The green quality "gorilla scarlet iron sand" and "gorilla scarlet ore" appeared as Naraku's attention moved.

[Gorilla scarlet iron sand" and "gorilla scarlet ore: are the key materials of the sun blade used by the swordsmen of the Demon Slayer Corps in the Demon Slayer world. The material has the property of absorbing sunlight and will show different colors depending on the user's attributes. 】

Naraku has a bold idea. If he combines this material with chakra metal, he may be able to further strengthen this ninja sword.

Even if the strengthening fails, it can be regarded as adding a skin to the ninja sword. Who doesn't want a cool ninja sword? It can only be said that there is a way!

Another specific information of green food processing technology is: a technology for processing special ingredients!

The explanation was very simple, but Naraku felt that this technology should be very useful.

So Naraku hurried to receive the information!

A minute later, Naraku slowly opened his eyes. He was very satisfied with the technology just now. The technology mainly processes some special biological or plant ingredients, turning inedible things into edible ones, and it can also have certain benefits to the body after eating.

Naraku also thought of the biological materials that restrict him now! Whether it is food processing or the creation of servants, biological materials are needed.

As for the biological materials in the ninja world, Naraku is a little bit afraid to mess around, after all, many creatures in the ninja world are intelligent and even tribes.

For example, the three holy places, Naraku suspects that if he uses a toad to refine a weapon today, the three holy places will attack him tomorrow.

But Naraku suddenly thought of people, such as the cells of the first generation of Naruto, if this thing is used, the entire biological armor will fly!

Gradually, Naraku's mind opened up and he considered the better biological materials in the Naruto world, such as the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan, the Byakugan of the Hyuga clan, and the bones of the Kaguya clan.

There are even various tailed beasts. Didn't the parasite in the body of the three-tail refine into the Samehada?

Naraku retracted his divergent thoughts and praised his wisdom!

As for the remaining melon seeds, cola, iced black tea, etc., Naraku said that he would be a mobile grocery store in the future!

The last thing is the original panties of Kaguya Okamaki! Dare to say it is blue quality? What's the use of this panties? I, Naraku, am ashamed to associate with this vulgar system!

However, Naraku is still ready to take a critical look at what's so special about this thing when he has time!

In short, Naraku looked at the color logo above and roughly understood that as a junior member of the current system, white means thank you for patronizing, gray means ordinary items, green should be C-level, blue is B-level, and gold should be A-level.

As for higher things, it may take a system upgrade.

In addition, Naraku suddenly thought of something, that is, he has a system space, but it is full of system items. Can he put other items in it?

So Naraku began to try it, and found that the system really has an idle space to store items. After several attempts, Naraku found that the remaining space of this system is at least 10 cubic meters.

Naraku admired the harvest again and went to bed contentedly. Although this time is almost the bottom line, it is also precious for non-Africans.

"Wake up! Wake up!" Uchiha Mikoto shook Naraku to get up.

"What's wrong? Mikoto?" Naraku woke up in a daze.

Uchiha Mikoto was a little angry, and her little face was puffed up, "Today is school time, you must go to the first class of school!"

Listening to Uchiha Mikoto's words, Naraku felt speechless. In his previous life, he studied hard for 20 years before entering the society, and he still had to study after traveling through time!

Naraku thought about this ridiculous enrollment time and asked Uchiha Mikoto: "What year is this year in Konoha?"

Uchiha Mikoto thought for a while and told Naraku that it was the 35th year in Konoha.

Naraku asked again: "What grade am I in the Ninja School now?"

After hearing Naraku ask this question, Uchiha Mikoto was a little angry!

But she suppressed her anger again and said: "You should be in the third grade of Ninja School now!"

After hearing this answer, Naraku began to recall that if he remembered correctly, the Second Ninja World War started in the 36th year and lasted until the 40th year of Konoha.

Konoha Ninja School is generally a 6-year system, and the age of admission is generally around 5-6 years old.

. But in the war years, it will be shortened to 4-5 years, or even graduate early, and the age of admission will be lowered.

But for Naraku, as long as he finishes the six-year system safely, it will be 39 years in Konoha. After graduation, if there is a chance, it is best to spend a year to become a Chunin.

He can perfectly avoid the Second Ninja World War!

And according to the situation of the Second Ninja World War, there should be no danger inside Konoha.

But Uchiha Mikoto is 3 years older than Naraku, so it is very likely that she will go to the battlefield. Naraku can only take it one step at a time.

Later, Naraku went to the Ninja School with Uchiha Mikoto.


Due to the new grade, there have been some changes in personnel, so as usual, let's introduce ourselves!

"I am Namikaze Minato, I like reading and food, I hate wasting food, and I want to become a Hokage in the future!" The little yellow-haired boy smiled warmly at everyone after he finished speaking.

Naraku looked at the little yellow-haired boy's self-introduction on the stage and raised his eyebrows. Isn't this the Eternal Sister!

At this time, several girls in the audience also began to stir, and they shouted excitedly: "So handsome!"

Naraku was also very speechless about these precocious girls.

As one of the few honest people in the original work, Naraku planned to spend more time with Minato Namikaze when he had time.

"My name is Hinata Miyabi, I like flowers, hate insects, and I haven't decided on my future yet."

Naraku looked at the cute little loli with white eyes with interest.

Of course, although this little loli is also very cute, Naraku is not a loli control.

I'm just a little interested in her white eyes.

Naraku guessed that this little loli was probably a branch family, and now she has a caged bird printed on her.

"My name is Uchiha type, I like Brother Fugaku the most! I hate the snotty Naraku! I want to be Brother Fugaku's strongest subordinate in the future!"

The furious Uchiha kid said to Naraku aggressively.

But Naraku had no interest in playing with the little brat, and didn't care about his eyes.

"My name is Uchiha Naraku. I like forging weapons, hate naughty brats, and want to become the strongest forger in the ninja world in the future!" Naraku went up to introduce himself and gave a fake smile to the audience.

This time, several crazy girls in the audience started to make a commotion again. They said things like "I like it so much".

Naraku could only curl his lips at this. I am the man you can't get!

"Damn Uchiha Naraku! You are a brat yourself!" Uchiha-type came over angrily to claim the identity of the brat.

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