The sun was shining brightly, and the sun was shining brightly.


After hiding properly, Shen Tong quietly waited for the train to start.

As a pure steam transport train, the No. 9 train has a black body and a retro style.

The train is full of various goods, and there are only a few carriages for passengers.

Since most of the carriages are open-air, it is convenient to hide among the goods.

Shen Tong chose to hide in the last carriage, which was full of fresh tomatoes. He tasted one while waiting.

"So sweet!"

Shen Tong showed a satisfied expression while tasting, and at the same time used the system monitoring function to find the location of Davio and his group.

With the help of the system, he confirmed that Davio and his group were in the No. 7 compartment in front.

"It's near the front of the train, so it should be a VIP compartment..."

"But... there's only one gang member on the whole train. Does Bartibane trust him so much?"

After Shentong examined the entire train, a solemn look appeared on his young face.

There was only one gang member, Davio, on the train, and he didn't even have a companion. This made people wonder whether Bartibane was meticulous or overconfident in Davio's ability.

In addition, the marks of other gangs in the city also disappeared.

As early as two days ago, Bartibane led other accomplices out of the city, probably to set traps in advance.

From this, it can be judged that they really wanted to make this big move.

Unfortunately, Bartibane would not have thought that an outsider like Shentong would be involved in his plan.


Soon after, the whistle blew and the train started slowly.

The head of the No. 9 train spewed out thick smoke, and in the roar of the steam engine, it drove towards the dark tunnel like a long snake.

This tunnel leads directly out of the city, and you can go to the outside world by passing through it.

However, when it arrived at the exit, the train suddenly stopped.

It turned out that there was a high wall outside the city, so there was also a gate at the exit of the tunnel.

Then a team of soldiers appeared and conducted a temporary inspection of passengers and cargo.

To avoid being discovered, Shentong could only hide himself in a pile of tomatoes.

Fortunately, the soldiers' inspection was very loose, and after finding no abnormalities, they opened the gate to let the train pass and continued on the road out of the city.

The surrounding environment returned to the blue sky, roaring along the rails to the distance.

In carriage No. 7.

Davio respectfully brewed coffee and served it to Flinder beside him.

"Mr. Flinder, your coffee."

"Thank you, Davio."

Flinder took the coffee and tasted it, then turned his head and asked, "Have all the property been stored?"

Davio responded quickly, "Yes, Mr. Flinder, the five bags of cash and gold coins have been put into the safe, safe and sound."

Flinder smiled slightly after hearing this, but did not forget to remind, "Davio, don't be too careless."

"Every time you escort taxes, there are risks. Although the money we escorted this time is not much, we still need to be prepared."

He paused for a moment and continued, "The outside world is difficult for even the empire to fully control."

"It takes a day and a night to get to the capital, and no one can say what will happen in the middle."

"You go and notify them, be sure to stay alert, and ensure that there are no accidents before arriving in the capital."

"Yes, I will notify them right away."

Faced with Flinder's move to strengthen the guard, Davio was a little unhappy, but he still ran to execute it with a smile on his face.

Outside world.

The train went farther and farther away, quickly leaving the vicinity of Sebasterburg and stepping into a dense forest.

Shen Tong was lying in a pile of tomatoes with his eyes closed, enjoying the sunshine leisurely.

At this moment, he only needed to wait for Barty Bairn to hijack the car.

As long as the gang succeeded, he would turn into a yellow bird and intercept them, using two detonating talismans prepared in advance as a gift.

At that time, he would kill two birds with one stone and improve his own strength.

"Maybe after doing this, my strength can be improved to Genin."

Shen Tong thought beautifully in his mind.

Wait until noon.

After the train galloped for several hours, it finally passed through the forest and entered another desolate Gobi made of red soil.

The Gobi in front of him was completely different from the previous forest. The wind and sand were raging, and life was rare. Occasionally, white bones exposed on the soil could be seen.

