The old lady didn't want Xu Jianguo to misunderstand her, so she said, "I'm just reminding you, not disbelieving you. It's good to have someone remind you from time to time, not bad." Xu Jianguo: "..." It's okay! Forget it, he's a man, he won't argue with the old man! This job was eventually given to Uncle He. This job costs 800 yuan. Xu Jianguo saved for two years and only saved 400 yuan. He asked the old lady to borrow half of it. The old lady didn't hesitate, and took out a purse from the box, took out the money, counted out 400 yuan, and there was still a lot left. Xu Jianguo was stunned: "Mom, how do you have so much money?" He worked for two years. Every month, he gave some to the old lady and some to his daughter, and he saved the rest.

After saving for two years, he only saved 400 yuan.

This old lady didn't work, she just took care of the children, but she saved so much!

Where is justice!

"You give some, Jiajia gives some, Xiao Shen gives some, that's all."

The old lady saved about 1,000 yuan in total.

She rarely touched this money.

She planned to give it to the children when they grow up.

Now Jiajia is pregnant with four more children, so this money is definitely not enough, and she has to save more.

Xu Jianguo: "..."

It was afternoon in a flash.

When the dishes were served one after another.

Grandma He and the others were stunned.

This life is too good!

It's more abundant than their New Year's Eve meals.

Grandma He was shocked: "Grandma, we are all family, no need to be so polite, how much does it cost to eat such a good meal?"

Grandma Xu smiled and said: "The food at home has always been good, don't feel psychologically burdened, you will know in the future."

Xu Jianguo and Xu Xiaoyao are workers.

The factory will issue meat tickets, oil and so on every month.

Shen Yuebai is in the army and has various tickets, so the family is not short of tickets.

Grandma He didn't believe it. The food on the table was either chicken, meat, or fish. No matter how good the living conditions were, they couldn't eat like this: "Grandma, we are all family. Just eat whatever you want. No need to make a big fuss."

After saying that, she thought of something and asked, "When I was walking around the yard, I found that there were no chickens at home. Are chickens not allowed in Kyoto?"

Grandma Xu has been here for a few months. She has been taking care of the children at home. She rarely goes out for a walk and doesn't visit neighbors. She doesn't know the rules in Kyoto: "I don't know. I'll go to the street office to ask if I can raise chickens?"

Grandma He nodded: "Well, if I can, let the eldest son make two chicken coops and raise a few chickens. They will lay eggs in a few months."

This meal.

The He family's mouths were full of oil.

Uncle He sat on a chair, rubbed his bloated stomach, and looked happy: "Mom, this is the first time I've eaten so much since I was a child."

Originally, he didn't want to eat so much, but grandma said that the weather was too hot and the food would go bad if he didn't finish it.

He thought that the food was spoiled and it would be a pity to throw it away, so he might as well eat more.


He ate too much and became full.

Grandma He also rubbed her belly: "It's the same for me. Who would have thought that I would have a day when I would be full!

This life is so happy."

Xu Jiajia sat next to Grandma He and said with a smile: "I asked you to come, but you didn't come. Fortunately, you are pregnant with four children this time. If you were pregnant with two less, you would definitely not come again."

When in Suzhou, Xu Jiajia first wrote to Grandma He, asking her to come and take care of the children.

Grandma He didn't agree, so she asked Old Lady Xu to help find someone.

"Jia Jia, it's not that grandma won't go, but your aunt.

It's said that family disgrace should not be spread outside, but I feel uncomfortable if I don't tell others. I'm always holding my breath and feeling uncomfortable.

If I really go to Su City, your aunt will probably sell your aunt.

The widower is from the mountains, can hunt, has a very bad temper, is even more irritable than your third uncle, is stingy, and is very difficult to get along with.

He beat two wives to death and had four children.

Everyone in the mountains knows his background, and no one is willing to marry their daughter to him.

He said that if anyone was willing to marry his daughter to him, he would give a 100 yuan betrothal gift.

Your aunt was so short-sighted that she sold your aunt for 100 yuan.

Fortunately, my good friend told me this.

Otherwise, I would still be kept in the dark by that bastard! "

Xu Jiajia felt sorry for her aunt, but wanted to continue listening, so she urged: "What happened next?"

Grandma He sighed and said: "Later, I beat her up, and your uncle also asked for a divorce. She was scared and returned the money.

That widower was a tyrant, and finally a woman married him.

How could he possibly take money?

We added fifty more yuan, and he gave up. ”

When she was in her hometown, Xu Jiajia often heard the old lady say that her aunt was a bad person. Not only was she short-sighted, but she was also sarcastic and malicious.

“Uncle, do you have feelings for your aunt?”

Uncle He smiled, but there was no warmth in his smile: “What feelings! The three children in the family were all conceived by her. If it weren’t for the bad reputation of divorce, I would have divorced her.”

Although the children were obtained by her trick.

But he was still quite good to the three children, and did not vent his anger on the three children because of that woman.

It was the first time Xu Jiajia heard about this. She stared at Uncle He in amazement and raised a big finger: “Three times! The first time, it can be said that I was too cautious and was calculated by her. What about the second and third time? ”

Uncle He said awkwardly: "I can't drink. She lied to me that it was water. I knew I was fooled, but it was too late. ”

Xu Jiajia: "Did you drink three times?"

Uncle He shook his head: "The first time was drinking. The second time was at her mother's house. I had dinner with her father. Her nephew poured a glass of water mixed with wine. I couldn't smell it and thought it was water. I drank it and passed out.

Later, I didn't dare to go to her house.

The third time, it was her father who came home and said he had something.


Uncle He was too embarrassed to continue. Xu Jiajia looked at Uncle He with pity: "If you hate it so much, why don't you divorce? Are you afraid of a bad reputation?

Reputation can't be eaten?

Just live comfortably, why care about what others think?

Don't you have no rumors when you live like this?"

Uncle He: "Yes, how could there be no!"

Xu Jiajia: "Yes, no matter what you do, people will say it. Why care about what others think?

However, you will stay in Kyoto in the future. It doesn't matter whether you get divorced or not. She won't come to Kyoto to find you. "

After dinner.

Xu Jianguo took Grandma He around.

Looking at the streets of Kyoto, Grandma He was very emotional: "It is worthy of being the capital of the country. The roads are wider and better than those in my hometown. There are also bicycles coming and going. It feels like they are free."

Walked around outside.

Grandma He was shocked.

Back to the courtyard, still thinking about it.

"No wonder the female comrades in the village cling to the educated youth in Kyoto. Who doesn't want to come to such a good city?

Kyoto is really a good place!"

Grandma Xu nodded in agreement: "This is the capital of the country, how can it not be good?"

Early the next morning.

Shen Yuebai brought back a TV.

Opened the box.

Everyone was shocked.

Grandma Xu suddenly looked at Shen Yuebai: "This thing is not cheap, right? You gave all your salary to Jia Jia, how can you afford to buy this?"

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