The commune leader had heard about this before. At that time, he praised Xu Jiajia and envied Xu Jianguo, thinking that Xu Jiajia was good at teaching children. He had several children, but he was not as good as Xu Jianguo with just one. "Very good.

The people in your team are either very powerful or very bad, which are two extremes.

I think you should hold more meetings and provide more education. It would be best to set up a literacy class so that those who cannot read can learn more words and understand more principles. In this way, there will be fewer people who commit crimes."

The team leader listened to all these words and nodded heavily: "Yes, yes, thank you for your advice."

The commune leader waved his hand: "I am in charge of your team. If I don't give advice, will it work?

You should pay more attention to the literacy class."

The team leader nodded: "Of course, of course, I will. When we get back, we will arrange it and select a few educated and patient educated youth to be teachers. "

The commune leader didn't know the educated youth in their team very well, but he was very optimistic about Xu Jiajia: "Let Xu Jiajia be the teacher. I believe she has the ability to help everyone learn well."

The team leader was stunned: "Leader, Xu's girl has to go to work, I'm afraid she can't spare the time."

The commune leader laughed: "I heard from others that sometimes she gets off work before the time. You can set the class time between 6 and 7 in the evening."

Team leader: "..."

This is to hold Xu's girl accountable!

The village head of the next door village heard the conversation between the two and was so angry that his face was twisted. He had instigated discord, but the leader not only did not punish him, but also gave him advice!

Back to the village.

The team leader talked about the literacy class.

The villagers were instantly excited.

"What does literacy mean?"

"Eliminating illiteracy means learning to read."

"I am so old, do I still want to go?"

"Didn't you hear on the radio that people under 30 must learn, and people over 30 can learn voluntarily."

"At 30, what else can I learn? I might as well sleep more!"


Some people think literacy is useless.

Some people who want to learn think this is a good opportunity.

"Learning is good, and it can also let me recognize a few more words. I will be the first to sign up." The one who said this was matchmaker Li. She only studied until the second grade, and something happened in her family, so she stopped studying. This is a regret of her life. Now there is an opportunity, of course she can't miss it.

Matchmaker Li told Mrs. Xu about her idea.

Mrs. Xu gave a thumbs up: "Not bad, this idea is very good. Not only do you want to learn, I also want to learn, so you are not the oldest."

In her free time, Mrs. Xu would also take out Xu Jiajia's textbooks and recognize words.

She thinks that people should have the spirit of learning until they die, so that their thoughts will not regress.

Matchmaker Li was surprised: "Sister-in-law, are you going too?"

Old Lady Xu raised her eyebrows and looked at her: "Do you mean I can't go?"

Matchmaker Li smiled happily: "Of course I can go, I have company."

Old Lady Xu said again: "Not only I want to go, but also the people next door."

Matchmaker Li: "Let's go, let's go."

In the evening.

The team leader came to Xu's house with an oil lamp.

He looked at Xu Jiajia and said straight to the point: "Girl, the team is going to open a literacy class. The commune leader asked you to be a teacher. He said he would give you five yuan a month and ten kilograms of food.

I thought you would have no time because you were working, so I wanted to choose a teacher from the educated youth, but the commune leader designated you, and I had no choice."

Xu Jiajia didn't want to tire herself to death: "I don't have time. Although I don't have to work overtime, handling cases requires brainpower, which is more tiring than physical work. I need to rest.

Only after a good rest can I be energetic to go to work the next day."

The team leader knew this would be the result. He sighed lightly: "I don't know what the commune leader was thinking. He actually named you as a teacher. Everyone in our village knows that you don't like to work and just want to play."

Xu Jiajia: "..."

Is her lazy name so famous?

Unable to invite Xu Jiajia, the team leader went to the educated youth courtyard again.

"Our team is going to run a literacy class. The teacher will be selected from among you educated youth. The teacher will be selected by examination. You should review your knowledge in the next two days."

These educated youth are all from big cities.

None of them had done any heavy work.

The longest one had been here for two years.

At this moment, when they heard the captain's words, their eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Captain, how many teachers do you want? Are they all selected from the Youth League?"

Captain: "I counted the students. There are fifty under the age of thirty, twenty over the age of thirty, and eight over the age of fifty.

“With so many students, how many teachers do you think we need?”

“Captain, those under 30 will be divided into different grades and will be tested before they enter school.

The same applies to those over 30.

They will be divided into classes based on their grades.

The more classes, the more teachers.

The fewer classes, the fewer teachers.”