This was an uninhabited area and was once the territory of vampires.

Shen Tong was also familiar with the deeds of vampires. They hid during the day and came out at night to look for prey, and deserted places were the best hiding places.

Although the vampires

The number has dropped dramatically, but there is still a chance to encounter them in the no-man's land.

In the distance, behind a certain earth slope.

More than 20 people gathered there, wearing different clothes, all riding horses and carrying guns, quietly waiting for any movement on the rails.

"Boss, they are coming!"

A fat man holding a monocular telescope saw the train on the rails and shouted excitedly.

Batty Bairn reached out to take the telescope to confirm, and then an irrepressible smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Guys, get ready, go and ignite the explosive fuse."

He quickly ordered one of his men to ignite the pre-buried explosives.


After a while, with a huge explosion, the rails in front exploded.

The train was forced to stop instantly, and the wheels on the rails rubbed out dazzling sparks due to the sudden brakes.

"What's going on?!"

Flinder and others who were drinking coffee in the box all looked out the window in horror because of the movement, but Davio had a weird smile on his face.

"Has it started..."

Shen Tong, who had closed his eyes to rest, slowly opened his eyes, then stood up and looked into the distance.

"What happened?"

"It seems that the rails were blown up!"

"What? Was it done by bandits?"

"Not sure..."

"Hurry up and take people to check!"

At the front of the train, the conductor led more than a dozen armed personnel to check the explosion site.


Before they took two steps, they were suddenly interrupted by a gunshot.

A masked team on horseback quickly rushed out and attacked the train personnel with lever shotguns, knocking down several people in an instant.

"There are bandits, fight back!"

Although they were ambushed, these train personnel had been trained and did not panic for a while, and immediately organized personnel to fight back.




The two sides started a gunfight in the open area, and dense bullets penetrated the air and hit the train, exploding clusters of dazzling sparks.


Unfortunately, a gangster was hit in the chest and was knocked off the horse's back. He fell to the ground, bringing up a large amount of dust and smoke.

Seeing this, Bartibane took out a stick of dynamite, lit it with a flint and threw it hard.


Before the conductor could react, he and the people around him were blown away.

Then Bartibane threw two more sticks of dynamite and blew up the first two carriages.

Suddenly, thick smoke billowed.

"Run... Run!"

Looking at the gangsters who were gradually gaining the upper hand, the remaining train personnel lost their fighting spirit and fled into the distance in horror, abandoning their guns.

After seeing this, the passengers in other carriages also abandoned the train in fear and ran away.

"Mr. Flinder, what should we do?"

In carriage No. 7, the atmosphere here was also very tense at the moment.

Flinder was holding a handkerchief and frantically wiping the sweat on his forehead.

"Keep calm, maybe they are not targeting us." Flinder said to his subordinates with a lucky smile.

However, reality soon slapped him in the face.

After Battibyne dealt with the train guards, he immediately led his men to carriage No. 7.

"Mr. Flinder, they are coming here."

"Sure enough... are these guys targeting us?"

"There is no other way, only fighting."

"Everyone, pick up your weapons and follow me out to protect the items."

The captain of the guards loudly summoned the people to prepare for the battle.

Just when they had just assembled and were about to go out to defend the bank's property, Davio secretly took out explosives from his bag and ignited them.


A loud noise suddenly broke out in carriage No. 7, and a huge hole was blown out of the car body.

Dozens of bank guards were caught off guard and were severely injured by the sudden explosion, falling to the ground with dead and wounded.

Flinder was not spared either, his clothes were torn, and he lay there dying with blood all over his head.

"You... bastard!"

The captain of the escort was lying in the wreckage of the carriage. After he recovered, he found the traitor Davio.


Davio looked at his former colleagues indifferently and took out his pistol to kill them.

After a while, Bartybine also jumped into the carriage on horseback and started killing the survivors.

For a while, screams and gunshots were heard one after another.

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