The truth is that the murderer was not reported.

Zhang's father thought it was true, but was deceived by Xu Jiajia, so he told everything he saw.

Xu Jiajia secretly sighed, knowing who the murderer was but still protecting him, such a person is not worthy of being a father.

Xu Jiajia lifted Zhang's father's collar: "Knowing and not reporting is an accomplice, it is also a crime, you come with me."

Zhang's father was so scared that his legs went weak, and fine sweat oozed from his forehead: "I, I didn't participate, I, I just saw a little bit, I, I am not an accomplice."

Xu Jiajia said coldly: "Let's go——"

When Xu Jiajia smiled, she was like the sun, which could dispel all darkness.

When she had a cold face, she was particularly imposing.

Father Zhang was so scared that he knelt on the ground and begged for mercy: "Comrade Public Security, I was wrong, I was wrong, I will never dare to do it again!"

After hearing everything, Mother Zhang collapsed. She stared at Father Zhang with bloodshot eyes: "Beast, beast, that's your son!"

Father Zhang was a face-conscious person. Zhang San's second-rate behavior made him lose face. He often prayed silently to God to take Zhang San away.

After finally meeting Wang Laosan, a good man, he certainly would not let him go. Not to mention giving him a hundred hush money, he would be willing to conceal it even if he was given thirty.

"Son? I am ashamed to have such an unpromising son."

Mother Zhang collapsed on the ground, laughing and crying: "It's embarrassing to dislike him now. When he was a child, you indulged him and said it was okay. It was you, you who harmed him.

If it weren't for you, Xiao San would definitely be an obedient child."

Mother Zhang seemed to be exhausted and sat on the ground crying.

She hated.

Hated men for not doing anything.

Her own son was killed by a murderer, but not only did she not report the crime, she also asked for hush money.

The hatred in her eyes became stronger and stronger.

Suddenly, she stood up, ran to the kitchen, picked up a machete and chopped Zhang's father.

Her arm was chopped hard.

The blood gushed out and instantly dyed the clothes red.

Father Zhang screamed in pain. He was afraid that Mother Zhang would come at him again, so he covered his wound and moved away from Mother Zhang: "You lunatic, throw away the machete!"

Mother Zhang's hatred for Father Zhang was like a surging wave. How could she listen to him: "I'm going to kill you, you beast."

Xu Jiajia was afraid that someone would die, so she took the machete from Mother Zhang's hand: "You won't survive even if you kill him."

Mother Zhang cried like a helpless child: "He deserves to die, he deserves to die..."

Xu Jiajia glanced at Father Zhang, who was pale: "He won't die, but he won't feel relieved either."

Xu Jiajia tore off a piece of cloth to bandage Father Zhang's wound, and dragged him out.

Arrived at the entrance of the village.

Another witness was there.

She took them to the Public Security Bureau.

With the witness, Wang Laosan couldn't cheat even if he wanted to.

It took her only one day to solve this case.

Others in the Public Security Bureau were shocked by her swift and decisive approach.

"Oh my god, I'm afraid that the old detective can't beat her, right?"

Some people are envious, and some are jealous: "One case doesn't mean anything. People with strength basically complete every case perfectly."

"No, what shocked me was not this, but the case itself.

I heard that the deceased was buried and no one reported the case. How did she know that the deceased was killed, not drunk and fell to death? Don't you think it's strange?"

This reminded everyone.

Everyone looked at Xu Jiajia and asked her: "How did you suspect that Zhang San was killed?"

Xu Jiajia actually just arrived in Chaoyang Village. She didn't look at the land first, but met an old man at the entrance of the village. He was suspicious about Zhang San's death and muttered a few words on the road.

At that time, Xu Jiajia didn't care until Guagua told her that Wang Laosan killed someone, and she remembered this matter.

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