The situation is settled

Seeing Chenfeng’s leaving back, Raikage Ai slowly stood up.

“This guy 1!”

A gleam of hatred flashed in Raikage Ai’s eyes.

Today, Raikage Ai’s face is lost. But he didn’t have any regrets, because he knew that if he just didn’t kneel, then Chenfeng would definitely kill him~.

Under such a situation, even if Raikage Ai has a lot of unconvinced thoughts in his heart, he still can’t give up a superfluous thought of caring about such a state today. Up!

At least in Chenfeng’s mind, he can still know all this very easily, and then he would never want to have his own more-than-exhaustive statement about these things.

Yes, in such a state of Lou today, Chenfeng’s heart will obviously also know such a state very simply!

On the contrary, it is also those Xu’s rubbish, they will not know all this, they look at the Raikage Ai, but they are also incomparably mocking.

“This guy, the unhappy Laozi used to think he was a strong man, but it seems that he was just a rubbish!”

“A possibility of rubbish, or do you think that you are still a strong player in the game society?”

“Yeah! With such rubbish, you still want to unite to rule us? It’s just a daydream!”

Many of the people in the Iron Kingdom have now thoroughly seen the deterrence of Chenfeng’s ridiculous strength by this Wuying.

Because in the past, they already had a very simple view of their own in their hearts. Under such a view, they would still know this different in their minds. , And others obviously won’t know what they are facing now!

Yes, in their hearts, they will still know the situation they are facing now. It is precisely because of the roughness that they have a self in their hearts even for all the things they are facing now. Obviously, they still won’t have a few people. It’s a simple change!

Chenfeng can know all this in his heart, and the many others, they don’t want to eternally respect these things a different change of their own!

This is Chenfeng’s very simple attitude nowadays. For those many others, they may all know the different situation that Cochan is facing now, but obviously, they are not. I would like to explain something.

They just looked at the many people in the Iron Kingdom so simply, as if they were all idiots.(Read more @

Yes, in the hearts of many powerhouses, the people of these Iron Kingdoms today are just idiots of their own!

In such a state, they naturally wouldn’t want to have redundant statements one by one.

“These people seem to be a little ridiculous!”

Tsuchikage even shook his head gently at this time, but he didn’t want to have his own mockery of Raikage Ai at this time.

Because even in Tsuchikage’s heart, he can also easily see what he is facing now in a wandering state.

Yes, this is a very simple Du Changqing’s nowadays, maybe people on the other side still think that the situation they are facing now has a little different opinion.

But obviously, in this Tsuchikage’s mind, the current situation should really be considered, but it is also how to avenge or how to maintain the current situation to continue!

At this time, it was a very simple place for them to die. In addition to these things, there will no longer be a few redundant people who can have their own different opinions on all this.

Anyway, Chenfeng can easily know all this in his heart. After drinking, he would never want to have a redundant statement about these things.

Only the shit of the many iron kingdoms, they have a different idea of ​​their own in such a situation now!

In their hearts now, they obviously also know that for the one or two situations they are facing now, I am afraid that few people can explain these things.

?? 0 Seeking flowers?? ???????

At least Chenfeng can easily see it in his mind, and then he doesn’t want to explain these things.

From Chenfeng’s point of view, there are not a few others who can easily change all of these things that he is facing now!

They are just such a simple idea.

And for many others, if they really knew about such a situation, they would probably still want to kill.

But today’s Konoha Village masters, they all chuckled and shook their heads, followed Chenfeng’s back and left like this.

.. 0 …….

Maybe they would have a lot of contempt for Chenfeng before or they would put it in dissatisfaction.

But obviously, this is just one of their previous thoughts.

When they see Chenfeng’s powerful strength, they no longer want to have a different perception of these things forever!

This is a very simple reason to enter. For any strong person, you don’t want to have the ability to confess your own.

Because they can easily see such a simple and different place in their hearts!

It is precisely because of this that at this time they may still want to change their minds, but obviously, now they don’t want these things on the easy island to have their own opinions.

This is now a very normal and powerful place in their Xinzhai.

Only those who are weak, they don’t want to have the ability to say too much about these things.

This is what Chenfeng can easily see in today’s mind, and then he doesn’t want to have a different and simple attitude towards these things of his own.

As far as the many rubbish is concerned, they can easily have a different statement of their own in their hearts now! Taxi.

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