The house is good, but it is really expensive, eight yuan a month."

Xu Xiaoyao and the other person took a deep breath. My god, it's so expensive!

It was so expensive that they immediately thought of checking out.

Xu Jiajia saw what they were thinking and said, "Two girls can't live in a shabby house. It's not safe. Look at this house. Not only does it have an iron gate, but the wall of the yard is also high enough. There is also broken glass on it. Thieves dare not climb up."

There are stairs next to the yard.

Xu Xiaoyao climbed up and saw that the dense broken glass refracted in the sunlight, emitting a dazzling light.

She reached out and touched it.

The sharp glass cut a hole in her hand.

Blood flowed out instantly.

Xu Xiaoyao was dumbfounded: "Jiajia, this glass is so sharp, you can't even touch it."

Xu Jiajia saw that her hand was bleeding, and the corner of her mouth couldn't stop twitching: "The first thing to do is to bandage the wound, right?"

Xu Xiaoyao was born into a hard-working family.

This injury is nothing to her.

"It's okay, just press it and it will be gone."

He Hua took out a torn cotton coat from the luggage bag, took out a little cotton and handed it to Xu Xiaoyao: "Press it with this, the bleeding will stop quickly."

Then Xu Jiajia took the two of them into the house and looked around.

Before entering the house, Xu Xiaoyao and the others thought it was also a suite like the one in their hometown.

After looking at it, they realized that it was a two-bedroom, one-living room house.

It was the first time that He Hua saw a house with this structure. She looked here and there and liked it very much: "Houses in big cities are different from those in our countryside. Jiajia, thank you. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I would never see such a good house until I die."

He Hua sometimes found that she was quite lucky.

Although she was insulted by her father, she met Jiajia.

She met this comrade who made her see the light again.

Xu Jiajia patted her on the shoulder: "Don't be polite, we are all good sisters, help if you can."

Hehua knew that Xu Jiajia was not a nosy person. She was grateful that she could help her like this, and silently vowed to put Jiajia first in the future.

The luggage was left at home.

Xu Jiajia took the two to the family compound again.

Old Lady Xu waited for a long time, but no one came back. She couldn't help looking at the door. Finally, she saw someone and immediately went to meet him: "Why did you take so long to come back? Did you encounter any trouble on the way?"

Xu Jiajia shook her head: "No, it was smooth."

Xu Xiaoyao and Hehua shouted at the same time: "Grandma Xu——"

When Old Lady Xu saw the two juniors, the smile on her face was like a blooming chrysanthemum: "Okay, okay, come, eat a piece of watermelon and cool down."

Although Xu Xiaoyao was a worker, she was very frugal every day in order to save money, and she was reluctant to buy such things: "Grandma, you are too polite!"

Hehua wanted to eat, but she didn't say polite words. She took a bite, it was sweet but not greasy, cool and refreshing, delicious, she wanted to roll her tongue into it.

"Grandma Xu, Jiajia, I will take the exam well and strive to be a worker. When I make money, I will buy you delicious food."

The treatment she encountered today.

She will repay it a hundredfold in the future.

Old lady Xu laughed: "You kid!"

Xu Xiaoyao was not to be outdone, she called grandma directly: "Grandma, I will also work hard to make money. In the future, you will not only have Jiajia as your granddaughter, but also me. When I make money, I will buy you beautiful clothes and shoes, and malted milk."

Speaking of malted milk, Xu Xiaoyao slapped her forehead: "Ah, I bought two boxes of malted milk and put them in my luggage bag, and forgot to take them out for grandma."

Old lady Xu glanced at her: "You bought those things from a long way away, I'm too lazy to carry them!"

Xu Xiaoyao shook her head: "It's not heavy, I specially asked someone to exchange tickets to buy it to honor grandma."

Hehua didn't have a job and didn't have much money, so she didn't buy anything with old lady Xu, but when she was still in her hometown, she made two pairs of cloth shoes for old lady Xu and brought some local specialties here.

"Grandma, I made two pairs of shoes for you and will bring them to you tomorrow."

