Such a huge movement, even if it is blocked by the dense fog, others can clearly feel it, and everyone’s face changes slightly.

“Such a large-scale water escape is definitely an A-grade ninjutsu!” Kakashi, who was fighting against an elite Shinobi of the Mist Shinobi, changed his expression, and his heart suddenly became a little solemn.

As far as he knew, none of the other nine people on this side would be such a high-level water dun, so there was no surprise, this was definitely caused by the Mist Ninja, who just didn’t know who would fight with this Mist Ninja.


In the dense fog, Uchiha’s figure almost disappeared into the air, leaving only a black shadow under the instantaneous technique, quickly appearing on the side of a Mist Shinobi, and slashing the other party with a tai sword.

“It seems that it is necessary to solve the enemy quickly, the three generations of adults have ordered before, before arriving in Ghost Lantern City, you must try to ensure that all the personnel arrive!” Uchiha’s water stop body “eight zero seven” shape slightly, and then moved at a faster speed before, almost impossible to see, killing a misty ninja who was fighting with Uchiha Weasel nearby, and the haunted speed showed the name of the instant water stopper.

At this time, in front of Wu Yan, the tsunami-like giant wave struck fiercely, and once hit by the huge wave, even if he did not die, he would be hit hard, and behind the huge wave, Mist Shinobu was also smiling viciously, as if he was ready to wait until Wu Wu died and take the Kusanagi Sword for himself.

Wuji’s expression changed, his eyes instantly showed solemnity, and the Kusanagi sword instantly returned to its sheath, and immediately his figure did not retreat, like a crossbow arrow bursting out towards a huge wave.


The gaze that galloped out flashed coldly, and his hands turned into afterimages, but in an instant, his right hand became a claw, and a ball of thunder and lightning that seemed to be substantial appeared in his palm.


Like the groans of thousands of birds resounding on the surface of the sea, countless thin snake-like thunder and lightning flowed from the thunder mass in his palm to his body, causing his speed to suddenly increase, almost like electric light shooting towards a huge wave.

“This is the call of a thousand birds?! It’s flawless! Kakashi, who was thinking about who was fighting Kiri Shinobu, changed his face, the familiar bird call, this was his Chidori, and he immediately reacted that it was Wu Wu who used Chidori.

The three generations gave Chidori’s cultivation method to Muji, but Kakashi knew this, after all, Chidori was his self-created ninjutsu, even if he contributed to Konoha, the three generations handed over to Muji, they would also talk to Kakashi.

And in the previous month, Kakashi knew that after three generations handed Chidori over to Muji, he also found Mokazu, indicating that Chidori needed to cooperate with Sharingan in order to exert his true power.

Although he was surprised that Wuji had actually learned the thousand birds, but now that Wuji used the thousand birds, in the A-class water escape that Lenovo now appeared, this made Kakashi’s heart cold, could it be said that the thousand birds made by Wuji was to resist this A-class water escape.


Just when Kakashi’s heart was awe-inspiring, the powerless power holding the Chidori had collided head-on with the giant wave, and suddenly burst out into a huge roar.

“What kind of ninjutsu is this!” Behind the giant wave, the eyes of the misty ninja showed horror, and in his line of sight, he could vaguely see from the huge wave that a figure was constantly breaking through the huge wave and galloping towards him, there was no doubt that this was definitely the Konoha ninja just now.

In the huge wave, Wujian held the thousand birds in his right hand, breaking the water in front of him, and his body was stimulated by the activation of lightning, as if an electric light went against the current, stabbing towards the fog at the end of the huge wave.

The art of the Great Waterfall and the Chidori are both A-level ninjutsu, but even if they are both A ninjutsu, there is a difference, if the art of the Great Waterfall relies on a tsunami-like wave to produce a majestic collision force, then the Chidori is to concentrate the power on one point to produce unimaginable penetrating force.

In terms of destructive power, there is no doubt that the art of the Great Waterfall is more powerful, but what happens when the art of the Great Waterfall encounters the thousand birds, and now Wuxian is proof of this.

Although the art of the Great Waterfall has a collision force that is enough to change the terrain, the power has also caused dispersion, and now the Chidori that condenses the power into one point to make a sudden stab, which is equivalent to breaking the surface with a point and forcibly penetrating the huge wave.

Of course, even if there are thousand birds breaking through the giant wave, but the surging impact carried by the giant wave is constantly hitting Wuji’s body, even if some thunderbolts flashing from the surrounding thousand birds resist, it is also making Wuji seem to have suffered countless heavy blows.

“Eight Doors Dun Jia Shengmen Open!” The impact of the huge wave made Wuji have the feeling that his body was torn apart, but the face of Wuji, who was as tough as steel, did not have the slightest fluctuation, but his eyes stared at the fog at the end through the huge wave in front of him, and actually directly crossed the first two doors and opened the door of life.


In an instant, the body around Wujian burst out of surging green energy like airflow, the huge waves around the strong power rushed away, and Wuji’s body suddenly showed blood red, the pupils of both eyes also disappeared, turning into a white space, the speed increased again, frantically holding the thousand birds to tear the huge waves apart…

In just a few breaths, Wu Yan had already appeared at the end of the giant wave, and on the opposite side was the frightened looking Mist Shinobu.

This Mist Shinobu is a shinobi, but A ninjutsu such as the Great Falls Art is not a ninjutsu that can move freely when it can be used like Chidori or Spiral Pill, and before the ninjutsu is released, Mist Shinobu cannot move at all unless he risks the chakra in his body to be chaotic and forcibly stops.

This is also the reason why Wuji still uses it when he knows that Chidori does not have the Sharingan, and will be restricted, because he does not need to use the insight of the Sharingan, but only needs to pierce straight through the giant wave towards the location of the Mist Shinobu.

“Damn it!” Seeing that the undamaged one was about to penetrate the great wave, the mist was furious, and if it continued, there was no doubt that what greeted him was the undamaged thousand birds that pierced through the great wave.

Where will the fog ninja sit and wait for death, gritting his teeth, he actually forcibly stopped the release of ninjutsu, but the consequences also appeared immediately, the Chakra that was originally gushing out was blocked, and in an instant, the Chakra in the fog ninja’s body suddenly became chaotic.

“Poof~!” Mist Shinobu showed a painful expression on his face, and spat out a mouthful of blood mist, but it was because Chakra chaos was eaten back, causing internal injuries.

However, Mist Shinobu is also 2.6 without internal injuries, and at the moment of vomiting blood, he immediately shot away desperately towards the side.

Now that ninjutsu has stopped, the giant wave will also lose its power, and the misty ninja can fully imagine that the immortal who can break the giant wave will definitely attack him through the giant wave in an instant.

It turns out that Mist Shinobu’s idea is correct, ninjutsu stopped, the originally amazing impact of the huge wave suddenly shook, but it directly turned into a water wave and fell to the sea, and Wuxian seemed to be a fierce tiger out of the gate, lost the obstruction of the huge wave, the speed skyrocketed, instantly penetrated the water wave, and passed by the fleeing Mist Shinobi.

[I didn’t expect to be on the new book list, an absolute surprise, of course, it is also the result of the joint efforts of all friends who have always supported this book, touching! ] There is nothing to say, add five more chapters today, that is, a total of ten more, let’s create miracles together! 】_

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