Great Fireball Technique again

358 Great Fireball Technique Again

This time, Chenfeng didn’t have too much delay, but also a sneer expression.

But the ninjutsu fired from Chenfeng’s hands changed everyone’s face instantly.

Because at this time, countless Great Fireball Techniques were used by Chenfeng.

It seems that the Great Fireball Technique in Chenfeng’s hands is not free of money.

Of course, all ninjutsu uses will not require money.

They use ninjutsu, they just need to have too much powerful Chakra.

Such a thing can be easily known in everyone’s hearts.

They can still know all of this clearly in their hearts, and then there will not be a few that can have an extra different caring idea about all of this!

In Chenfeng’s mind, it is still possible to know all this very easily, and then he does not want to have too many different views on these things.

Chenfeng still knows in his heart that even if he has a modifier, it does not mean that he does not need to have too much arrogance to expose redundant opinions!

Yes, in Chenfeng’s heart, it is still very simple to know. He knows that even if his 860 can modify everything, he can’t modify the foundation of this world!

Because of this, Chenfeng can easily modify one of the simplest requirements in the world.

He can directly modify the power of his ninjutsu to the maximum, and he can also modify many consumption problems.

But obviously, he still needs to consume this Chakra!

It is precisely because of this that when they saw the Great Fireball Technique that kissed the Kong clan, they still felt a kind of despair in their hearts!

“So many Great Fireball Techniques!!”(Read more @

You don’t need Chenfeng to speak, and you don’t need other people to speak. At this time, they are still very simple to see in their hearts. Now that they are facing such a situation, they are still too crude. This kind of situation is very different now!

It is precisely because of this that when they are faced with a situation like this, when they want to change a different situation they are facing now, they still read it or do not know that they are currently studying (cade ) How should it be good?

Chenfeng also knew all this very simply in his heart, and he would never want to easily change his own view of these things.

“This is the first time that so many Great Fireball Techniques have been used? At the same time, so many Great Fireball Techniques are used. I really want to know how spectacular it is!”

Chenfeng looked at such a state with satisfaction in his heart.

As far as Chenfeng is concerned, under such a kind of Zhuang Teng, he doesn’t need to have too many other opinions at all.

Yes, this is a very simple view in Chenfeng’s mind.

Anyway, in Chenfeng’s mind, all of what he is facing now is that there are still few others who can know or have a different way of saying it!

This is a very simple view in Chenfeng’s mind, and it is precisely because of such a view that when I saw it in Chenfeng, I obviously still don’t need to have a superfluous confession!

This is a very simple matter to enter.

It is precisely because of this that Chenfeng clearly understands in his heart that there will not be too many others who can simply explain everything that he is facing today!

It’s so rough Chenfeng’s heart still reads that there are still netizens who have a very simple scrolling of their own!

In such a state, Chenfeng is obviously still not confused about these things.

Even if he knew all this in his heart, he still didn’t want to ignore or have a different kind of extravagance of his own!

This is a very later thought in their minds.

In many worlds, they still know this kind of difference in their hearts, and even if they want to modify their own different posture, it is still not so easy. Thing!

Today’s Chenfeng, on the contrary, he is still in such a state that he can draw a lottery very simply.

As for the many others, they may still want to see it, or they may still want to have their own idea of ​​playing the piano.

But obviously, at this time they would never know that such a terrifying situation, to them, is like a hell!

Because they would never know in their hearts that all the things they are facing now, the history of real struggle will not have an unnecessary change for them!

Their lives are beginning to disappear at this moment!

This is a ridiculous thing for them in the casino, but at this time, they still don’t want to have a superfluous thought of caring about all of this and leave the square!

Because for them, Chenfeng used so many powerful spells at this time, but it was obviously impossible.

In their view, such a thing is such a simple and normal thing!

There is no one who can think that Chenfeng will have so many powerful possibilities as before.

It is precisely because of this that when Chenfeng is facing such a posture, they still don’t want to have an extra different statement!

This is a very simple attitude of independence in Chenfeng’s mind.

Chenfeng can know all this in his heart, and many others, even if they know this state of Yishui, they still don’t want to have a different superfluous ability to change. That’s it!

This is a very normal and simple view of their Xinzhaisan.

In this world, there won’t be too many actual people who can have the ability to change all of this occasionally. If they really know it, they still won’t have a little extra different attitude!

This is a very funny thing at this time. There are not a few people who can know all of this. They still have this kind of thought in their hearts. .

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