree: "Auntie, we're here."

There are several buildings in the family compound.

They are all red brick and black tile buildings.

The wires are suspended in the air like spider webs.

There are many osmanthus trees planted on both sides of the building.

The breeze blows, and the strong fragrance comes to the nose.

Li Matchmaker's heart is pounding. It is indeed a big city, everything is good!

When the big mouth in the family compound saw Xu Jiajia bringing a stranger back, she asked, "Xu Gongan, what kind of relative is she to you?"

Xu Jiajia said calmly, "An aunt from my hometown."

Big Mouth is not actually called this name, but she has a big mouth and loves gossip, so the military wives in the family compound gave her this nickname.

She smiled and approached Xu Jiajia, rolled her eyes and asked, "Do you know about Hu Guang's family?"

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