The first time, the last time, the last time.


In the blink of an eye, Thursday has arrived.

Shen Tong went to the Bounty Hunter Association early in the morning to get his certificate.

The curly-haired woman was still sitting at the service desk. When she saw Shen Tong, her chubby face immediately broke into a kind smile.

"Little brother, you came really early today."

"Yes, we agreed to get the certificate today, and I also hope to become a bounty hunter earlier."

The curly-haired woman smiled and responded after hearing it: "The certificate will not run away, don't worry."

"We have thoroughly investigated your identity, and you have no suspicious record."

"So, you passed."

After that, the curly-haired woman handed over a file form for Shen Tong to fill out.

After Shen Tong received it, he filled in the form according to the instructions and signed his name and fingerprints.

After completing this last procedure, the curly-haired woman handed him two items.

One was a black certificate, and the other was a simple necklace.

First of all, the certificate was about the size of a credit card, and the outer layer was made of leather, which felt very good. It was clearly written with the words "Hunter's License".

Shen Tong was excited when he looked at the certificate in his hand. He opened it and browsed the contents. The first page was his identity information and photo.

As a symbol of the identity of a bounty hunter, the certificate is an item that every hunter has, so it is not a particularly rare existence.

As for the necklace, it looked more ordinary. The pendant was a square iron sheet with a five-pointed star engraved on it.

To be honest, this thing looks like a dog tag, which is also a symbol of identity.

Shen Tong's necklace only has one star, which marks his novice status.

But he didn't care about these details. As long as he had these two things, he could legally perform bounty tasks in the future.

"Auntie, can I accept the mission now?"

He calmed down his excitement a little and looked up to ask the curly-haired woman.

"Of course, but you are a newcomer, so I suggest you start with simple missions." The curly-haired woman kindly reminded.

Shen Tong fell into deep thought after hearing this. He knew that his level was not enough, but he would face Batibyne tomorrow, so he wanted to do the mission as much as possible.

"Excuse me, what level is Batibyne's mission?" Shen Tong asked after hesitating for a moment.

"Oh, are you interested in him?" The curly-haired woman looked at him in surprise.

"Just curious, he is very famous in the city recently." Shen Tong explained.

"Is that so..."

"The bounty on Batibyne has been around for a long time, and he is a D-level wanted criminal." The curly-haired woman then replied.

Shen Tong was surprised after hearing this. He thought Batibyne was at least C-level, but he didn't expect that he was only a character at the level of Little Karami.

"But he is a wanted criminal with a public bounty, so you are qualified to capture him even if you are at a low level." The curly-haired woman added.

"Public bounty for wanted criminals? Are there other distinctions besides levels for tasks?" Shen Tong frowned in confusion.

"Didn't you carefully read the contents of the bounty column?" the curly-haired woman asked back.


Shen Tong shook his head awkwardly, saying that he really didn't know. The curly-haired woman looked helpless and had to explain it to him on the spot.

"There are two types of tasks: private bounties and public bounties."

"Private bounties are tasks posted by private individuals, and the level and remuneration are determined after review by the association."

"Public bounties are wanted by the local government, and such tasks are also called no-threshold tasks."

"There are currently many public bounty tasks, and many bounty hunters often take risks to challenge higher levels in order to quickly earn bounties, but I don't recommend you to try."

"Because you are still young, some tasks are too dangerous for you. Especially tasks against vampires, ordinary hunters find it difficult to deal with them."

"Huh! Can ordinary hunters accept vampire tasks?"

Shen Tong was surprised to hear the second half of the sentence and asked.

"Of course."

"The number of professional vampire hunters is relatively limited, so ordinary hunters are still needed to deal with low-level vampires."

"However, even for low-level vampires, hunters must reach the four-star level."

"Although the risk is high, the reward is rich."

"And there is another advantage. If you can kill enough vampires, you will have the opportunity to apply for a job transfer to become a professional vampire hunter."

"So, the development of our industry is still quite promising."

The curly-haired woman smiled and answered him.

After listening to this, Shentong couldn't help but sigh in his heart. It seems that the original choice was indeed correct.

Then, he thanked the curly-haired woman and left.

The primary goal at the moment is still

Bartybine, and the other party will rob the train tomorrow.

At this juncture, you must not be careless, otherwise you will lose both your money and your life.

At that time, the 1,000 gold coins he wanted will definitely be divided up by this group of gangsters, which is a scene that Shentong never wants to see.

"Tomorrow's mission... can only succeed, not fail!"

Shentong lowered his head and swore secretly.

Not long after, he returned to the orphanage and found Nina.

"Nina, I want to ask you for help."

"Hey! The magician wants to ask me for help." Nina looked at him in surprise with a piece of bread.

"Don't show an unexpected expression."

"I want to ask you to help steal a train ticket tomorrow." Shentong asked.

"Don't you support stealing?" Nina was very confused when she heard the request.

Shentong could only explain helplessly: "I went to get the hunter's certificate this morning, and now I am a bounty hunter."

"Really?!" Nina almost jumped up excitedly after hearing this.

Shen Tong also cooperated and took out his ID to show her, and continued: "I have accepted the mission and need to take the train to the destination."

"But there is still a problem now. I don't have the money to buy a ticket."

"So can you help me get a ticket?"


After hearing this, Nina showed a serious expression of difficulty, "Yes, it is possible, but it is more difficult in a place like a train station."

"What is the probability?" Shen Tong frowned and asked.

"About 20%."

"The station is a place where all kinds of people gather. Many pickpockets will squat there, and their main target is the tickets in the pockets of passengers."

"It is said that a ticket can be resold for ten yuan."

"Because it is a disaster area where pickpockets gather, a large number of soldiers are arranged to maintain law and order. If you are discovered, it will be difficult to escape."

"So... I need a helper."

"Who?" Shen Tong frowned.


Nina said the name of the person, "She is my good friend since childhood, and she is good at this skill like me."

"If you ask Karen to help, you can have a 50% chance of success."

Shentong frowned after hearing this, he didn't expect that he would be trapped because of a ticket.

But this matter is worth taking a risk, after all, 1,000 gold coins can be exchanged for a little talent, which is too tempting for Shentong who wants to become stronger.

"Wealth and honor are sought in danger, damn it!"

After a mental struggle, he finally agreed to Nina's suggestion.

Soon after, a girl with tomato hair appeared in the room.

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