The train was packed with people, and the police caught all the traffickers on the train with the help of Xu Jiajia.

The police held Xu Jiajia's hand and was very grateful: "Thank you, thank you, Comrade Xu, where do you work?"

Xu Jiajia didn't tell her where she lived. She waved her hand and said, "You're welcome. I have nothing to do. I'll go back to the carriage first."

The police wanted to ask Xu Jiajia's address.

She turned around and left.

Back to the carriage.

Xu Jianguo hurriedly asked her, "Where did you go? I went to the bathroom to look for you, but I didn't see you!"

His face was pale.

Both hands were shaking.

Obviously scared.

Xu Jiajia said apologetically: "I'm sorry, I just went to help the train police catch the human traffickers."

Xu Jianguo's face changed drastically: "Are you okay? Are you not injured?"

Xu Jiajia shook her head: "I'm fine, I'm not injured."

Xu Jianguo breathed a sigh of relief: "It's good that you are not injured. When your grandma asks you later, just say you went to gossip with others. Don't let her worry."

Xu Jiajia nodded: "Okay."

After two days of train riding.

Finally arrived at the destination.

Xu Jianguo carried two snakeskin bags by himself.

Old lady Xu also carried one.

Xu Jiajia and Liao Mei had never done farm work, so they carried smaller bags.

Walked out of the ticket gate.

Shen Yuebai saw Xu Jiajia and her group and immediately stepped forward to put down the snakeskin bags on their shoulders.

"Why do you carry so many things? It's so tiring! It doesn't cost much to mail them."

Xu Jiajia wiped the sweat from her forehead: "The postage is too expensive. I can't bear it, so I only mailed four packages."

Xu Jiajia's face was red from sweating from walking, like a ripe strawberry.

Liu Zhen, who came with Shen Yuebai, saw the real person and secretly clicked his tongue. No wonder Old Shen always talked about her. If it were him, he would also talk about her.

Thinking of something.

Liu Zhen looked at Liao Mei behind Xu Jiajia again.

She was the one he wanted to see.

Although not as pretty as Old Shen's wife, she was not bad either.

When Liu Zhen looked over, Liao Meiye just looked over, and their eyes met.

Liao Mei was as embarrassed as if she had been electrocuted and immediately retracted her gaze.

Shen Yuebai drove the army jeep to pick him up.

Xu Jianguo was shocked. My God, this is a luxury car!


He has a promising future.

I can actually ride in this kind of car in my life!

Xu Jianguo touched here and there, but didn't know how to open the door. Xu Jiajia saw this and helped him open the door.

Xu Jianguo was confused: "Girl, can you open the door?"

Xu Jiajia looked at Xu Jianguo without looking away: "Is this difficult?"

Xu Jianguo: "..."


He is stupid.

Shen Yuebai is a good driver and drives very steadily.

It took an hour to drive to the army.

At this point.

It was time to rest.

Everyone knew that Shen Yuebai was going to pick someone up, so they were waiting at the door.

When they saw the jeep coming, they immediately went to meet it.

The first person to get off was the old lady.

They all called grandma.

The old lady smiled so hard that her eyebrows were not visible: "They are all good children."

The second person to get off was Liao Mei.

When they saw the person, they all shook their heads and whispered: "It's not this one."

Shen Yuebai had shown them photos before.

So they could tell at a glance that it wasn't her.

Liao Mei was shocked by the scene.

So many people, what are they doing!

Xu Jiajia was the third one to get off the bus.

The soldiers saw people.

Those younger than Shen Yuebai called her sister-in-law, and those older than Shen Yuebai called her sister-in-law.

The voices were deafening, and they almost wanted to tear the sky apart.

Facing so many people, Xu Jiajia was not at all stage-frightened. She even stretched out her hand to greet them: "Hello, everyone!"

Everyone screamed.


Old Shen is so lucky.

After visiting relatives, he actually picked up a treasure.

Chen Rou learned that Xu Jiajia was coming to the army today, so she took a day off and came to see her.

She stood in the distance, looking at Xu Jiajia surrounded by people, and couldn't help but sigh in her heart. Let alone Shen Yuebai, if she was a man, she would also choose Xu Jiajia.

Good skin, not to mention, she is also beautiful.

Just this appearance.

Who wouldn't be confused after watching this!

Seeing that everyone was reluctant to leave, Shen Yuebai sneered, "What are you all doing here? Have you finished your training?"

Everyone ran away in a flash.

"Oh my god, the King of Hell is angry."

"Stop talking, run quickly, wait, who knows what he will do to us?"


Shen Yuebai carried the snakeskin bag and brought Xu Jiajia to the family compound


As soon as Xu Jianguo entered the door, he saw the light bulb on the top. He looked surprised: "Do you use electricity here?"

Shen Yuebai nodded: "Yes."

Xu Jianguo put the snakeskin bag on the ground, rubbed his hands and said, "Electricity is much more convenient than oil lamps, and it's also brighter."

After viewing the house.

Xu Jianguo became more and more satisfied.

Not only is there a sofa, but there is also a bathroom.

Xu Jianguo pointed to the sofa and asked, "Did you buy this?"

Shen Yuebai nodded: "Well, these furniture are all new. They were just finished and delivered a few days ago."

The sofas are all made of logs.

Not painted yet.

Xu Jianguo touched the sofa: "It's very well made and smooth."

Shen Yuebai checked the time and put the things in a pile: "You guys rest in the room, I'll go get you some food."

Mrs. Xu nodded: "Okay."

The military wives from the family home came to watch the fun one by one.

When they saw Xu Jiajia, they took a deep breath.

With such good looks, no wonder she got married as soon as she went home!

"Oh, you are from Deputy Shen Ying's family, you are so beautiful. No wonder Deputy Shen is urging the teacher to get a house every day. I wouldn't trust such a beautiful daughter-in-law to leave me alone at home!"

"Sister-in-law, I heard that you are from the countryside, but your skin doesn't look like someone from the countryside at all. Did they send the wrong message?"

Xu Jiajia withdrew her hand and said with a smile: "I am from the countryside, but I am favored at home and the elders at home do not let me work."

"No wonder! Your skin is fairer and tenderer than that of girls from the city. If you don't say you are from the country, everyone will think you are from the city!"

"The figure is also good-looking. Deputy Shen has made a profit."

"Isn't it profitable! Not only is he a good person, but he is also a high school student. None of the beauties in the cultural troupe have such high academic qualifications, and the requirements are as high as heaven."

"That girl is stupid. Someone introduced her to Deputy Shen before. She thought that Deputy Shen was from the countryside. Later, they went on a few blind dates, but they were not satisfied. She wanted to go back to the past, but Deputy Shen didn't care. reason……"

The woman next to her felt that it was not good to say this in front of Xu Jiajia. She tugged on her companion's sleeve and lowered her voice: "Stop saying a few words."

Sister-in-law Liu looked at her in confusion: "Why do you have to say less? Everyone in the family home knows these things. Even if I don't say it, it will be spread to her ears in the future."

Sister-in-law Xiao smiled awkwardly: "Sister-in-law, don't be offended. Sister-in-law Liu has this kind of character. She can't hide her words. She says whatever she wants, but she doesn't have bad intentions."

Sister-in-law Liu also nodded and said, "I have no bad intentions, I just think you have the right to know."

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