The two of them were busy, but the two of them were busy.

"Come back right away, don't delay too long."


Uncle He San passed through several sleeper cars before he came to the ordinary car. He was shocked to see the chaos going on in the car.

Oh my god!

There were chickens, ducks, and everything else, it was like a vegetable market!

Uncle He San walked around and was about to leave when he saw a pickpocket slashing an old man's trouser pocket with a knife.

The old man fell asleep and snored.

He Sanjiu was a man with a strong sense of justice. He couldn't bear to see this, so he walked over quickly and grabbed the pickpocket's hand: "Boy, what are you doing?"

The pickpocket was caught red-handed. He looked very bad, and his eyes were like poison: "None of your business, let me go!"

He Sanjiu was a hot-tempered man. Seeing that the pickpocket didn't repent, he slapped the back of the pickpocket's head: "Damn it, I caught you stealing money from an old man, and you still don't repent. I'll send you to eat peanuts."

The pickpocket's eyes flashed fiercely, and he lowered his head and bit the back of He Sanjiu's hand fiercely.

He Sanjiu felt pain and suddenly let go of the pickpocket's hand.

The pickpocket got himself, picked up a knife and stabbed He Sanjiu, and then ran away.

He originally wanted to stab He Sanjiu's chest, but He Sanjiu deviated and stabbed his arm.

The people around him saw that Uncle He was injured and looked worried: "Ouch, your hand is injured, go find the flight attendant."

Uncle He covered his injured arm and questioned the person who was talking: "When you saw the pickpocket scratching the old man's trouser pocket, why didn't you stop it, but stood there as if nothing happened?"

The man looked distressed: "There were several of them together, all holding knives. We are ordinary people, how dare we compete with these desperate criminals, you run quickly, that person has helpers, he must be looking for help now."

Uncle He was upset, damn, these pickpockets are too arrogant, no, he wants to expose these people.

Before leaving, Uncle He woke up the sleeping old man: "Old man, pay attention to your trouser pockets, there are many pickpockets on the train."

Old man: "Ah, trouser pockets."

The old man looked down and saw that his trouser pockets were bulging, looking like a lot of money.

"It's not money, it's letters, letters written by my son."

Uncle He San: "..."

Uncle He San returned to the carriage and told Uncle He Da and Uncle He Er about the pickpocket.

Uncle He Da saw the wound on his arm and frowned slightly: "You knew he had a knife, but you still approached him. Are you stupid?"

He Taohua tore off a piece of cloth from the corner of his clothes and bandaged his arm: "Brother San, when you meet such a person, you can't confront him head-on."

Uncle He San said angrily: "I heard from people in the carriage that the pickpocket has many accomplices. How much money do they take away when they go out?"

Uncle He Da was silent for a moment before he said: "You lie back on the bed, I'll go outside."

After leaving the carriage, Uncle He Da found the train police and told him about the pickpocket.

The conductor asked, "Do you know which car the pickpocket is in?"

Uncle He shook his head, "I don't know."

The conductor shrugged, "Then there's nothing we can do. We can't search every car one by one."

Uncle He looked disappointed and turned to leave. The conductor said, "This kind of thing happens all the time. There are more than just one or two pickpockets. We can't catch them unless we happen to meet them or they are caught and sent here."

Uncle He: "..."

Uncle He San saw Uncle He enter the car and immediately went to meet him, "Brother, where have you been? Did you catch a pickpocket? Did you catch him?"

Uncle He San asked three questions in a row. Uncle He glanced at him, "Do you think it's so easy to catch a pickpocket? I went to find the conductor. Catching pickpockets is the conductor's job. The train police also said that it is difficult to catch a pickpocket unless you see it on the spot, or someone catches the pickpocket and sends it to them.

You are so capable, how could you let the pickpocket slip away from under your nose? "

Uncle He San touched his nose embarrassedly: "The pickpocket took advantage of my inattention and bit me. I let go of his hand when it hurt!"

Uncle He Da choked: "Don't worry about this matter."

Grandma He saw that the wound on Uncle He San's arm was not deep, and said softly: "I told you not to run around, but you didn't listen.

You, you should stay with your eldest brother in the future and don't cause trouble for us."


The pickpocket hated Uncle He San. He came to the place where he met his companions with a murderous look on his face: "Damn it, if it weren't for that idiot, I would have succeeded long ago!"

The companion asked

: "Found by someone?"

The pickpocket nodded: "Yeah——"

The companion asked: "Do you want revenge?"

The pickpocket smiled sinisterly: "Need I say more?"

"When will we start?"

The pickpocket had an idea: "Aren't we going to arrive at the station? Wait a minute, I'll squat at the exit, and if I see someone, I'll beat him to death!"

The companion thought it was too dangerous: "This is Kyoto, the security is strict, if you get caught, who will get you out?"

The pickpocket said arrogantly: "I'm not afraid, so what if I get caught! After I get out, I'll be a hero again!"

The companion hesitated : "I'm timid and don't dare to go. You go alone."

The pickpocket dared to block people because he had a companion with him and felt confident. When he heard his companion say he would not go, he was dumbfounded: "Why not? If I guessed correctly, he should have a lot of money in his pocket. If we block him, we will definitely make some money."

