The old man was very tired, and the old man was very tired.

In the area west of the lower city, there is a quaint rock building.

Domiya Orphanage, which is said to have been a monastery a long time ago, has a history of more than 200 years and consists of several high-rise buildings that look like castles.

There are usually few people coming and going here, only a group of abandoned children who will laugh and play outside when the weather is good.

Nina led Shentong to the door of the orphanage, and each of them held a piece of bread in their hands.

"Domiya Children's Shelter..."

Shentong raised his head and looked at the old and dilapidated old building in front of him.

"Is this the free accommodation you mentioned?"

"Yes, don't worry, no one will find it." Nina turned around and smiled at him.

Shen Tong was so angry that he almost rolled his eyes. It turned out that the free accommodation was to live in an orphanage.

"Are you kidding me? I'm not an orphan. Will they agree to let me live here?"

Shen Tong then said angrily. He felt that he was fooled.

"Why are you angry?"

"I say you are such a jerk. Can't you just listen to what others say first?"

Nina also got angry and stared at Shen Tong with her sea-blue eyes.

"There are very few children here, so the rooms on the upper floors are empty. As long as you go in quietly, you won't be discovered."

"What if you are discovered?"

"Don't worry, go in through the back door and tell people that you are my friend."

Nina patted her chest and assured him.

Although Shen Tong felt speechless, he urgently needed a stable residence at the moment. He couldn't just go to sleep in the bell tower like yesterday.

Then, he followed Nina into the room through the back door.

The interior of the orphanage is completely different from the exterior. It is almost empty, without any decorations, and the few furnitures are old and broken. People who don't know would think that it has been abandoned for a long time.



The two walked on the old and aged floor, making a unique sound in the quiet corridor.

Along the way, Shen Tong saw children playing games together in the room, most of whom were about the same age as his younger brother Eric.

"There are more than 30 orphans adopted here, and the oldest is already 15 years old."

"After you are over 16 years old in the orphanage, you will be arranged by the director to work and live outside."

"But... the premise is that you can live to that time..."

Nina introduced Shen Tong on the way, but her tone was obviously very sad when she talked about 16 years old.

Due to the poor living conditions in the orphanage, only a few can live to 16 years old, and most of them will be eliminated due to malnutrition.

Shen Tong looked at Nina in silence. He had just seen that some of the children in the room were skinny, and coupled with the quiet and dark environment, he could guess that life here was indeed very depressing.

Soon after, the two came to the fourth floor.

Here, Nina opened a door with a key and led Shen Tong in.

"Okay, this is where I live."

Nina introduced after closing the door.

Shen Tong stood at the door and looked carefully. The room in front of him seemed very narrow, about the size of a storage room. There was only a bed, a table, a chair, and a wardrobe full of age, and no furniture.

"You live here?"

Shen Tong looked at her in disbelief.

"Yes, you think how good the conditions are, all the rooms in the orphanage are like this."

Shen Tong couldn't help but sigh after hearing this. He didn't expect the living conditions in the orphanage to be so difficult.

At this moment, he seemed to understand why Nina would run to be a pickpocket.

"Come and sit down. I don't have much here, so I can't treat you."

Nina brought a broken chair and invited him to sit down and rest.

Shen Tong walked over and handed her half a piece of bread.

"Don't you want to eat?" Nina asked curiously.

"You eat it, I'm full." Shen Tong looked at her and smiled.

He bought bread on the way here, which was also a promise to the other party, but after seeing Nina's living situation, he decided to give her the rest.

Nina took the bread without hesitation and took a big bite.

"You are such a weird person. I stole your money and you still treated me to food."

"But then again, you do look weird. This is the first time I've seen a face like you."

Nina suddenly stared at Shen Tong's face and eyes at a close distance like a curious baby.

"I have the blood of a distant alien race, so I look different."

Shen Tong could only find an excuse to cover up his appearance.

