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It's really hard to say this. Shen Yuebai was silent for a moment and changed the subject and said: "Special forces are completely different from public security. Relatively speaking, special forces are much more dangerous and have many tasks. Unlike being a public security officer, they just investigate cases.

Tell me, what do you think above?

Knowing that you have two children, why did they recruit you specifically?

Don't they know that when they have children, they will have worries and distractions? "

Xu Jiajia couldn't understand the thoughts above. She hugged Shen Yuebai back and said, "Don't worry about what the above think. After I go there next month, I will know what's going on.

I'm here to give me a house and settle my household registration. Are you over there? "

This topic almost made Shen Yuebai shut down: "Nothing."

Xu Jiajia just found it incredible. They were also transferred, but the difference was so big!

After a long time, Xu Jiajia held back a sentence, but it didn't mean to belittle, it was more of a joke: "Maybe you haven't worked hard enough, come on!"

Shen Yuebai scratched Xu Jiajia's palm: "Don't I work hard enough? At this age, there are very few people who can reach my height."

Speaking of this, Shen Yuebai thought of his nemesis Han Chengxuan, who was also very capable: "By the way, besides Chen Ji and I, there is also Han Chengxuan who is going to Kyoto this time."

Xu Jiajia was very unfamiliar with this name: "Who is he?"

Shen Yuebai flipped Xu Jiajia's hair around her ears: "A person with very good abilities, but he just doesn't like me."

Xu Jiajia asked: "Why do I dislike you?"

Shen Yuebai shrugged: "I don't know, it's just inexplicable, but that person has a good character, and although he doesn't like me, he never plays tricks on me, and will only use his strength to defeat me during competitions. "

Xu Jiajia smiled: "He is not a mortal enemy, he is competing with you."

Shen Yuebai thought of Han Chengxuan's title of second-in-command and smiled: "Maybe."

When Hehua learned that Xu Jiajia was going to Kyoto, she was stunned for a while before finding her voice: "Will you live there permanently in the future?"

Xu Jiajia nodded: "If nothing else happens, it should be."

As a good sister, Hehua was not only happy for Xu Jiajia, but also said many blessings: "Jiajia, I wish you a bright future.

I wish you to move forward bravely on the road of life and continue to climb new heights. "

Xu Jiajia hooked Hehua's neck: "I have received your blessing. Let's work together and have a bright future."

The day before Xu Jiajia was about to leave Su City, Xu Xiaoyao also brought good news: "Jiajia, I can go to Kyoto too."

Xu Jiajia was surprised: "Go and study?"

Xu Xiaoyao nodded excitedly: "Well, there is only one place, and the candidate will be selected through an examination, and I won the first place."

Xu Jiajia gave a thumbs up: "Not bad, not bad. How long will it take?"

"After four months, you can take the CET-4 exam after you come back."

Xu Jiajia knew that Xu Xiaoyao's achievements were inseparable from her hard work: "Well, come on, after passing Level 4, your salary will increase again."

Xu Xiaoyao looked into the distance and said her dream: "I want to become an engineer. I am currently learning engineering knowledge. If Kyoto allows me to stay, I will even start over."

Kyoto is the capital of the country, and its resources are definitely much better than here.

Although Xu Jiajia is not motivated herself, she likes friends who are motivated. She gave Xu Xiaoyao a hug: "As long as you work hard enough, there will always be a chance."

Xu Jiajia's family came to Kyoto in the May wind.

Got off the train.

Xu Jianguo looked at the bustling crowd and took a breath: "As expected of the capital, this sea of ​​people shocked me in the countryside!"

Mrs. Xu was afraid that he would get lost, so she glared at him: "Watch the road carefully."

Xu Jianguo carried the snakeskin bag: "I know!"

There are too many people.

Xu Jiajia and others were squeezed into the crowd and almost dispersed.

When she was about to go up the steps, Matchmaker Li felt someone touching her butt. She turned around and kicked the person walking behind her: "You motherfucker, you stinking scoundrel, if you dare to touch my butt, I will kick you to death." !”

Seeing that the person being kicked was only in his twenties, Matchmaker Li became even more angry: "Damn it, if you don't learn well at a young age, I'll beat you to death!"

The man who was kicked did not expect Matchmaker Li to be so tough, so he was so frightened that he quickly said: "I didn't, you are wrong."

After saying these words, the man squeezed out of the crowd and ran away in a swish.

Mrs. Xu looked at Matchmaker Li who looked unhappy and asked:

"Did that man really touch your butt?"

Matchmaker Li nodded: "How could this be false? What kind of young people are these days!"

Old Lady Xu sighed: "If this happened outside, I would definitely report it to the police!"

Matchmaker Li: "Of course."

It's crowded here, and it's not easy to operate, otherwise I would definitely report it to the police.

After squeezing for a long time, I finally got out of the ticket check.

Walked out of the hall.

From a distance, I saw two men in military uniforms holding a sign with Xu Jiajia's name.

Xu Jianguo pointed at the sign and said excitedly: "Girl, the person who picked us up is there."

Xu Jiajia and her group walked over.

