The old man was very happy.

The muddy road meanders through the green countryside.

After bidding farewell to his family, Shentong embarked on a journey back to the city.

This return home caused quite a stir. Shentong not only exposed his ninjutsu, but also confessed to his mother the truth that he had the Sharingan.

Although Shentong concealed the origin of the Sharingan by making up a story, Azeya still had doubts and firmly believed that his son was a mixed-blood descendant of a vampire.

After all, who else has red eyes besides vampires?

Fortunately, Azeya didn't mind her background. In her heart, Shentong was always her child, and this blood relationship was difficult to shake.

Finally, Azeya was persuaded by Shentong and allowed him to go out freely, but also gave several warnings.

"Remember! Never let anyone know the secret of the eyes, otherwise they will mistake you for a vampire and bring disaster."

"Also, be careful of one person outside, his name is Derek, if you meet him, be sure to stay away from him!"

This was Azeya's advice to Shentong before he left.

The matter of the eyes was understandable, and she was worried that her son would be mistaken for an alien, but the mention of Derek made Shentong laugh, because that was the name of his biological father.

"I didn't expect... After so many years, my mother is still worried about my father."

Shentong couldn't help but sigh, he didn't have a good impression of his biological father at all, because when he was just born, Derek wanted to shoot him with a shotgun.

Who would miss such a cold-blooded father?

Besides, twelve years have passed, and Shentong has long forgotten Derek.

At present, his focus is on improving his strength.

The experience of returning home this time gave Shen Tong a general understanding of himself.

First of all, ordinary people are no longer his opponents. Even people like Comps who have practiced physical skills can hardly get close to him with physical skills alone.

If he uses ninjutsu right from the start, the battle will be a crushing victory without suspense.

Now the only thing that can threaten Shen Tong is supernatural beings.

And vampires are one of them.

The trip to Steig with Cliff made Shen Tong see the horror of vampires for the first time, and he only met lower-level vampires.

It is said that in the dark land of Night Continent, there are countless lower-level vampires, and it is hard to imagine that these creatures have the level of Genin.

If Shen Tong wants to complete the task without injury, he must strengthen his current strength.

At least... he must reach the level of Chunin.

"By the way... the system has been really quiet recently."

Suddenly, Shen Tong remembered the system.

In the ten days and a half months since he returned home, the system has not said a word, and the main point is that if you don't ask, I won't answer.

But then again, Shen Tong has been really busy lately, dealing with trivial matters at home, so he has no time to check the system.

So in his spare time on the road, Shen Tong controlled his consciousness to enter the system interface to check.

"This... is!"

As soon as he entered the system space, he immediately found something extra inside.

"Achievement task? What is this..."

Shen Tong noticed that there was an achievement task in the upper left corner, and there was a red exclamation mark prompt on it.

Driven by curiosity, he clicked to enter and check.

[Congratulations on achieving: first pot of gold]

[Achievement reward: 1,000 silver taels]

[Congratulations on achieving: becoming a ninja]

[Achievement reward: Konoha forehead protector X1]

[Congratulations on achieving: bloodline awakener]

[Achievement reward: Uchiha family clothing X1]

As soon as he entered the achievement interface, three reward prompts popped up in front of him.

Shen Tong was directly confused. He didn't even know what task he had completed, but he was rewarded.

"System...what exactly is this..."

"Host, have you forgotten the new function unlocked after completing the task last time?"

The system, which had been silent for many days, jumped out and answered.

Shintong suddenly realized what he said, and remembered that he had indeed unlocked a new function after being promoted to Genin last time.

After understanding the situation, he also became very interested in the new achievement tasks and began to carefully check the rewards inside.

"The first pot of gold...get 100 gold coins and get 1,000 silver taels."

"The owner of the bloodstain, open the Sharingan, and get the Uchiha family clothing."

"Become a ninja, reach the Genin score, and get the Konoha forehead protector."

These are the three tasks that have just been completed, which surprised Shintong after reading them.

I didn't expect that there would be alternative rewards in the system tasks, which seemed out of place compared to the normal task rewards before.

"Forehead protector and Uchiha family

"The clothes of the tribe, isn't this the clothing in Naruto?"

