In the following days, Chen Ji went to a nearby park to exercise every day.

This morning.

He was about to go home after his exercise when he heard a male voice coming from behind a rock: "Can you take that guy down?"

The female voice patted her chest and said proudly: "Dad, don't worry, he's already fascinated by I'll pick him up at home this afternoon. You cook two dishes and then we can make it a done deal. His mother won't dare to do anything even if she doesn't want to. " "You're my daughter, this is a good idea. Just do it. "

"Of course, his family only has one son. When I marry into the family, all the things in the Li family will be mine.

Then, let Li Chengye give the job to his younger brother. "

When Chen Ji heard this name, he seemed to be struck by lightning. It was like a split. Oh my god, are women nowadays so scary?

She started to scheme against me before I even got married!

After I came back from exercise.

After taking a shower, Chen Ji went to find Li Chengye and told him what he heard.

After saying that, he patted Li Chengye on the shoulder and said, "Brother, women are poisonous, it's better to stay away from them!"

Li Chengye didn't believe that the girl he liked was that kind of person. He looked at Chen Ji blankly and said, "Did you hear Wrong?"

Chen Ji is not a good-tempered person. When he saw Li Chengye questioning him, he slapped Li Chengye on the back: "Damn it, I was afraid that you would be cheated, so I came all the way here, and you actually doubted me! "

Chen Ji's slap woke Li Chengye up, and he immediately explained: "No, I didn't doubt you, I just thought she wasn't that kind of person.

Every time we met, I would buy her something. She refused, saying no. She wants to spend my money, so I think she is a very good person. ”

Chen Ji choked, with a mocking tone: “She is playing the long game to catch the big fish, and she said that on purpose. That female comrade is smart and knows that you eat this A set of tricks to control you.

After successfully entering the Li family, she started to make trouble and turned your family upside down. "

Li Chengye still didn't believe that a female comrade under 18 years old could do that. "Chen Ji, how about you go with me to confront her? If it's true..."

Speaking of this, Li Chengye didn't know what to do. He really liked that girl. If he said he wanted to break up, He was a little reluctant.

Hearing this, Chen Ji slapped her again: "Are you crazy? Even if we confront her, she won't admit it. Forget it, I've already told you, believe it or not."

After saying that , Chen Ji left quickly.

Li Chengye was afraid that Chen Ji would be angry, so he immediately chased after her: "It's not that I don't believe you, but I just can't accept that she is that kind of person. Give me some time, okay?"

Chen Ji stopped and looked at Li Chengye indifferently: "Do you believe If you don't believe me, it has nothing to do with me. I told you this for my sister's sake. If it weren't for this reason, you would really think I was full and had nothing to do, so I would mind your business!"

After saying this, Chen Ji walked away without hesitation.

He did not go home.

Instead, she went to the Public Security Bureau to find Xu Jiajia: "Sister, don't you think that idiot Li Chengye is annoying? I told him everything, but he still didn't believe it. If I had known that he believed that woman so much, I shouldn't have told him. Let him regret it. ”

Xu Jiajia poured a glass of water for Chen Ji: "Calm down."

Chen Ji touched his hair: "I am very calm, but I am angry. I didn't expect that he would rather believe a woman he had only known for a few days than me."

Xu Jiajia : "If you are calm, why are you angry? This is contradictory enough?"

Chen Ji took a sip of tea, suppressed his anger, and then said: "I thought that given our friendship, he would believe me, but I didn't expect that he would actually resist He is just an outsider who came in from nowhere. ”

Xu Jiajia thought it was no problem, after all, Li Chengye was interested in female comrades: “Anyway, you have already told him, whether he listens or not is his business.”

Chen Ji has many friends, but one less Friends, for him, are not a problem, but Li Chengye's tone makes him feel that he is a bit nosy.

In fact, Li Chengye does not completely distrust Chen Ji.

In the afternoon, the female comrade came to see him.

She said she would take him home for dinner.

His heart skipped a beat.

This was exactly what Chen Ji said.

When they got home, she would get him drunk and make it a done deal, right? .

Li Chengye didn't want to be led by the nose in the future, so he refused subconsciously: "No, no, my mother will take me to a relative's house for dinner in the afternoon, so I'm afraid I won't have time to go to your house today."

A trace of disappointment flashed across the female comrade's eyes: " So, I thought

You have time, I bought two taels of meat today!"

The more the female comrade said this, the more scared Li Chengye was. Would her family want to cook him and eat him?

Thinking of that scene, Li Chengye shuddered. Oh my god, it was so scary: "Well, I, I'll go first."

