The baby was born in a dream, but the baby was born in a dream.


Looking at the crystal clear little hand, Shen Tong almost fainted with anger.

"System... What on earth is this..."

He suppressed his excitement and asked.

"Answer the host, as you think, this is inside a pregnant woman."

Originally, Shen Tong still had a glimmer of luck, but after hearing the answer, he fainted.

I don't know how long it took to wake up again. After confirming that it was not a dream, his eyes were full of despair.

"Have I really become an unborn baby?"

Shen Tong carefully looked at the current situation, and saw that there were blood and flesh barriers all around him, and he was soaking in amniotic fluid to receive the nutrient solution in the frenulum.

"System, are you there?"

"Hello host, how can I help you?"

The system immediately responded.

Shen Tong smiled coldly, "Service? You should first tell me how to solve this matter."

"What do you mean?"

"Stop pretending, of course you took me to the wrong world."

He angrily accused the system.

As the ultimate Naruto fan, he finally got the opportunity to travel to Naruto, but it was ruined because of the system's carelessness.

What made him want to vomit blood was that he was turned into an unborn baby. A series of manipulations made Shen Tong want to kill people.

"System, tell me, how are you going to compensate me?"

"I'm sorry host, the system will compensate you later."

"I don't want your compensation, I just want you to take me to Naruto."

Shen Tong said angrily.

The system was silent for a long time, and it didn't reply until more than ten seconds later:

"Sorry, it is currently impossible to travel through space dimensions again."

"What do you mean?"

Shen Tong suddenly felt something was wrong.

"It takes a huge amount of energy to travel across the planes. Only after it is fully restored can the host be taken away."

"How long will it take to fully restore?" Shen Tong asked.

"Based on the current replenishment speed, it will take 200 years to restore."

"Fuck you...!"

Shen Tong couldn't help but spit out foul language.

It actually takes 200 years to cool down. Even if I can live to 100 years old after I was born, I'm still halfway to this goal.

"System, are you deliberately playing tricks on me?"

Shen Tong's face was full of black lines. Other people's systems are all kinds of awesome and showy. Is my system a fake?

"Host, don't be angry first."

"Although it takes 200 years, the host can help the system shorten the cooling time."

"Explain it clearly." Shen Tong asked impatiently.

"Recover through absorption."

"How do you recover?"

"There are supernatural creatures in every world. The energy they have is what the system needs. As long as the host finds and kills them, they can be replenished."

The system replied.

Shen Tong fell silent after hearing this. It seemed like a hope.

But the point is, he didn't know what kind of world was outside the womb.

If he accidentally traveled to the world of immortal cultivation, even if he became the Six Paths Sage with the power of the Hokage, he probably wouldn't be able to crush him with one finger.

If it was that kind of low-level world, there must be very few supernatural creatures, so it would be impossible to gather the required energy forever.

"System, is there really no way to save the situation?"

Shen Tong asked with some reluctance.

"I'm sorry, host, there is not yet."


Hearing the confirmation again, Shen Tong sighed helplessly.

Now that things have come to this, there is no way to turn back.

So Shen Tong had to change his request, "System, can you not be a baby?"

"Hello, host, this question is a process that the traveler must go through."

"Process? What process?"

"Other people travel with their physical bodies when they travel, but you are so good that you directly put me in the womb!"

Shen Tong couldn't help but curse.

I've been unlucky enough in my life, and I didn't expect to have to go through it again as a baby.

"Host, please calm down."

"As for the problem of crossing, I can explain the reason."

"It's impossible to bring the body with you through the journey because the ordinary body is too fragile and can't adapt to the compression of the space-time dimension."

"So it can only be reincarnated, so that the soul can be reborn with the help of the original inhabitant's body."

Shen Tong seemed to understand after listening. Although he didn't know the doorway inside, after thinking carefully, he felt that the system would not harm him.

After all, the two are now one, and harming him will not gain any benefits.

"By the way, system."

"You just said that even if you are not in Hokage, you can use the power of Hokage, right?" Shen Tong

Tong asked in his mind.

"Yes, host."

"What if I want the Sharingan, how can you satisfy me?"

He asked about the most concerned thing.

Remember that before crossing, the system wanted to take him to reincarnate into the Uchiha clan, because that way he could obtain the orthodox bloodline of the Sharingan.

But now he has come to another world. Although he is still rolling in the womb, the pregnant person is definitely not the Uchiha in Naruto.

Since it is not the Uchiha bloodline, it becomes a fatal problem to obtain the Sharingan.

"Host, please don't worry."

"Regarding the bloodline of the Uchiha, the system can directly exchange it for you."

"Is it true?" Shen Tong asked doubtfully.

"Of course it's true."

"This system is the Uchiha growth system, and the main feature is the cultivation of the Uchiha bloodline."

"Considering the mistake of taking you across before, in order to make up for this small mistake, the system will help you open the Sharingan to compensate."

The system promised him.

After hearing this, Shen Tong felt much more comfortable. As long as he could get the Sharingan as compensation, he could accept it even in a strange world.

Soon after, he felt a mysterious power surge into his body.

[Improving your bloodline]

[The store exchange function has been enabled]

[The personal warehouse storage function has been enabled]

[The training talent interface has been displayed]

[Compensation reward: one chakra pill. ]

[Compensation: One magatama Sharingan X1]

[Compensation: Chakra Ninjutsu Training Manual]

[Compensation: C-level Ninjutsu, Great Fireball Training Scroll X1]

[Compensation: C-level Ninjutsu, Great Fireball Scroll X1]

A series of mechanical sounds, Shen Tong's body is changing.

He only felt a surge of heat in his eyes, and the baby-like pupils instantly turned scarlet, turning into red eyes with a tadpole black magatama.

Without any pain or itching, or even any feeling, Shen Tong obtained the Sharingan, one of the three major pupil techniques of Naruto.

"This is... Sharingan!"

Shinto looked at the little hand in disbelief. He could clearly capture the visual changes, and even the capillaries on the flesh wall in the distance were clearly visible.

"Awesome! Awesome!"

"Is this the function of the system!"

"I didn't expect that I also have Sharingan!"

He was extremely happy in his heart. As a Naruto fan, how could he not want Sharingan?

Now, this wish has finally come true.

"Uchiha Itachi opened his eyes at the age of 8, Madara was 15, and Obito was 12."

"It's okay for me to open my eyes in the womb."

"If I were placed in the Uchiha clan of Naruto, I guess I would at least be a peerless genius, right?"

Shinto was complacent and YY.

"Host, I have compensated you."

"Due to the use of the last energy, this system will enter a dormant period next. Please take care of yourself during this period."

The system was silent after it said that.

"Hello! Hello!"


Seeing this, Shinto hurriedly called twice, but got no response.

"Oh my god... so urgent?"

"Forget it, that's fine, just let me be alone for a while."

"By the way, let's study the usefulness of the Sharingan."

Kamito opened the Sharingan he had just obtained and said with a smug look on his face.

Then, he couldn't wait to start testing.

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