The weather was very hot, but the weather was very good.


Time flies.

In the eastern plains of the Republic of Saga, there is a village called Lemons.

Lemons is a medium-sized town with more than 400 people living in it. It is well-known in the vicinity for its specialty cherries.

Because it is located inland, the village security is relatively stable.

The houses in Lemons are basically wooden houses, and a small part is built with stones. There are people working in the fields, and horse-drawn carriages are driving on the small road, making this place look full of rural flavor.

At the east end of the village, under a big oak tree, a teenager was standing quietly.

The boy was about eleven or twelve years old, wearing light blue overalls and a pair of old-fashioned leather shoes. He had a delicate appearance, distinct features, and a head of black hair that made him look handsome.

If you look closely, you will find that his face has typical oriental features.

Yes, the boy was Uchiha Shentong.

It has been 12 years since he escaped from Geshidi, and he has grown from a protected baby to a 1.6-meter-tall boy.

As for why he has an oriental face, it is also inseparable from the system.


Suddenly, Shentong, who was standing still, opened his eyes suddenly, and his pupils changed from black to a magatama Sharingan. The next second, the whole person jumped up on the spot and instantly catapulted onto the big oak branch in front of him.

If someone passed by and saw it, they would definitely be scared, because it was more than 5 meters high.

"It's still not enough..."

"This level... I'm afraid even the kids in the ninja school can't compare to it." Shentong squatted on the branch and sighed.

He did not show much joy for his performance just now.

In fact, Shen Tong had achieved the current results a few years ago. The main reason why he stopped moving forward was that his development was blocked.

Over the years, the system has been dormant most of the time, so he can only rely on himself to practice and improve his strength.

Since he is not in the Naruto world, and there is no professional teacher to guide his practice, Shen Tong must have a hard time developing on his own.

Fortunately, the system has finally woken up from dormancy in recent days.

"We must find a way to quickly improve our strength. Otherwise, it will be difficult to protect ourselves when we encounter danger,"

Shen Tong's immature face showed a bit of solemnity, and he was worried about his future.

It has been 12 years since he came to this world, and he has already learned a lot of information about the outside world.

First of all, Adalon is a steam civilization with electricity, trains, cars, and guns. The level is equivalent to that of Blue Star in the 18th century.

In terms of countries, Adalon has three, namely the Republic of Outland, the Republic of Saiga, and the Republic of the Holy Church.

Although they all have the name of republics, they are all monarchies.

Lemons, where Shen Tong is located, belongs to the Republic of Saiga, which has a population of about 80 million, ranking second among the three countries.

Although the total population of the Republic of Saiga is not small, the development of science and technology has stagnated for a long time because it was interrupted by another force.

In this world, there are many incredible creatures.

These include vampires, werewolves, witches, magicians, and demons, etc., which all exist in real places in Adarlon.

These supernatural creatures all have special abilities, among which vampires are the most powerful.

Vampires are typical dark creatures. They have the gift of immortality and launched an invasion of humans from the Night Continent 200 years ago.

Due to their own strong racial abilities, 60% of the land became uninhabited in a short period of time.

However, vampires have a common problem, that is, they are afraid of sunlight.

It is rumored that only royal families and mixed-race people have the ability to move during the day.

In order to prevent the spread of disasters, people had to build high walls around the city, but this did not stop the pace of vampires.

Later, the two sides seemed to have reached some kind of agreement, and the vampires stopped expanding.

But even after the truce, many people disappeared inexplicably every year.

Although the vampires did not admit it on the surface, everyone knew that it was related to them.

In order to deal with it, many professions were born in the human world, such as hunters who specialized in hunting vampires, and bounty hunters who fought for money.

After 200 years of development and evolution, humans have also developed weapons to deal with vampires.

However, compared with supernatural creatures, this force is still too weak, and countless hunters die at the hands of vampires every year.

This is also why when Shen Tong was born, his biological father insisted on killing him.

, because the people of Adalon are deeply afraid of vampires.

"I don't know how strong vampires are. I really hope to master ninjutsu as soon as possible."

There was expectation in Shentong's eyes.

He didn't worry about how terrible vampires were. He had the Hokage system. As long as he could develop it, no supernatural creatures would be enough.

"Brother Shentong!"

Just then, a shout came from the entrance of the village.