Li Chengye fled.

He ran home in one breath.

Li's mother saw him sweating all over and frowned: "What are you doing? There is a beast chasing you!"

Li Chengye's mother didn't know about his girlfriend: "No, no, it's just too hot outside, I want to get home quickly, mother, what do you want to eat in the afternoon?"

Li's mother rolled her eyes: "Pickled vegetables and green vegetables, don't complain that the vegetables are not delicious. In this day and age, it's already very good to have pickled vegetables. ”

Li Chengye: “…”

Don’t you get tired of eating pickled vegetables every day?

In the next few days, the female comrade went to the factory gate to block Li Chengye every afternoon.

He refused for various reasons.

Finally, he couldn’t stand it anymore, so he told the female comrade that his mother didn’t want them to be together.

The female comrade saw this.

She deliberately pulled down her collar and shouted that she was a hooligan.

She was too anxious.

She didn’t notice that there was someone behind her.

If there hadn’t been a witness at the time, Li Chengye would really have been speechless.

When Li’s mother learned that he had secretly found a partner and such a thing happened, she was so angry that she hit Li Chengye several times: “You’re going to die, are you blind, or are you covered with eye mucus, and you actually found such a thing!”

Li Chengye was also very frustrated: “People’s hearts are separated by their stomachs, who knows what kind of person she is! Mom, I’m already annoying enough, can you be quiet for a while?”

Li’s mother slapped him: “You still dislike me, right? Brat, believe it or not, I will beat you to death!"

Li Chengye was so annoyed that he stood up and slammed the door shut, ready to reflect on himself.

When Chen Ji learned about the lesbian's magical operation, he laughed so hard that he couldn't straighten his waist: "Hahaha...hahaha..."

Mother Chen looked at him with a worried look: "Youngest, are you okay?"

Chen Ji laughed so hard that tears came out: "What can happen to me? I'm fine, hahaha, I'm laughing to death!"

Seeing him like this, Chen's mother became more worried.

As soon as the other members of the Chen family came back, Chen's mother immediately told everyone about Chen Ji's abnormality.

Father Chen walked into Chen Ji's room: "Youngest, did you encounter something?"

Chen Ji was confused: "I have been exercising recently, and I'm still exercising. What can I encounter! "

Father Chen glanced at him and found nothing unusual. He breathed a sigh of relief and did not mention his silly smile again.


Led by the political commissar, Shen Yuebai came to Building 2.

The political commissar pointed to the vacant house and said, "The person who lived here before was transferred to Kyoto a few days ago. ”

Enter the living room through the door.

The master bedroom is on the right.

There is a window facing south.

There is also a window facing north.

After leaving the master bedroom is the bathroom.

This bathroom is L-shaped.

It is very small, but in this era, it is considered very good.

Next to the bathroom is the kitchen.

The small window in the kitchen is the same as that in the bathroom.

Looking forward, there is an iron door bar above this door.

This door leads to the backyard, but the previous resident added another room with transparent tiles.

The other bedroom is divided into two small rooms inside and outside.

The small bedroom inside has another door.

It can lead to the outside.

The structure of this house.

Shen Yuebai liked it at first sight: "Okay, this one."

The political commissar patted Shen Yuebai on the shoulder: "This one is very good, and it is far away from other family members, so there will be no conflicts. ”

Less than a month later.

Xu Jiajia received another letter from the army.

After reading the letter.

She looked at Grandma Xu excitedly: "Grandma, A Yue said that the house has two bedrooms and one living room, but there is a room that is divided into two small rooms. You and Dad can live in that room."

Grandma Xu was stunned: "Your dad needs to work, how can you go?"

Xu Jiajia took the letter to Grandma Xu: "A Yue said that he asked you to go, and said that there is also a machinery factory over there, and you can transfer your work there."

Grandma Xu really learned something: "Can it be operated this way? What about yours?"

Xu Jiajia didn't care about her job at all: "Mine, I probably can't transfer it, but I heard from A Yue that they have several military factories there, I'll take the exam later."

Grandma Xu believed in Xu Jiajia's ability: "That's fine. "


Zhao Chunlan couldn't sit still when she learned that Xu Jiajia's family was going to join the army. She urged Shen Dazhu: "If they go to join the army, you should go with them. You can't let them enjoy themselves while you stay at home and work like a workhorse."

Sanmao came back from school and heard this. He threw his schoolbag and ran to the machinery factory.

He was used to being wild.


It’s not strenuous at all to run.

