The old man was very happy.

Xu Jiajia knew Xu Jianguo's ability better than anyone else, and she couldn't say anything against her conscience: "I'm afraid I won't be the factory director in this life. As for the director, if you work harder, there is still hope."

Xu Jianguo was a man who refused to admit defeat. He frowned and looked unhappy: "Who said I can't be the factory director? As long as I work hard, there is nothing I can't do!"

Xu Jiajia didn't discourage him. She said perfunctorily: "Yes, time will prove everything. Come on!"

Xu Jianguo: "..."

So perfunctory.

Little Star also clenched his fist, his eyes sparkling: "Ya ya ya..."

Grandpa, come on, come on, Little Star bets one cent of New Year's money that you can be a factory director in the future!

Little Star's fist was raised very vigorously, Xu Jianguo was very happy, he picked up Little Star and kissed him on the forehead twice: "Little Star, do you also think Grandpa can succeed?"

Little Star seemed to understand, and responded with babbling.

Xu Jianguo laughed even more happily, he glanced at Xu Jiajia provocatively: "Little Star said I can succeed, I will definitely succeed, you don't have the vision of Little Star."

Xu Jiajia: "The naughty kid thinks you are teasing him, he doesn't understand what you are saying at all!"

Xu Jianguo: "..."

This girl can't be kept!

On August 15th.

Xu Jiajia received a letter from Liao Mei.

In the letter, she told Xu Jiajia that she was pregnant.

She also said that she wanted to follow the army, but there was no suitable house in the family compound, so she could only wait.

She also told Xu Jiajia.

Her aunt was doing well in the factory and became a squad leader. Someone pursued her, but she rejected him.

Liao Mei wrote four pages of paper.

Each page was a miss for Xu Jiajia.

After reading it, Xu Jiajia folded the letter back into the envelope and put it in the drawer.

When she was about to leave the office to discuss things with the director, Wang Hao's class teacher came.

Xu Jiajia poured a glass of water for the class teacher and asked, "Teacher Cheng, how is Haohao doing in school?"

The class teacher came to Xu Jiajia this time for Wang Hao: "Xu Gongan, Wang Hao is very smart, has a strong ability to accept, and is a good seedling for studying, but her thinking is too active, and our teaching method is not suitable for her."

Xu Jiajia understood: "I know, thank you Teacher Cheng for telling me this."

Xu Jiajia did not leave early today.

She was waiting for Wang Hao at the entrance of the cafeteria.

Wang Hao was eating in the cafeteria.

Every time after school, she would go to the cafeteria before going home.

When Wang Hao saw Xu Jiajia, her chubby face showed surprise. She ran over with bright eyes: "Sister, are you waiting for me?"

Xu Jiajia nodded and called Wang Hao aside: "How are you doing in school?"

Wang Hao pouted: "The teacher taught too easily, I know everything, and I have also finished learning the junior high school content. Sister, can I go to the high school department?"

At this moment, Xu Jiajia was shocked: "You have also finished learning the junior high school content?"

This girl has been in school for less than two months.

Who can compete with this degree of perversion!

Wang Hao said happily: "Well, it's very simple. I am now exposed to high school knowledge. Sister, I like physics, mathematics and chemistry."

Xu Jiajia stroked her chin, wondering if she should find a university teacher for Wang Hao.

Although many university teachers have become the "five black categories" these days, as long as you look for them sincerely, you can still find a suitable one.

"Take it easy, don't get too tired."

Wang Hao grinned, her eyes bright and spring-like: "Not tired, learning is very interesting."

During this period, Wang Hao has been normal.

She wore clean and new clothes, carried a military schoolbag, and looked energetic and sunny.

It was hard to tell that she had ever been stupid.

Xu Jiajia chatted with Wang Hao for a while, and then rode back.

As soon as she arrived at the gate of the family compound.

She saw Li Lihua pulling with a man.

The man was tall and mighty, with a scar on his left cheek.

The scar was very long.

From the chin to the corner of the eye.

It looked very scary.

Li Lihua saw Xu Jiajia coming over here, and a plan came to her mind. She approached the man and said a lot in her ear.

The man looked at Xu Jiajia from time to time, and when he saw the uniform on her, he was a little afraid: "This is not good, after all, she is also a police officer!"

Li Lihua lied to the man: "She is not a police officer, the clothes were given to her by someone else, as long as you sleep with her, I will give it to you, including everything you want, I will give it to you."

This condition made the man very excited, and his eyes were full of excitement

With surprise, her voice also rose a lot: "Really? You didn't lie to me?"

Li Lihua was afraid that Xu Jiajia would hear it, so she hissed and warned the man: "Speak softly, if she hears it, you will suffer the consequences!"

The man looked at Xu Jiajia again, and when he saw that she didn't look at this side, he smiled sinisterly: "Don't worry, she won't hear it."

After entering the house, Xu Jiajia learned from the system that Li Lihua wanted to frame her.

She planned to use the trick against her.

That's right.

The system has been repaired and new functions have been discovered.

Not only does it have a lot of melons, it can also identify good and bad people, and can also reveal some other people's conspiracies and some important information to her.

[What is the background of that man? ]

[Host, the man's name is Liu Hu. Before liberation, his family was a bandit. Later, he made meritorious contributions in fighting the Japanese devils, and his grandfather got a position in the village.

He had an affair with Li Lihua, and the child was also his.

He came to Li Lihua this time just to see his son.

Li Lihua was afraid that others would find out, so she didn't agree.

Seeing you, the host, she wanted Liu Hu to sleep with you and ruin your reputation. 】

Xu Jiajia's mouth curled up with a bloodthirsty arc.

[Overestimate your own abilities. 】

Guagua agreed crazily.

[Yes, yes, overestimate your own abilities. 】

Hearing her inner voice, Mrs. Xu's eyes flashed with a hint of coldness. The bitch next door dared to harm Jiajia, and she must make her pay for it.

Li Lihua didn't know that her vicious plan had been known by Xu Jiajia. She hummed a song and went home. When she passed by Xu's house, she looked inside and saw two children lying in the stroller and blowing bubbles.

A dark light flashed in her eyes, and a vicious plan came to her mind: if she killed the two children when the adults were away, Deputy Battalion Chief Shen would definitely blame Xu Jiajia, the bitch.

When the two quarreled, she could turn into a caring sister and comfort Deputy Battalion Commander Shen, and then, and then...

When Li Lihua thought of Shen Yuebai, her whole body was like chicken blood, her eyes were lustful and fearless, as if she was very sure that no one would find out that she was doing something bad.

Xiao Chenchen and Xiao Xingxing felt the full malice in Li Lihua, and before Li Lihua could make a move, the two of them burst into tears as if they had discussed it.

The cry was earth-shaking and deafening, as if they were beaten up.

Li Lihua didn't expect the two children to cry suddenly. She cursed secretly and turned around to escape, but was stopped by Xu Jiajia and Old Lady Xu at the same time: "Comrade Li, you bullied my son?"

"Comrade Li, you bullied my great-grandson and you still want to escape?

Damn it, if you don't give me an explanation today, I'll lift the roof of your house!"

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