Timid Raikage

Those who have achieved fame and fame will have a little jealousy in their hearts.

This Raikage is one of the best.

Perhaps there was a time when Raikage still had a little arrogance in his heart, and he would disdain everything.

But obviously, there is a huge difference at this time.

At this time, many people will know in their hearts that it is impossible to have a few redundant people with all the things they are facing now, and they can have a different view on this kind of thing now. Of it.

In Chenfeng’s mind, he can know it very simply, but then he still doesn’t want to have an unnecessary possibility of negation.

At least this time, Chenfeng can clearly see that Raikage already has a jealous idea about himself!

This is such a very simple state, and in such a state, it is natural that there will be no excess and the rest may want to change this kind of thing now. Up.

In this world, many people will have such a very simple posture, and they will know in their hearts that everything they are facing is not that simple at all.

A cowardly person, when they get a lot of things, they won’t have that kind of simple attitude anymore.

Because in their hearts, they will still know that in the situation they are facing now, it is impossible to have how many people can have a kind of self-self for such a thing now. That’s it!

Chenfeng’s heart can be very simple to know, many people will suffer from gains and losses, but it is also because in their hearts it is impossible to want to have their own fancy for such a thing now. Of the idea.

Chenfeng’s heart is such a very simple attitude, and because of this, it is impossible to have a few people who can have a caring ability for Chenfeng at this time.

In this world, this is still an extremely machete thing.

But other people still won’t fail to see it, but in Chenfeng’s heart, it is still very simple people who know such a situation.(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

“At this time, I still have such a posture, I am afraid I will also have a very powerful sigh of fear in my heart!” A smile of disdain flashed in Chenfeng’s heart.

With such a smile, Chenfeng just sneered at the Raikage.

As far as Chenfeng is concerned, at this time, he naturally still does not want to have the possibility of having a superfluous argument.

This is such a very simple gesture now. At least for Chenfeng, it is impossible for Chenfeng to ignore the thoughts in his mind at this time, and then he still does not want to have it. A remaining redundant negation is possible.

If it is a weak chicken, it is naturally still impossible for them to want to have a different view of their own.

And if Chenfeng faced all of this by himself, it was obviously still impossible to have a few people who could ignore all of this.

Because obviously in their own hearts, they would still be very simple to know that everything they are facing now is really not going to have a few people that can be changed.

Then Raikage is such a person. He has never experienced that kind of hard training. Under such a situation, this Raikage naturally still does not want to change his mind.

In this world, this kind of thought in Chenfeng’s mind is naturally still an extremely difficult thing to explain.

Anyone, in their hearts, will know very simply that since they have already faced all of this at this time, they still don’t want to change their ignorance.

It is impossible for any one person to want to ignore all this.

Seeing Raikage’s hesitant look, many people already have their own thoughts in their hearts.

?? 0 Seeking flowers????? ????????

Perhaps in the previous time, they really had a different kind of thought in their minds, but obviously this was just their own thought.

It is impossible for Chenfeng to have extra abilities in his mind, and he wants to feel a different ability to recognize the situation he is facing now.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, it is impossible for Raikage at this time to feel terrified.

After all, Raikage is also one of the five most powerful people. Under such a situation, they naturally still don’t think so.

However, this is only their own cognitive thoughts after all. Chenfeng’s heart can be very shocked to see that the situation he faced after this is really all that Raikage has already felt. Terrified.

…… ……… …….

In the hearts of many people at this time, they just have such a one-year-old idea. They don’t think Raikage has been timid, but their idea of ​​this kind, on the contrary, still doesn’t have much A kind of Raikage has changed.

For any person, he is naturally still impossible to have too many other abilities and wants to change the different cognitive abilities of such a thing he is facing at this time.

It is precisely because of this that it is impossible for Chenfeng to change his neglected thoughts at this time.

No one, in their hearts, would want to admit all of these things they are facing at this time.

But obviously, things at this time are also impossible to change their own situation because of a hugely different perception in their hearts.

It is impossible for any one person to have such a situation to change Chenfeng’s different perceptions of such a strength.

This is Chenfeng’s view, and at this time it is impossible for others to want to have a different view of such a thing now.

This is a very simple reason. It.

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