Before arriving at the machine factory, he met Shen Zhou: "Brother, brother, it's not good, my sister-in-law and her family are going to join the army, and my mother is urging my father to go too. You should go back and stop her."

Shen Zhou's face darkened and he was furious.

He also has a bicycle.

I bought this car from a friend of Chen Ji's.

He carried Sanmao and rode home as fast as he could.

As soon as he entered the yard, he looked at Zhao Chunlan and asked calmly: "Mom, are you inciting dad to find eldest brother again?"

When Zhao Chunlan heard this, she knew it was Sanmao's complaint. She glared at Sanmao, gritted her teeth and said, "You bastard, just wait for me."

Sanmao shrank his neck and whispered: "Who made you think wrong!"

Zhao Chunlan was so angry that she almost ran away. Why did she get such a blow? "What is wrong with me? Isn't your father the biological father of the broom star? The Xu family can go to the army and enjoy the blessings, why can't my biological father go?"

Shen Zhou looked at Zhao Chunlan expressionlessly and said with a trump card: "If dad dares to go to the army, I will give my job back to my sister-in-law."

Zhao Chunlan cried angrily and pointed at Shen Zhou: "Are you born by me or by that broom star? Why do you always go against me and why do you always speak for the broom star?"

Shen Zhou said word by word: "I'm not speaking for anyone, I'm just standing on the side of justice. I've grown up, and I can tell who is right and who is wrong.

Anyway, I’ll leave my words here. If my father dares to go to the army, I dare not to work! "

Zhao Chunlan was so manipulated by Shen Zhou that she had no choice but to let Shen Dazhu stay here.

In fact, even if Zhao Chunlan didn't say to stay, Shen Dazhu wouldn't go.

Those people in the Xu family were not friendly to him. If he really wanted to follow him, he would be cramped and skinned by them.

After receiving a satisfactory answer, Shen Zhou smiled: "That's pretty much it. Dad, I remember there are two pieces of bacon at home. Take it out and I'll give it to my sister-in-law."

Zhao Chunlan was so angry that she almost fainted: "Why?"

Shen Zhou said: "It's up to my sister-in-law to give me the key points so that I can have a decent job. If you don't give me my salary next month, I will send it all to my sister-in-law."

Zhao Chunlan wanted to faint, what a sin, why did she give birth to such a bastard with her elbows turned outwards.

For those who didn’t know, they thought she gave birth to two sons for Shen Yuebai!

the next day.

Xu Jiajia told the deputy director that she was going to join the army.

After he listened, he was silent for a moment before he said, "Your job was given by the boss above. I have to call them and tell them."

Xu Jiajia nodded: "It should be."

As soon as Xu Jiajia left, the deputy bureau picked up the phone and called the Provincial Public Security Bureau.

The call was answered by the assistant director.

After answering the phone, he told the director about the matter.

The director had investigated Xu Jiajia's family a long time ago.

He knew that Xu Jiajia was married to a soldier.

"No need to resign, transfer her job to the Wuzhou Public Security Bureau of Suzhou Province."

The director of the Provincial Public Security Bureau is originally from Kyoto.

It's a big family.

Relatives in the family are either in the military or in politics.

It's easy for him to adjust someone.

Xu Jiajia was stunned when she learned that she did not have to resign and was directly transferred to the Wuzhou Public Security Bureau.

This, this leader was so kind to her, it was disturbing!

If she hadn't known that she was Xu Jianguo's biological child, she would have doubted her relationship with the leader!

Xu Jianguo was also dumbfounded. He pointed at his head and said, "Mom, do you think there is something wrong with that person? Jiajia has nothing to do with him. What does he mean by being so nice to Jiajia?"

Mrs. Xu glanced at him: "Maybe she really loves talents!"

Xu Jianguo didn't believe it at all: "There must be a purpose."

Mrs. Xu was speechless and said: "What purpose can it have! Could it be that Tu Jiajia is the person? You have to know that Jiajia is already married. Even if she wants to, she has no chance."

Xu Jianguo also couldn't understand the other person's thinking: "Why is that?"

Mrs. Xu: "The devil knows what's going on."

Xu Jiajia has Guagua. Guagua knows very well whether he is a good person or not: "Daddy, that person has no ill intentions towards me."

The villagers learned that Xu Jiajia's family was going to join the army.

He immediately ran to Xu's house and asked Xu Jianguo: "Jianguo, if you join the army and don't have to work, how much do you plan to sell it for?"

Xu Jianguo: "I don't sell my job."

"Is it possible that you found the right person to take over the job?"

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