The next morning, the whole city was shocked by a piece of news.

"Big news, big news."

"Yesterday, the freight train to the capital was attacked near Nigre. The valuables on the train were looted, many people were killed, and the whereabouts of the murderer are unknown."

"Come and see today's train robbery!"

Newsboys waved newspapers in their hands and shouted loudly on the street.

"Oh my God... The train was robbed!"

Citizens talked about it after hearing the news, with shock and worry on their faces.

"Someone actually dared to rob a train!"

"It's crazy. Such a big case hasn't happened in many years."

"Was it done by bandits?"

"Who knows... But they are so brave to dare to rob the train."

"Oh, the public security has really been getting worse recently."

"I heard that the bandits made trouble again a few days ago. If this continues, I'm afraid I have to consider moving."

"I hope the higher-ups can deal with it as soon as possible and return everyone to safety as soon as possible."

"It would be best if all these bad guys could be hanged." Someone gritted his teeth and said angrily.

Due to the incident of Bartybyne and others, the city has long been in panic, and now the train case has exacerbated everyone's sense of uneasiness.

In order to calm the panic of the people, the mayor of Sebasteburg quickly made a speech:

"The city government will never tolerate the train robbery."

"We have sent a professional team to investigate. Once we find clues, we will punish the criminals severely."

"At the same time, the city government has issued a reward order, calling on citizens to conduct independent investigations. Anyone who provides valuable clues can receive a reward of 500 yuan."

Unexpectedly, a train case alarmed the mayor.

But this is not surprising. After all, train robbery is a serious crime that affects the safety of transportation hubs. The empire has always dealt with such incidents severely.

When people were immersed in the train case, another piece of news was quickly becoming popular.

"Big news! Big news!"

"Batibyne was hunted!"

"The Bounty Hunter Association officially announced that the gang leader Battibyne was beheaded last night and the public bounty list has been revoked."

The news was like a thunder, shouted out from the mouths of newsboys.

"What! Bartibane was taken care of?"

"Really? That's great, it's a good thing."

"After being rampant for so long, someone finally took care of him."

"Hey, did the higher-ups mention who did it?"

"I heard that it was a 12-year-old hunter."

"12 years old!"

"You must be kidding, how can there be such a young bounty hunter?"

"But that's what the newspaper says."

Almost everyone cheered for Bartibane's death.

At the same time, many people were also very interested in the 12-year-old bounty hunter behind him.

In the orphanage.

Shen Tong was resting comfortably in bed at the moment.

After returning last night, he went to the Bounty Hunter Association and exchanged Bartibane's head for a bounty, and finally successfully received a reward of 1,000 yuan.

So after getting this first pot of gold, Shen Tong decided to go to a luxurious high-end restaurant in the city and have a good meal.

After all, he finally broke through to become a Genin, so he should find a place to celebrate.

It was not until dawn that he returned to the orphanage to rest contentedly.

"Shintong, get up."

"I have good news to tell you."

Just as Shintong was still sleeping in a daze, there was a hurried knock on the door, and then a blonde girl rushed in.

Nina took a newspaper in her hand and walked quickly to the bedside to shake Shintong: "Shintong, don't sleep, wake up!"

After being forcibly disturbed from his sweet dream, Shintong opened his eyes reluctantly: "Oh, what are you doing?"

"Two big things happened today, did you know? A transport train was robbed!" Nina said excitedly as she spread out the newspaper.

Shen Tong seemed a little helpless after hearing this: "That's it? I thought the sky was falling."

"Hey, please be serious."

"This is a transport train being robbed. You know, Sebasteburg has been decades without such a thing happening!"

Nina looked at him and complained.

"Okay, okay, I got it."

"If it's nothing serious, you can get out quickly. I still need to rest." Shen Tong impatiently sent her out of the room.

"Wait, I haven't finished yet."

"Does this train robbery have anything to do with you?" Nina then looked directly at Shen Tong and asked.

Shen Tong, who was originally confused, immediately sat up and sat up after hearing this.

"Who told you that?"

Nina smiled proudly: "You asked us to help you steal the ticket that day, and then this happened. It's hard not to associate it."

Shentong was also stunned after hearing this. This little girl's intuition is quite sensitive.