The younger generation was too polite. Grandma Xu felt a sweet burden, but she was more happy. These children all had consciences.

"Okay, I accept all your kindness. Since you are here, don't think about anything else. All your thoughts should be focused on preparing for the exam and strive to become a worker in one go."

Xu Xiaoyao heard from Liao Mei that Xu Jiajia was very good at guessing questions, so she was not worried at all. She patted her chest and said loudly: "I have memorized all the key points that Jiajia marked. I don't believe I can't pass the exam."

Hehua's mentality is not so good: "If I don't pass the exam, I can find a job as a nanny."

Xu Xiaoyao encouraged Hehua: "Don't say discouraging words, Meizi said Jiajia is very good, as long as you write down the key points she marked, there is a 90% chance that you can pass the exam."

Hehua's eyes lit up instantly: "I will try my best."

After eating the watermelon.

Grandma Xu started to cook.

Xu Xiaoyao and Hehua helped beside her.

As for Xu Jiajia.

She also wanted to help.

But they didn't let her.

They said her hands were for holding pens, not for cooking.

Xu Jiajia had no choice but to go back to the bedroom to mark the key points.

Grandma Xu cooked five dishes today.

There were braised spare ribs, stir-fried lean meat with chili, stir-fried pork liver with chili, mapo tofu, and a green vegetable.

The quantity of each dish was very sufficient.

Just after the dishes were cooked, Xu Jianguo came back.

He saw Xu Xiaoyao and Hehua were there, and smiled happily: "It's good to be here, eat, eat."

Everyone served the food.

Just when they were about to eat.

Chen Rou came with watermelons.

Seeing everyone eating, she smiled and said, "You guys are eating now, I came here after eating."

Old Lady Xu felt helpless when she saw her. She didn't know what was wrong with this girl. She ran to her house every day with things in her hands: "Girl Chen, why are you bringing watermelons again? Will you empty the watermelons at home?"

Chen Rou's family members all have salaries and good conditions. She also has relatives in Kyoto, so she doesn't lack these things at all: "Grandma Xu, no, my uncle asked someone to bring us a lot, and there are at least 30 at home."

When Xu Xiaoyao saw Chen Rou for the first time, she felt that this female comrade was here to snatch Xu Jiajia from her. She looked alert: "Jiajia, is she your new friend?"

Xu Jiajia didn't know how to explain her relationship with Chen Rou.

After thinking for a while, she said, "I saved her."

As soon as she said this, Chen Rou immediately followed up with a sentence: "I will repay you for saving my life."

Xu Xiaoyao glanced at Chen Rou and said with a smile: "You are not a woman, and Jia Jia is not a man, how can you repay me with your body?

Don't say such things in the future, it's not good for others to hear."

If you don't know, you might think she has some shameful habits!

Chen Rou reacted and her face flushed: "I, I don't mean that, I, I am normal, I also like men."

Xu Xiaoyao thought of Shen Yuebai's face, and her eyes turned: "You are not here for other purposes?"

Chen Rou felt a little guilty.

She used to like Shen Yuebai.

But after knowing that he was married, she gave up.

Xu Xiaoyao was just talking casually, but she didn't expect that she had guessed it right. She pointed at Chen Rou and suddenly felt bad everywhere: "You, do you really like Shen Yuebai? You, are you still human? Jiajia is your savior?"

Xu Xiaoyao was even more excited than Xu Jiajia, the person involved. She wanted to rush up and slap Chen Rou twice.

Old Lady Xu and Xu Jianguo also looked at Chen Rou, wanting an explanation.

The person involved, Xu Jiajia, was the calmest. She knew from the beginning that Chen Rou liked Shen Yuebai, but they didn't have much feelings.

Chen Rou shook her head like a rattle: "No, it's not like that. Before Comrade Shen Yuebai got married, I thought he was good. Later, I heard from others that he got married, and I didn't have that idea anymore."

Chen Rou was about to cry.

Her thoughts were so well hidden, but they were also discovered.

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