I saw a black-haired little boy running towards here with a smile on his face.

Seeing this, Shentong quickly hid his Sharingan and jumped down from the tree.

"Brother Eric, why are you here?"

After landing, he smiled at the boy who ran over.

The boy named Eric in front of him is Shentong's younger brother.

There is also a tortuous history behind why he has a younger brother.

After his mother Azeya took him away, the mother and son spent several years hiding from each other.

Because they were not sure whether Shentong's eyes would turn red again, the two of them lived a hard life in those years, almost isolated from the world.

But in this world, it is very difficult for a woman to support a family alone.

So when Shentong was 3 years old, her mother Azeya moved here and met a man named Jeff. After they fell in love, they formed a new family and finally gave birth to their younger brother Eric.

Like his brother Shentong, Eric also has black hair, but he has a typical European face, especially his sea blue eyes are very attractive.

Although the two are half-siblings, the relationship between the brothers is very harmonious, and Eric always comes to Shentong to play from time to time like a clingy ghost.

"Brother Shentong, Mr. Cliff is going to give a lecture, let's go together."

Eric said excitedly.

"Sorry, I have to accompany my father to the city to sell cherries later, let's do it next time." Shentong showed a gentle smile and politely refused.

"Hmph, it's next time again. Brother is always unwilling to play with me."

Eric showed dissatisfaction after hearing this, and complained to Shentong with a pout.

Shentong looked at his brother and smiled guiltily. He had no words to say about this.

Because he had to practice ninjutsu, he could only sneak out and do it alone, which would inevitably lead to his time being compressed.

"Brother, let's go together, okay?"

Eric still refused to give up, and used his little hands to grab Shentong's sleeves and act coquettishly.

"But father..."

"It's okay, I've already told my father, there won't be any problem."

"Brother, let's go together."

Eric said confidently.

Shentong sighed helplessly after listening, because his younger brother was the biological son of his stepfather, so he was indeed more favored in some ways.

"Okay, okay, I really lost to you, just go and listen for a while."

Shentong finally softened his heart and decided to accompany his younger brother to the class.

The two left the woods and walked towards the north of the village, and soon came to the door of a Gothic classical church.

This is the only high-rise building in the village, about two or three stories high, and looks like a castle. A tall cross stands on the top, and the surrounding walls are covered with moss and watermarks, which are the witnesses left after years of baptism.

Inside the church, a man with glasses wearing black priest clothes and a cross hanging around his neck was interacting with several other children.

Cliff is the priest of Lemons' church. He is over 50 years old this year. Although he has blond hair, his forehead is already bald, but his face is very kind, and his words and deeds are also very elegant.

In addition to preaching, Cliff usually spends the rest of his time teaching children knowledge, including Shentong. A lot of information is learned from him, such as the stories of vampires and werewolves.

"Eric, Shentong, it's been a long time since I saw you two brothers come together."

Cliff saw the two brothers and greeted them with a smile.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Cliff, I am here with my brother to attend the class."

Shen Tong responded to Cliff politely.

"Welcome, please take a seat."

Cliff invited the two to take a seat without any hesitation.

Since the students were all children, there were less than 20 people in the church in the end.

The content of the class was like a story, all about werewolves or vampires, and witches who were dominating the people.

Shen Tong had listened to it many times, so he dozed off most of the time, but his brother Eric listened with great interest.

It was not until almost afternoon that a deep voice interrupted the class.

"Shen Tong, it's time, come with me into the city."

Outside the church, a bearded man wearing a straw hat shouted.

This man was very strong, with thick curly black hair, a loud and strong voice, and a loose blue vest.

Belt pants and black boots.

Shen Tong turned his head and saw that the person who came was none other than his stepfather Jeff.

"Dad, the class is not over yet." Eric said dissatisfiedly.

"Sorry son, the weather is hot now, and the cherries must be sent to the city to be sold as soon as possible." Jeff replied in a gentle tone.

Shen Tong knew that he was leaving after hearing this. After all, this was a matter of livelihood for the family, so he took the initiative to stand up and say goodbye to Cliff on the podium.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Cliff, I have to leave."

"Is that so... Well, be careful on the road, and remember to come to class next time."

"Well, I will."

After speaking, Shen Tong turned and left the church, following Jeff back home.

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