Although his companion did a lot of bad things, he was not a brainless person: "No, the security is too strict."

Pickpocket: "..."

The train passed through the tunnel and before it arrived at the station, people sitting in their seats hurriedly packed their luggage.

The announcer on the train said in a clear voice: "Dear passengers, the xx train you are on has arrived at the station. Please take your belongings and get off the train.

There are many people at the train station. Please keep your distance and pay attention to safety."

Uncle He San stood up excitedly: "We are here, we are here. Wow, it is worthy of being the capital. This train station is big enough!"

Uncle He Da put all the luggage on the ground and said: "There are many people at the train station. When you walk, walk close to each other and don't get separated."

He Taohua nodded: "Brother, I know."

Uncle He Er also promised: "I will definitely walk close to you."

Only Uncle He San stared at the window and looked out seriously. Grandma He walked over and pinched his ears and turned them in circles: "Did you hear what your eldest brother said?"

"Hiss, mother, mother, be gentle, be gentle, it's broken, it's broken." Uncle He San grimaced in pain.

Grandma He let go of his ears and repeated what Uncle He Da said.

Uncle He San patted his chest and said loudly: "Mom, you can trust me to do things."

The more he said this, the more anxious Grandma He became: "Wait a minute, I'll hold your sleeve and walk."

The train slowly entered the station.

Everyone carried their luggage to the exit.

As soon as the door opened.

Everyone filed out one by one and walked towards the ticket gate.

There were too many people.

Grandma He was afraid of being squeezed out, so she pulled Uncle He San's sleeve, and Taohua pulled Grandma He's sleeve.

The pickpocket got off the train and saw Uncle He. He smiled sinisterly: "You bumped into me yourself, so you can't blame me."

The pickpocket took out his special knife and walked towards Uncle He. As soon as he got close to Uncle He, he heard Uncle He say: "Mom, is it Xiao Shen who came to pick us up, or Xu Jianguo?"

Grandma He: "It's Xiao Shen."

Uncle He was delighted: "Ah, it's Xiao Shen, then he will definitely drive the army's jeep. Before, Xu Jianguo wrote a letter to brag that Xiao Shen went to pick them up, and he also drove a jeep."

Grandma He nodded and said: "Tell them by telegram that there are five of us, and others can't sit. Only a big car can fit."

The pickpocket heard the conversation between the two and retracted his hand holding the knife. Damn, there is a soldier in the family!

Forget it, don't take risks!

If you are caught by a soldier, it will be more trouble than gain!

Uncle He San didn't know that danger had passed him by, and he walked while chatting with Grandma He.

Exit the ticket gate.

Grandma He and the others didn't see Shen Yuebai.

Uncle He San thought that the people didn't come, and he was anxious: "Where are the people! Didn't they say that Xiao Shen would come to pick us up? Without someone to lead the way, how would we know where Jia Jia lives?"

Uncle He put the luggage aside and said to the others: "Stand here and don't move. I'll look around to see if there are other openings?"

As soon as Uncle He walked out of the gate, he bumped into Han Chengxuan who was rushing in: "Sorry, sorry."

Uncle He waved his hand and said nonchalantly: "It's okay."

After saying this, he walked out quickly.

Han Chengxuan, who came to pick up people, didn't know Uncle He and the others. He saw that there were people everywhere around the ticket gate, so he simply came to the side and called He Taohua's name.

He Taohua heard someone calling her, she looked over and saw a stranger, she frowned: "Mom, I don't know him."

When Grandma He saw Han Chengxuan in military uniform, she thought of something, she walked over quickly and asked: "Do you know Shen Yuebai?"

Han Chengxuan looked at the old man in front of him, nodded and said: "Yes, we are comrades-in-arms, I am also Xiaoyao's boyfriend, he was originally going to pick you up, but when he was about to leave, the leader asked him for something."

Grandma He knew that soldiers were very busy, she

He smiled and said, "It's okay, someone will come to pick us up."

Han Chengxuan picked up the snakeskin bag and was about to leave. Uncle Han suddenly said, "My boss went to find Xiao Shen. We have to wait for him."

Han Chengxuan: "It's okay, put the luggage in the car first."

The three men moved all the snakeskin bags into the factory.

The trunk space is also large.

Otherwise, how can so many things be loaded!

Uncle He looked around but couldn't find anyone. He returned and saw that the snakeskin bag on the ground was gone. He frowned and asked, "Little sister, where is the snakeskin bag? Where are the others?"

He Taohua smiled and said, "Xiao Shen asked Comrade Han to pick us up. The second and third brothers moved the things to the car. Mother is in the car. I'll wait for you here."

Uncle He: "Then be there."

The farmers who have been digging in the soil for their whole lives almost stunned their dog eyes when they saw the jeep in front of them.

Uncle He San walked over and carefully touched the steering wheel, his eyes full of envy: "This is a jeep, it looks majestic and impressive!"

The pickpocket came out and saw this scene. He was afraid that Uncle He San would find him, so he immediately hid behind his companion: "Stop it, stop it."

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