"It turned out to be

I see. "

"But black hair and black eyes are also pretty good looking. It is said that those with such features may be the heirs of royal nobles."

"By the way, you are quite fast, you can catch up with me even if I run so fast."

"How about... become a thief with me."

Nina kept talking like a chatterbox, and even invited him to be a pickpocket together.

Shentong saw her mouth twitching, and it would be a shame for him to be a thief.

"By the way, you haven't told me what you are going to do in the city."

Nina asked again at this time.

"Oh, I went to the city to find a job. "

Shen Tong told Nina the lie he had told Jeff again.

Finding a job was just an excuse, the real purpose was naturally to find a way to improve his strength.

After completing the first kill mission, the system left one more mission to do.

That was to kill Barty Bine.

To be honest, Shen Tong didn't want to do this mission. In addition to the small reward and lack of challenge, he really didn't need to offend the gang again.

But the system told him that the main mission would be updated automatically only after the mission was completed, which forced Shen Tong to make long-term plans.

So he had to find a place to stay to facilitate future actions.

Now he had a place to stay, but the source of funds became a problem.

The money Jeff gave before he left was enough for three days at most, plus he just bought bread, which was less than two days of living expenses. Shen Tong couldn't just eat up all the money.

Therefore, he had to solve the income problem first.

"So you came out to find a job, you are really sensible."

"But you are about the same age as me, and you have no choice except being a newspaper boy and a postman. "

Nina looked at him and said playfully.

"Nina, besides newspaper boys and postmen, are there any high-paying jobs that ordinary people can do, preferably one that can earn 20 yuan a day."

Shen Tong asked.

"You probably can't find a job that earns 20 yuan a day at your age."

Nina looked at him in surprise after hearing this.

"It doesn't matter, I have the strength, and I can endure even physical work."

"Then let me think about it."

"It's really hard to find a job at your age. If there is one, I might do it myself."

"Unless... you're a bounty hunter."

"Bounty hunter? "Shen Tong was surprised when he heard this.

Of course he had heard of this profession. It belonged to an organization managed by the church. It made a living by taking bounty missions. The higher the bounty for the captured criminals, the more income it would earn.

Of course, the risk was certainly great.

Many bounty hunters even lost their lives in order to complete the mission.

And there are two types of bounty hunters, one is responsible for dealing with ordinary criminals, and the other is responsible for dealing with vampires.

The threshold for the former is very low. As long as you are over 12 years old, you can join a team or create a team to get a certificate.

The threshold for the latter is very high. You must have professional knowledge of dealing with vampires and have clear enough certificates to get a certificate.

Shen Tong is very interested in vampire hunters, but he can't compete with vampires at the moment.

So the remaining choice is to become an ordinary bounty hunter.

"I just happened to be over 12 years old, reaching the threshold to become a bounty hunter. ”

“Remember that the bounty for the gangster Batty Bairn is 1,000. The system also has a task for me to kill him, so I might as well kill two birds with one stone.”

Shen Tong thinks that being a bounty hunter is more suitable for him. First, it is more free, and the other is that the income is considerable. The most important thing is that it is linked to fighting.

If you want to become stronger, you can't avoid fighting. Only through fighting can you train and grow.

“I have decided to be a bounty hunter.”

Shen Tong then raised his head and said firmly.

“Huh! No way, I was just talking casually.”

After hearing this, Nina looked at him with a shocked face: “Don’t you know the entry requirements for being a bounty hunter?”

“Isn’t it enough to be 12 years old?”

“That’s right, but you must have at least a pistol to register your information.”

“Do you know how much a pistol costs? At least 200 yuan! "Nina said excitedly.

However, Shentong smiled after hearing this, because he got two revolvers when he killed Rick, which saved him the money to raise guns.

"The gun is easy, I have it."

He put his hands behind his back and took out Rick and Ur's pistols from the space warehouse.

When Nina saw the two revolvers, she was stunned. She couldn't imagine that the boy in front of her had such weapons.

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