The truth is that he must have done a lot of shameful things.

Xu Jiajia asked the system.

【What gossips are there in the Wang family? All exposed. 】

【Okay. Wang Juan's brother Wang Huan is having an affair with a widow.

Although Wang Juan is not married, she is very playful. She doesn't really like Han Chengxuan. It was Han Chengxuan who rejected her, which made her feel very embarrassed.

She has several lovers outside, some are married, some are unmarried, and some are more than ten years older than her.

Wang's father is even more ruthless.

The son is not doing well, so he practices trumpet outside.

Let me take a look.

Oh my god.

There are actually three trumpets.

The oldest is eighteen, the oldest is twenty-four, and the other is only five.

No wonder some people say that men are teenagers until they die. His ability to have children is the same as that of young people.

However, if he finds a young wife who is eighteen years younger than himself, he can't do it without working hard. He is afraid that he can't satisfy his young wife and she will cheat outside. 】

After listening, Xu Jiajia was silent for a few seconds and continued to chat with the system.

[Isn't it said that in this era, the investigation of work style issues is particularly strict? How dare they do this? 】

[It's normal to do it secretly. 】

[I will write a report letter tomorrow. 】

[It must be written, host, the king's father is still a spy, and the young wife he keeps outside is given to him by Country Y. 】

Xu Jiajia paused.

She said that only people with bad hearts would do things to frame Han Chengxuan.


Xu Jiajia just stepped into the door.

The two children threw down their toys and stumbled over, each holding one of her thighs.

"Mom, Mom..."

Xiao Xingxing shouted more than a dozen times in a row like firecrackers.

Xiao Chenchen only shouted twice.

Xu Jiajia put the net bag she brought back from Han's house aside, held one in each hand, and then kissed them on the face: "Do you miss your mom?"

"Yes--" the two brothers said in unison.

Due to her pregnancy, Xu Jiajia only held the two children for a while before putting them down.

When Old Lady Xu saw that they brought back a lot of things, she raised her eyebrows slightly: "Why did you send so many things back?"

Xu Jiajia took out a red envelope from her pocket and opened it. There were five big unity notes in it: "Not only did they send so many things, but they also gave me a red envelope of fifty yuan. This time the Han family really spent a lot of money."

Matchmaker Li also took it out and counted it, and it was also fifty: "In the countryside, fifty yuan can marry a daughter-in-law."

She got the red envelope because of the Xu family, so she felt that this red envelope should not belong to her: "Sister-in-law, here you go."

Old Lady Xu glanced at her: "Take it, you deserve it."

Matchmaker Li hesitated: "Not good, this is fifty, not five yuan."

Old Lady Xu said with great wealth: "I am not short of money."

Matchmaker Li finally accepted it.


In mid-June.

Wang Juan was planning to ask Han Chengxuan out in the name of Xu Xiaoyao, and their family received a letter of denunciation.

The letter was very long.

Write down everything they did.

Even the time and place were clearly written.

The Revolutionary Committee immediately sent people to investigate.

These were all facts.

They could not withstand investigation at all.

In less than a day, the Revolutionary Committee came to arrest people.

Everyone in the compound was alarmed.

"Oh my God! What's going on?"

"I don't know, let's go and take a look!"

"Looking at this situation, it's a big deal!"

"I heard that Lao Wang is a traitor, I don't know if it's true or not!"

"I haven't heard of this, but I heard that Wang Huan had an affair with a widow outside, and the report said that he had a problem with his work style."

"Ah, isn't it because Wang Juan was playing around and had several lovers outside, and the Revolutionary Committee received a report and came to the door?"

"What! Who did you hear that from?"

"I heard from a friend that those who had relationships with Wang Juan were all arrested by the Revolutionary Committee.

Tsk, I really didn't see it at all. Judging from her appearance, she is quite gentle and pure.

I didn't expect it to be so exciting. With so many relationships at a time, can you manage your time? Aren't you afraid of getting sick?"

"It's so intense, how can you not get pregnant?"

"Who knows! Anyway, the Wang family is finished."

Wang Huan and his sister are not soldiers, and their affairs are managed by the people of the Revolutionary Committee.

Wang's father was in charge of Xu Jiajia's department.

When the door of the small dark room opened.

When Xu Jiajia came to Wang's father against the light, he was surprised: "Why is it you?"

Xu Jiajia sat opposite him,

Crossing his legs, he said nonchalantly: "Why can't it be me? Are you confessing?"

Wang's father thought Xu Jiajia was just guessing and had no evidence, so he tried to make a last-ditch effort: "I'm not guilty, why should I confess?"

Xu Jiajia smiled, she took out a small notebook from her pocket and nonchalantly read out Wang's father's charges.

Every time Xu Jiajia said one, Wang's father's face changed.

After saying the last one, Xu Jiajia looked up at Wang's father: "Do you need me to tell you about the posture you had when you had sex with your concubine?"

Wang's father's pupils shrank, and he looked at Xu Jiajia in horror.

When did she start checking?

She checked so clearly!

Xu Jiajia closed the notebook and continued to ask: "Do you plead guilty?"