The tall soldier asked: "Are you Xu Jiajia?"

Xu Jiajia nodded: "Yes, Xu Jiajia from Su City."

The tall soldier looked at Xu Jiajia's letter of introduction and asked a few more questions. Xu Jiajia answered them one by one

Confirming that there was no problem.

Only then did he help them carry their luggage.

The receptionist came in a military jeep.

They put the luggage in the trunk and arranged for several people to sit down before starting the car.

Among the few people, Li Matchmaker and Xu Jianguo were the most excited.

Sitting in the car, looking at the scenery outside, I felt that it was particularly beautiful, even the sky was bluer than that in Suzhou.

The row of weeping willows beside the lake was particularly spectacular.

The delicate willow leaves were like shy little girls, unwilling to stick their heads out to look around for a long time, hiding their tender green bodies well.

A breeze blew by, and the willow branches danced like graceful dancers again.

Xu Jianguo was stunned. He pointed at the weeping willow and said, "This, this tree is so beautiful. There is no such tree in Suzhou."

Old lady Xu had never seen it before: "I don't know what kind of tree it is."

Xu Jiajia explained the confusion for everyone: "This is a weeping willow."

Xu Jianguo said with a sigh: "It's so beautiful. The trees in Kyoto are more beautiful than those in other places."

Matchmaker Li was holding Little Star. Seeing something strange, she said to him: "Little Star, do you know what that is?"

Little Star blinked and said softly: "Phuket Island."

"That is the Friendship Store. You need foreign exchange coupons to buy the things inside. Those who enter the store are special people, such as foreign experts, diplomats, overseas Chinese, Chinese delegations visiting abroad, etc."

Country bumpkin Matchmaker Li and Xu Jianguo dropped their jaws when they heard this. Who are these people? It's the first time they have heard of them.

The tall soldier driving the car also said: "All those who go into the Friendship Store are rich people, and many of the things inside are from abroad."

Xu Jianguo looked like he had never seen the world: "I have never seen a foreigner in my life, and I don't know if foreigners have an extra pair of eyes or an extra nose than us."

The tall soldier choked: "People have two eyes, a nose, and a mouth. The difference is that foreigners have different skin from us. We have yellow skin, but some foreigners have white skin and some have black skin.

The hair is also different. For example, in the United States, their hair is golden and flaxen..."

Xu Jianguo, who had been in Suzhou for two years, thought he had some experience. When he arrived in Kyoto, he found that he was no different from a frog in a well. He sighed.

Then, thinking that she was able to come to Kyoto because of her daughter, she felt proud: "It's better to raise a daughter! My daughter can take me to see the world, but sons are different. Not only should I marry them, but I should also build houses for them.

Those who favor sons over daughters, I don't know what they think. They can't even calculate such a simple account."

Li Matchmaker has the most say in this matter: "Isn't it like this? Marrying a daughter-in-law is a small matter. Raising a grandson is tiring!"


The house arranged by the state is a four-room set with two entrances.

And the location is also quite good.

Not long away from the Forbidden City.

Not to mention other people, even Xu Jiajia was shocked by the state's generosity. She put Xiao Chenchen in the arms of Old Lady Xu and rubbed her hands excitedly: "Comrade, this, this house will be mine in the future!"

The tall soldier nodded: "Yes, this house was applied for for you by the leadership against all odds."

The design of the gate of the quadrangle courtyard is simple and reveals a strong cultural atmosphere.

Exquisite wooden hanging flower door hangings, dripping tiles with exquisite patterns... Although not magnificent, it is antique.

Walk into the gate.

The road from the gate to the main house is paved with the most classic Tanglian floor tiles. The exquisite three-dimensional brick carving patterns not only increase the sense of extension of the space, but also make the whole courtyard look unique and elegant.

The courtyard surrounded by green plants and flowers looks vibrant.

Matchmaker Li was shocked and blurted out: "Is this a house I can live in?"

Not to mention Matchmaker Li was shocked, even Mrs. Xu, who had never been very excited, was so surprised that she couldn't speak. After a long time, she said: "This house is really good, our house is really good.

Can ordinary people live there?"

The tall soldier smiled: "Comrade Xu Jiajia was specifically requested by the leader. Her talent for solving cases is known to the leaders of the Kyoto Public Security Bureau and the military region.

Several leaders felt that she was not qualified enough to be the deputy director and could not give full play to her talents and talents, so they made an exception to recruit her into the army."

Old Mrs. Xu thought she was going to be a leader in the army. She smiled and praised her granddaughter: "That's right. My Jiajia loves what she does. As long as she wants to do it, she will definitely do it well!"

Matchmaker Li was envious: "The treatment of this team is too good. They even give away houses. No wonder so many people want to join the army!"

The tall soldier smiled: "Not everyone has such good treatment. As far as I know, Comrade Xu Jiajia is a special case."

Matchmaker Li wowed and started to praise: "Jiajia is really amazing. Before she joined the army, she could get a house from the leader. Her future achievements will definitely be great.


People in your hometown know that you are so amazing, and they will worship you.


I will write a letter back to tell my family about this and ask them to spread the word. "

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