But even so, he couldn't admit it.

Because in addition to the bounty, the gold coins and jewelry on the train were also involved, so even if Nina asked him, he couldn't admit it now.

"Don't think about it, how could I rob a train."

"Don't you see how old I am? Do I have the ability to do it?"

Shentong found a reason to complain to Nina.

"Humph, that's not necessarily true."

"You are a magician, maybe you did it with magic." Nina said without buying it.

Shen Tong sighed after hearing this: "It really wasn't me. I can assure you that I just went to the train to hunt down Buddy Byrne."


"So you didn't rob the train?"

"Yes." Shen Tong nodded at her sincerely.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore."

"Actually, I know you won't rob a train."

"But I still want to praise you. You're so awesome that you killed Buddy Byrne."

"You know? Everyone in the world is talking about you now!" Nina laughed.

"Is it that exaggerated?" Shen Tong rolled his eyes after hearing this.

Nina saw that he didn't believe it and threw the newspaper in her hand to him.

"Take a look for yourself. You're on the news."

Shen Tong reached out to take the newspaper after hearing this. When he saw the content on it, he was stunned.

[The youngest bounty hunter in Sebasterburg killed the gangster Buddy Byrne on his first mission! ]

Next to it, there was a photo of Shen Tong's head.

"Fuck, it's in the newspaper."

After reading the content in the newspaper, Shen Tong complained in disbelief.

"Hey, I didn't lie to you." Nina crossed her arms proudly.

"This is too outrageous. Just catching a bandit leader can be in the newspaper?"

"Bandit leader?"

"Do you know how many people Bartibane killed? The stolen property alone is worth tens of thousands of dollars."

"Many bounty hunters died under his gun. He is a complete villain."

"Many people have been looking forward to this day for him."

"Shen Tong, you really did a good thing for everyone."

"I heard that a reporter wanted to interview you."

"What do you think? Do you want to take this opportunity to become famous?" Nina said excitedly.

Shen Tong was overwhelmed by what he heard. He didn't expect this result.

In fact, under normal circumstances, catching a wanted criminal would not cause too much sensation, especially for a bad guy like Bartibane with a low reward.

The reason why it caused a storm of public opinion was that the person being arrested was too young.

A 12-year-old bounty hunter is extremely rare in this world.

"No, I have to stay out of the spotlight for a while." Shen Tong said after hesitating for a moment.

"Why stay out of the spotlight?" Nina asked puzzledly, "You should take the initiative to seize the center of public opinion, maybe you can become a celebrity in one fell swoop."

Shen Tong smiled coldly after hearing this, "Miss, it's not as simple as you think."

"Being famous is beautiful, but it will also bring a lot of unnecessary trouble."

"I don't want to live a life of being monitored all day long when I'm only a teenager."

But Nina didn't understand this very much, and her fair little face showed dissatisfaction, "I really don't want to say anything to you, it's okay to put magic aside, but you gave up such a good opportunity to become famous."

"Do you know? In order to help you steal the ticket, Karen was arrested yesterday."


Shen Tong was stunned.

"You didn't find out."

"Yesterday, Karen was arrested by the police in the afternoon to cover for us."

"The dean and others just went to visit her in the cell, and we don't know when she will be released."

"If I had known this would happen, I shouldn't have taken the risk to help you."

"Maybe only stupid people like us would choose to believe you."

Nina complained and complained.

Shentong, who learned the details, felt a little guilty. This matter was indeed caused by him.

"I'm sorry, Nina, I'm sorry about Karen."

"Although I really want to help her right away, I have to go home this afternoon."

"You're leaving?" Nina was surprised after hearing this.

Shen Tong looked at her and nodded, "I've been away for a while, my mother and the others must be worried about me."

"But please rest assured, I will be back soon."

"I will teach you magic when I come back, as a promise."

"Here is 500 yuan, you can use it first."

Shen Tong said with a solemn oath, and then took out 500 yuan from his pocket and stuffed it into Nina's pocket.

Nina immediately dispelled her anger when she saw the money, and quickly showed her greed for money.

He took the money with his expression.

"That's good enough."

"Okay, remember to teach me magic when the time comes, and don't regret it."

"Don't worry, I'll keep my word."

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