After saying that, without waiting for Wang's father to answer, she raised a bloodthirsty arc at the corner of her mouth and continued: "It doesn't matter if you don't plead guilty, because your little wife has already admitted it."

Wang's father: "..."


Wang Juan and her brother had an affair and were sent to a northwest farm.

The people there are all criminals. If you go there, your life will definitely be worse than death.

The day she was taken away.

Wang Juan was numb.

She didn't know how it turned out like this?

Obviously no one had discovered it before, why did this matter come to light as soon as Han Chengxuan found a partner?


Xu Jiajia's ability made the leader praise her.

"Fortunately, Comrade Xu Jiajia found something wrong, otherwise, it would be our country that would be in trouble!"

"It's really amazing! He brought down that dead traitor in one day!"

"Yes, no wonder that person opened the back door and gave the house.

With her, the army must be clean."

Xu Jiajia didn't expect that one case would convince everyone.

She was about to leave work when her leader suddenly called her: "Comrade Xu Jiajia, how did you find out that Lao Wang was a traitor?"

The system cannot be exposed, so Xu Jiajia can only lie with open eyes: "I saw him having a concubine. At that time, I only saw his back and was not very sure, so I didn't alarm him.

Later, I followed him twice and found that he also had a family outside.

Then I went all out and simply investigated everyone in his family. I didn't expect that none of them were innocent."

Wang's mother also had problems, but compared with Wang's father, Wang Juan and Wang Huan, her problems can be ignored.

The leader gave a thumbs up: "What a great job! This is how investigations should be done.

No wonder the higher-ups asked you to stay in the army, you are really suitable for this department!"



It was the third month of Xu Jiajia's pregnancy.

Others were just showing signs of pregnancy at three months, but she was already very pregnant at three months.

Shen Yuebai, who had not been home for a month, was surprised and delighted to see Xu Jiajia's belly: "Wife, you are not pregnant with two more babies, are you?"

Xu Jiajia touched her belly: "I don't know, I haven't gone for a check-up yet. Are you free tomorrow? If so, accompany me to the hospital."

If you don't have it, you have to have it: "Yes, you must have it."

Xiao Xingxing and Xiao Chenchen saw their father coming back, and they were as happy as little birds, running over to hug his legs: "Dad, Dad, I want to read comic books."

"Dad, I want toys."

The one who said he wanted to read comic books was Xiao Chenchen.

The other one was Xiao Xingxing.

"What a sweet burden." Shen Yuebai saw a pendant on each foot, smiled and rubbed their heads: "Dad came back directly this time, and didn't go to the department store. Tomorrow, Dad will accompany Mom to have a checkup, and then go to buy you, okay?"

The two children were also sensible. They nodded and said in unison: "Okay!"

Grandma Xu glanced at Shen Yuebai: "Don't be too dependent on them. We bought so many picture books at home, enough for them to read."

"And toys, too. Whose children have so many toys? I don't know how many are in their stomachs! It's better to save more money!"

Xiaochen Chen hesitated for a moment, but decided to give up: "Dad, don't buy it, save the money for my brother."

Xiao Xingxing corrected with a stern face: "It's a sister, not a brother."

Xiao Chenchen didn't argue with Xiao Xingxing about other things, but he was very serious about the gender of the second child: "It's a brother."

Xiao Xingxing looked at Xiao Chenchen fiercely: "It's a sister, silly."

Xiao Chenchen said word by word: "It's a brother."

Xu Jiajia was headached by the quarrel, she said: "Two, two, a brother and a sister, it's okay!"

The two little guys stopped quarreling.


The next morning.

Xu Jiajia was still asleep, and Shen Yuebai woke up.

He didn't get out of bed to wash, but leaned over and put his ear to Xu Jiajia's belly.

After listening for a while, he didn't hear anything, and he whispered to the child in his belly: "Baby, I

It's dad, you have to be obedient in there. "

Although he hasn't gone for a check-up yet, Shen Yuebai firmly believes that they are twins.

Shen Yuebai talked to the child in his belly for a long time before getting out of bed and washing up.

Obstetrics and Gynecology.

After the doctor finished his routine examination, he said: "Triples, pregnant women must pay attention to nutrition and eat more fruits and milk."

[No, there are obviously four. Host, after three months, the children will grow very fast. You need to have a good rest from now on. 】

Xu Jiajia was shocked.

She thought there were only two. The three the doctor said was her limit, but she didn't expect one more.

[I remember that you seem to be able to scan and help me see how the children are developing? 】

[Host, don’t worry about this, the babies are developing well. 】

When Shen Yuebai heard his voice, he was shocked and speechless. Oh my god, four, four, he, is he so powerful?

If the umbrella breaks once, it can hit four!

Coming out of obstetrics and gynecology.

Shen Yuebai's heart was hanging.

I was afraid that passers-by would accidentally bump into Xu Jiajia.

Xu Jiajia was so nervous because of him, she said with a speechless face: "You're making me walk like this with the same hands and feet."

Shen Yuebai originally wanted to go to the department store, but now he felt it was better to send the pregnant woman home first.

When we are almost home.

A street kid suddenly rushed over from the opposite side.

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