The captain nodded, indicating his approval of their statement: “Okay, we will have the test in three days. As for how many to choose, we will decide after the test.”

The captain planned to give this task to Xu Jiajia.

After leaving the Youth League compound, the captain went to Xu’s house again.

When he arrived, Xu Jiajia had just laid down.

Old Lady Xu came into the house and called for someone: “Jiajia, the captain is looking for you.”

Xu Jiajia was wearing a white short-sleeved shirt inside, which was a bit revealing and not suitable for meeting guests, so she put on a long plaid gown.

The pants were straight and long, so there was no need to change.

Xu Jiajia walked out of the house: “Captain, it’s so late, is there something you want to talk to me about? ”

The captain said his intention: "It's like this, I would like to trouble you to make the students' test papers. Those educated youth said that only by passing the exam can we know the students' cultural level, so that they can be divided into classes. "

Xu Jiajia: "Let Hehua come, she has already learned the content of the first year of high school."

Captain: "..."

This girl is so good at using people!

"Okay, I'll go find Hehua."

After leaving Xu's house, the captain went to Hehua's house again, and he told him his intention.

Hehua was very excited: "Captain, you, you let me make the test papers?"

The captain glanced at Hehua and nodded slightly: "Well, the girl from the Xu family recommended you to me, saying that you have finished the content of the first year of high school."

Hehua was moved in her heart, Jiajia was so good to her: "Captain, don't worry, I will do a good job. Tomorrow afternoon, you ask the registered people to go to the threshing ground, I will see how many have attended elementary school. ”

The team leader nodded: "Okay--"

The next evening.

The team leader called the radio to let the comrades who had signed up go to the threshing ground for a meeting.

Everyone saw Lotus.

They were slightly stunned.

I didn't understand why she was here!

But they didn't ask much.

Lotus glanced at the crowd and said: "Those who have attended primary school, stand on the left."

Several people stood up.

"I finished the second grade."

"I only attended one semester of the third grade."

"I finished the first grade."

Lotus nodded to show that she knew, and then looked at others: "You have never been to school?"

A villager in the crowd smiled, with bitterness in his smile: "At that time, we couldn't even eat enough, so how could our family have the money to send us to school."

"Yes, your generation is much happier than our generation."

"It was okay in the village. Everyone was illiterate. When we went to the town and saw those who were educated and had jobs, we realized the gap. ”

Let alone going to the town, even with Xu Jiajia, they can’t compare.

It was Xu Jiajia who made them realize that people need to read more and learn more words.

Hehua had a headache. Even if she had studied for two years, she had almost forgotten everything because she hadn’t used it for so many years.

After thinking for a while, she looked at the team leader: “Team leader, no need to take the exam, just start from scratch, divide into two classes, two teachers in each class.”

The team leader asked: “Why don’t we take the exam?”

Hehua said bluntly: “There are not many people who have studied, and they are often useless, so they should have forgotten everything. It’s better to start from scratch.”

The team leader thought this made sense, and he nodded: “Okay——”

After the meeting.

The team leader came to the educated youth compound again and told the educated youth about everyone’s situation: “Divide into two classes, two teachers in each class, four teachers are needed, and the exam will be held in the afternoon of three days later. ”

The lowest level of education for these educated youths is junior high school.

There are also several high school students.

The task of making the test papers can only be done by Xu Jiajia.

This time, Xu Jiajia did not refuse.

Because she is the only high school student in the village, if she refuses, the captain will not be able to find her.

Xu Jiajia has been very busy these days.

Working during the day.

Giving test questions at night.

On the day of the formal exam, she lived up to expectations and finally completed the task.

The captain was grateful: "Thank you, thank you very much, I will ask Yuan Qing to send five kilograms of food later."

Xu Jiajia waved her hand: "No need."

A certain unit.

Shen Yuebai received the package.

He smiled with white teeth: "My wife sent me something again."

Liu Zhen said sourly: "It's great to have a wife!"

Shen Yuebai looked proud: "Of course it's great, if you have the ability, you can also find one, and you can also let your wife send you things. "

Liu Zhen gritted his teeth and said, "Mr. Shen, don't go too far."

Shen Yuebai asked knowingly, "How did I go too far? Isn't what I said the truth?"

Liu Zhen: "..."

Damn it.


I can’t have any more comrades!

Return to the dormitory.

Shen Yuebai opened the package. There were not only new clothes and shoes inside, but also Doubanjiang and other things.

Shen Yuebai couldn't wait to put on a new shirt.

He has a good figure.

Wearing the shirt on him, he looked like a noble man from the Republic of China, elegant and personable.

