None of them can guarantee whether the silver horn will lead people to besiege the thousand hands

, but at the moment they have no choice at all

, so they have to grit their teeth and insist here

, ,,,

far away, where the agreement was signed before,

the night moon polar star has gradually fallen into the downwind under the siege of the Golden Horn


his strength is stronger than the Golden Horn, but the strength is also limited, he can't directly crush the Golden Horn, on the other hand, on the Golden Horn's side, he brings a lot of ninjas, the Night Moon Polar Star can only ensure that he completely blocks the Golden Horn, dragging a few Cloud Shinobi

, as for the others, there is no way

, after all, at this moment, the Golden Horn's hand still has six

ninja tools, and there are also casualties on the Night Moon Polar Star's side

, a cloud ninja standing on his side, When the defense was clear, he was stabbed into the chest by a rebel with a ninja knife

, as this person fell, the defense of the Night Moon Polar Star side became more and more unfavorable, as

the siege continued, the Night Moon Polar Star was injured more and more, and the golden horn was not good, he was also injured under the attack of the Night Moon Polar Star with extreme anger,

the Night Moon Polar Star gasped and looked around, and then said sharply, "It seems that you can't escape today," "Everyone, I'm

sorry." , If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have fallen into this situation,"

the few Yun Ren who were still alive next to him hurriedly said when they heard this, "What Lord Lei Ying said, if you want to blame, you can only blame this traitor of Golden Horn

," "Being able to die with Lord Lei Ying is also an honor for me and the others

," "That's right, being able to fight side by side with Lord Lei Ying, even if you die, there is no regret," "

Yes, And this damn golden horn will definitely be punished as it should,"

Night Moon Polar Star was greatly relieved when he heard this, only

to hear him smile and say, "Hahaha, well, it is worthy of the existence of my Yunnin Village

," "Since you are all ready to die, then please join me in your desperation," "Since

you can't escape, then don't escape, kill a few if you can!"

After speaking, Night Moon Polar Star took the lead in opening the Thunder Dun Chakra mode, ready to prepare desperately, and the several Yun Shinobi who were still alive next to him also laughed when they saw this, and followed him into the Thunder Dun Chakra mode, and

when the momentum rose to the peak, the Night Moon Polar Star

said flatly, "Kill!"

Then he took the lead to launch an attack towards

the Golden Horn, and the few Yun Shinobi behind him also followed their footsteps when they

saw this, and when the Golden Horn saw this, he snorted coldly, and said in a loud voice, "Desperately? That also depends on whether you can rush out,"

"Everyone obeys the order, defensive formation!" Rise! As long as you block their attack, when their chakra is exhausted, you can take it down directly,"

the ninjas next to the golden horn heard this, and they all answered yes, and then quickly adjusted their positions, returning the formation to a completely defensive appearance

, the strong ninja blocked the front, facing the Night Moon Polar Star and others head-on, while the weak ones were in the rear, constantly releasing ninjutsu, throwing kunai, etc., harassing the Night Moon Polar Star and others

Although the ninjutsu performed by a single of these people

cannot cause damage to the Night Moon Polar Star, but he can't hold up many people

, the Golden Horn blocks his attack head-on

, and those rebels behind the Golden Horn also keep attacking

the Night Moon Polar Star, although it cannot cause effective damage to the Night Moon Polar Star, but this is also constantly consuming the Chakra of the Night Moon Polar Star, ,,, the

battle has been continuing, After another collision

, the Night Moon Polar Star and the Golden Horn both retreated with strength, after stabilizing their figures, both sides gasped without listening

, at this time both of them took some scars, stab wounds, like bruises caused by blunt objects and other scars appeared on the bodies

of the two, of course, the most injured is the Night Moon Polar Star

, not to mention being besieged by so many people,

just the consumption when he was sucked in by the red gourd was enough for him to fall into the downwind

, exhaled a turbid breath

, the Night Moon Polar Star attacked the Golden Horn again, and on the other hand, on the Golden Horn, he directly took out the banana fan

, he knew that the current Night Moon Polar Star was close to the limit

, as long as it was dragged for a while, his Chakra would be completely consumed

, and when he collided just now, he took a soldier food pill,

and this was the last one he could take

As for the Night Moon Polar Star, the amount of military food pills

he can take has reached the extreme, if he continues to take it forcibly, without

the Golden Horn, he will also die directly, before the Golden Horn did not use the banana fan because it takes a lot of Chakra

, if you can't take the Night Moon Pole Star, then the situation will become passive

, but at this moment the time to use

the banana fan has come, as long as he holds the banana fan, Swinging towards the

Night Moon Polar Star, a wind ninjutsu appeared out of thin air, forming a wind tornado, towards the night moon polar star attacking

him, the Night Moon Polar Star saw this and did not have other unnecessary actions, just stabbing forward

, now he does not have enough Chakra to support him to dodge actions

, at this moment can only attack, all Chakra is used on attack,

hell spurt—— A hand

and the wind tornado collided together, the wind tornado only blocked

the night moon polar star for a moment, and it was pierced, and the night moon polar star also continued to stab towards

the golden horn, the golden horn grinned when he saw this, and then waved the banana fan again

, and it was swung twice in a row

, only to see a water escape, a soil escape, two ninjutsu entangled in the air, forming a dragon of water and soil, flying to the night moon pole star

And this time the Night Moon Polar Star still did not dodge, he has reached the limit

, the Chakra in the body is about to be exhausted, Chakra is formed by the fusion of ninja physical energy and spiritual energy, once Chakra is completely exhausted, then the ninja will also die

, ,,,

break through the dragon of water and earth again, Night Moon Polar Star staggered and continued to stab forward, and

the smile on the face of the golden horn became even richer

Raised the banana fan and swung

towards the Night Moon Polestar, this time, a violent flame appeared, condensed

into a fireball in the air, and flew towards the Night Moon Polestar, but the Night Moon Polestar, who was thinking of resisting, was stunned

, because he saw this figure galloping in the distance

, led by his son, Night Moon Muramasa

, dodged to the side, Night Moon Polestar

avoided the fireball, followed by a burst of laughter

, Jin Jiao was very puzzled when he saw this, but soon he knew why the Night Moon Polar Star suddenly laughed maniacally

, turned around, and looked at Yun Ren, who was getting faster and faster, and the Night Moon Polar Star secretly said, "Oops!" "

At this time, although he is much better than the state

of the Night Moon Polar Star, but the injury

is not light, looking at the Yun Ren who rushed over there, that amount, even in his heyday, he cannot be underestimated, not to mention now

, as he gets closer and closer, Night Moon Village is seeing his father's appearance

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