Naruto God Level Modifier

Chapter 7 - 07 Shocking, The Three Sannin Came (Retranslated)

Hiro's eyes lit up when he heard Kurenai's words.

In theory, every student in the Ninja School must complete all the knowledge and courses in the school before they can graduate.

But in fact, because Konoha and other ninja villages are always at war with each other, the current situation in the ninja world is always tense. To train young ninjas faster, under special circumstances, some outstanding students are allowed to graduate early.

Kakashi wanted to graduate from the Ninja School in advance.

But graduating early isn't that simple. Students who want to graduate from the Ninja School in advance need to pass a test before graduating.

Hiro became interested after hearing Kurenai.

"Graduating early? Anyway, those courses at the Ninja School can't help me, so why not graduate early." Hiro thought in his heart.

"Hiro, what do you think?" Kurenai asked curiously.

Hiro said: "I also want to graduate early."

"What?" Kurenai's eyes widened, her beautiful ruby eyes looked at Hiro.

Hiro repeated it again: "I also want to graduate early."

Kurenai stared at Hiro very cutely and muttered: "But, it's not that simple to pass the graduation ȧssessment. I heard that the person who created the earliest record of early graduation was Orochimaru-Sama. He was only six years old. When he graduated from the Ninja School..."

Hiro nodded, of course, he knows this.

Even Orochimaru graduated from the Ninja School at the age of six. It can be seen that graduating early isn't easy.

But Hiro now has enough confidence.

After entering the Ninja School, many students were looking at Hiro. His killing of Shirakawa had gradually spread. Therefore, the little ninjas in the Ninja School looked at Hiro with surprise and suspicion.

Hiro didn't care and entered the classroom with Kurenai.

The classroom was extremely noisy. Hiro came at the right time because Kakashi just officially applied for an early graduation application!

Hearing the news that Kakashi applied for early graduation, these students all whispered and talked about it.

The Chunin teacher who taught Hiro and others was named Yasui. At this time Yasui looked at Kakashi with a serious face and said, "Kakashi, are you sure you want to apply for early graduation?"

"Yes." Kakashi's voice was slightly stiff.

Yasui frowned and was about to speak, but at this time he heard another voice.

"Teacher, I also want to apply for early graduation."

Yasui couldn't believe his ears, so Hiro also wants to apply for early graduation? two people applying for early graduation, and they were both five-year-old.

"Are you sure?" Yasui's expression turned even more serious. This is not a trivial matter, it will alarm the Sandaime Hokage.

"Yes." Hiro and Kakashi answered without hesitation.

Yasui glanced at the two with a complicated expression: "I see, I will report your ninja graduation application first. It is estimated that it will take a few days to get a reply."


Three days later.

The news that Hiro and Kakashi applied for early graduation at the same time had already reached the Sandaime Hokage.

Many ninjas in Konoha heard about it. Although it couldn't be said that everyone in Konoha knew it, but there were not a few people who knew it.

Two boys who are only five years old have applied for early graduation!

Sandaime had seen the report of the Konoha Police Force. He was very surprised when he heard that Hiro had killed a Hidden Mist Village spy Shirakawa. When he heard Hiro's application for early graduation, he was extremely surprised by Hiro's action.

"Okada Hiro, interesting little guy. It seems that Konoha will have one more Kage-Level ninja in the future." Sandaime said in his heart as he looked at applications.

Hiro and Kakashi's application for early graduation has been spread in the Ninja School, and finally, it is the day of the Ninja School graduation ȧssessment.

In the field in front of the Ninja School.

Nearly hundreds of little ninjas were standing, and more than a dozen Chunin teachers from the Ninjas School were also watching.

At the same time, Kakashi and Hiro were also present.

Guy, Obito, and Rin all looked at Hiro and Kakashi with envy. At this moment, Hiro and Kakashi were extremely eye-catching, and they became the envy of everyone...

Kurenai's eyes were fixed on Hiro and never left for a moment.

Hiro and Kakashi also stood in the field, and at this moment, there was another noisy sound from inside the Ninja School.

Hiro saw three people, but he doesn't know when they appeared in front of everyone.

The first was a fair-skinned man with long black hair. His amber eyes looked slightly gloomy. Walking in the front, it was Orochimaru.

The second was a woman with light yellow hair and a beautiful face. This woman is full of heroic spirit and is not inferior to Orochimaru, of course, she is Tsunade.

The most eye-catching thing about Tsunade is her huge ċhėst, which even directly overshadows her appearance. The pair of white rabbits even made Hiro feel a little dizzy.

The last one was Jiraiya, his white long hair, he couldn't move his eyes away from Tsunade's ċhėst.

The identity of these three people came to be self-evident, which aroused the consternation of many people.

"This, this is..."

"The legendary three Sannin!" " Tsunade-Sama, Orochimaru-Sama, and Jiraiya-Sama, the three Sannin are all here, oh my God!"

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