"Could it be... the rewards here are items similar to fashion?"

Shen Tong continued to look through the achievement tasks with curiosity.


[Achievement conditions: cumulatively obtain 10,000 gold coins, reward 100,000 silver taels]

[Rich and powerful]

[Achievement conditions: cumulatively obtain 100,000 gold coins, reward 1 million silver taels]

[Rich enough to rival a country]

[Achievement conditions: cumulatively obtain 1 million gold coins, reward 10 million silver taels]

After reading the above gold coin achievements, Shen Tong drooled, and wanted to rush into a bank vault immediately and soar into the sky in one step.

"No wonder the system said that silver taels were easy to obtain before, it turns out that I really didn't find a way! ”

Shen Tong couldn't help but sigh inwardly. If he had a million gold coins now, he could walk across the entire continent.

Then, he continued to visit the back.


[Achievement conditions: Successfully assassinate 12 targets without being discovered]

[Task reward: Anbu suit]

[Maximum chakra amount]

[Achievement conditions: Chakra attribute is enhanced to 10]

[Task reward: Multiple Shadow Clone Technique]

[Two Magatama]

[Achievement conditions: Awaken the two magatama Sharingan]

[Task reward: Uchiha Itachi's shuriken technique]

[Weapon Master]

[Achievement conditions: Kill 50 people with cold weapons]

[Task reward: Konoha Saber]

[Use the Instant Body Technique 1000 times]

[Achievement conditions: Instant Body Technique Cumulative use times 1000]

[Task reward: Uchiha Shisui-ryu three-style sword technique]

[Eternal light]

[Achievement conditions: Open the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan]

[Task reward: Uchiha round fan]

Looking at the rewards inside, Shentong's eyes lit up, because these things are not available in the store.

Among them, the most exciting one is the achievement task with the largest amount of chakra, and the reward is actually the S forbidden technique, multiple shadow clones.

You should know that the protagonist, the prince, used this trick to kill many powerful opponents in the early stage, and it can also help people practice. It is a plug-in ninjutsu.

Of course, the multiple shadow clone technique is not the best among the achievement rewards.

Shentong soon found an achievement called Gravedigger, and the reward inside is Reincarnation.

"Oh my God! "

He shouted excitedly on the spot.

The Impure World Reincarnation is the most perverted forbidden technique of the Hokage. During the Fourth Ninja World War, Kabuto Yakushi relied on this trick to hold up the whole scene. He was simply a god-level existence.

The completion conditions are very strange. You actually have to rob a thousand tombs.

In addition, there are many strange achievements, such as being struck by lightning once, and rewarding the Thunder God Sword. Cutting down 100 trees, rewarding the Obito Mask.

When seeing the next task, Shentong almost couldn't hold it.

[The Traitor]

[Achievement conditions: Kill any relatives, friends, partners]

[Task rewards: Dawn's cloak, wind chime hat]


Shen Tong couldn't help but complain, this is specially set for villains, right?

But for the system, there is no most outrageous, only more outrageous.

For example, the following achievement task, people who see it will be black in the eyes.

[Help an old lady cross the road]

[Achievement conditions: Help any old lady cross the road once]

[Task rewards: A good person card]

Shen Tong's mouth twitched. It was indeed the stingy style of the system. I'm afraid that no one would make such a crappy reward even if it was left for 100 years.

Complaints aside, there are still many good things in it.

Shen Tong decided to make simple items first when he was free.

Soon, after half a day's journey, Shen Tong arrived at Sebaster Castle again.

Looking at the tall concrete wall in front and the endless crowds at the city gate, Shen Tong finally came to the city again after more than half a month.

This Once, he did not take the usual route, but found a remote location outside the city, attached chakra to the soles of his feet, and climbed in along the surface of the wall.

After successfully sneaking in, Shen Tong quietly came to a bustling street, and walked towards the orphanage in the crowded crowd.

It was about lunch time, and he finally arrived at Domia Orphanage.

Looking at the old Gothic building in front of him and the children playing in front of the door, Shen Tong, who had been away for half a month, finally returned.

"You still remember to come back."

Just as he was about to enter, a cold and arrogant female voice came from behind.

The person who came was none other than Nina, who had not seen him for half a month.

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