He and the training guy are like two different people.

Liu Zhen, who was following, was dumbfounded: "Oh my God, this dress is so pretty, isn't it? Was it bought by my younger siblings?"

Liu Zhen was a few months older than Shen Yuebai, so he called him younger brother and sister. He touched his shirt. The fabric was comfortable and delicate, soft and light, blowing over his skin like a spring breeze.

"Old Shen, these clothes are not cheap."

Liu Zhen was crazy with envy.

Why can't he meet such a good lesbian!

This is the second time Xu Jiajia has sent something to the army.

For the first time, I sent a few photos.

When Liu Zhen saw the photo, he felt that Shen Yuebai's eyes were really vicious. Such a beautiful lesbian could be found in such a small place.

Later, I heard Shen Yuebai say that his wife passed the exam to the factory based on her own ability, which made her even more envious.

It doesn’t matter if she’s pretty, she’s still so capable.

After listening too much, Liu Zhen was numb now. Then he thought of something and grabbed Shen Yuebai's arm: "Old Shen, introduce me to someone.

I don't have high requirements, I just need to be a little bit educated and be virtuous and have a good temper. "

After hearing this, Shen Yuebai remembered what Liao Mei had asked him to introduce: "There is really a high school student who is a high school classmate of my wife and I, and works in a sugar factory."

Liu Zhen's education is not high, but he admires educated people. Now that the college entrance examination has been cancelled, high school education is the highest level of education.

"Okay, I have photos here, you can send them to her to see."

Shen Yuebai originally wanted to send a photo of them together, but after thinking about it, he thought it would be okay to send a photo of the couple: "Okay, give it to me and I'll send it tomorrow."

While talking, Shen Yuebai took out the letter written by Xu Jiajia and opened it.

Halfway through, he froze.

His wife is not a bit awesome, but very awesome!

For jobs that others failed to pass several times, she got the job every time.

There was a pause.

He continued to look.

When he saw the name Liu Yi, he became confused.

Who is Liu Yi?

After seeing the letter saying that Liu Yi wanted to be a soldier, he felt that this man was very good and had his own ideas: "Although he is a bit old, it is not impossible."

Liu Zhen heard him talking to himself and came over to take a look, just in time to see Liu Yi's age: "If you want to be a soldier, why didn't you join the army earlier?"

Shen Yuebai shook his head: "Who knows! But twenty-five is not too late."

Go to the canteen in the afternoon.

Shen Yuebai wore the white shirt and Jiefang shoes sent by Xu Jiajia.

He was the only one in the entire army dressed like this, so when he appeared, he instantly became the center of attention.

"Deputy Shen used to dress so plainly, but why does he look so good today! With new clothes, he feels like a different person!"

"Yeah, I don't even recognize him anymore."

"Isn't he married? Why is he still dressed like this? What is he doing?"

"Who knows?"

When Shen Yuebai saw everyone looking at him, he smiled very happily. It was completely different from his stern face during training. He asked everyone: "Does it look good?"

"It looks good, Deputy Shen. Where did you buy this clothes? Does it fit you very well?"

This is what Shen Yuebai was waiting for. He opened his mouth to show off: "My wife sent these. She bought the clothes and the shoes. These shoes are different from the ones issued by the army. They are very easy to wear. Wow." Suitable for field training.”

Everyone felt sour after hearing this.

It’s amazing to have a wife!

"Deputy Camp Shen, we are still single. How about you ask your sister-in-law to introduce one to us?"

"Yes, yes, you ask your sister-in-law to bring the lesbian over and let her choose."

Liu Zhen was afraid that Shen Yuebai would introduce Liao Mei to others, so he walked over and said with a straight face: "Even if the introduction is made, it will be with those of us who are older first. You who are younger, don't be in such a hurry."

Some people don't agree with this sentence: "It's easier to find a partner when you are young. Who wants to find an old one when there are young ones, right?"

These words offended the older ones, Liu Zhen said with a cold face: "You said we are very old?"

The man also knew that what he said was wrong, but he did not admit it: "He is older than me anyway."

Liu Zhen gave him a gentle blow and joked: "You brat, even before your hair has even grown, you already know you're looking for a wife! Get out of here, you kid!"

The man was less than twenty, and he didn't look much younger than Liu Zhen, but he had a baby face. If he didn't tell others his age, they thought he was only fifteen or sixteen years old.

The baby-faced man looked at Liu Zhen angrily: "My hair has grown all the way. If you don't believe me, I'll take it off and show you."

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