Anko is here again! 【Subscribe for subscription】

“It’s not good!! The messenger of the country of fire is here!”

After a dizzying battle, Anko’s coquettish voice came from outside the house.

“Here’s another one!!”

Tsunade Hime and Terumi Mei glanced at each other, but there was a strong feeling of helplessness in their eyes.

They clearly know that in such a state now, Anko will not easily appear in pretense.

Since she also appeared in this scene, she obviously still wanted to please Chenfeng forever.

This is a very normal thing nowadays, and there will not be a few people who are stuck with all this, Wang Yunze has an extra indifferent thought of his own!

But obviously, the appearance of any woman will give them a helpless idea.

They don’t want to occupy Chenfeng alone, because they clearly oppose the dynasty in their hearts, Chenfeng is likely to become a king of this world!

But obviously, they would not have thought that so many five seconds would be overwhelming.

Moreover, the more important thing is that Chenfeng doesn’t seem to want to refuse!

Such a situation naturally still filled their hearts with helpless sighs.

And for such a Qingkui West today, Chenfeng naturally still doesn’t want to have a superfluous god.

Even Chenfeng would not even have the idea of ​​wearing clothes.

He chuckled, letting Anko rush in like this.

“What’s wrong?”

Chenfeng asked Anko with a chuckle.

Anko was also blushing at this time and glanced at Chenfeng. She had never thought that Chenfeng had never worn clothes.

“This, this, this,”(Read more @

Anko glanced at Chenfeng only non-stop, but he had never had the mentality of the strong woman before.

Anyway, as far as this Anko is concerned, in the previous period, he could have a very simple view of having his own white toast in this issue.

She has also decided that since she has all come, she must be dedicated.

But sometimes, it’s one thing to know such a down payment, but it’s another thing to really do it.

This is a very embarrassing situation for Du Changqing. Many people will know the situation of the material they are facing now, but obviously, they don’t want to deal with what they are facing now. These things have the fancy idea of ​​a car’s own white toast!

Because even in a situation where they just have to enter, they don’t want to have their own superfluous carelessness.

Chenfeng can know all of this in his heart, and many others, when they are facing such a huge difference in the situation, they still don’t want to have one. I don’t care about the excess of the car’s own car!

This is a very simple view in Chenfeng’s mind today, and many of the others, when they are faced with all this, naturally they still don’t want to have their own. Excessive god, press it.

Chenfeng’s heart is naturally like a mirror. In such a situation, Chenfeng still does not want to have a car for these things.

“Since you are here, don’t leave!”

Chenfeng glanced at Anko and said with a chuckle.

Upon hearing Chenfeng’s words, Tsunade Ji and Terumi Mei naturally sighed helplessly.

Sure enough, things were bought in such a helpless situation of the car!

Such an idea flashed in Tsunade Ji’s mind, but obviously, she still didn’t want to have an extra ability to change these things.

Because the refusal is in a state where you just have to enter, he obviously doesn’t want to change easily.

Only idiots, they would want to catch up in this situation nowadays, and change something about these things.

When he buys his mind, he can still have his own stunned thoughts, and under such silly thoughts, they still will not easily respect these things forever. The sub-simple and superfluous explanation of this case is now!

But obviously, in such a state today, they don’t want to have a different explanation of their own for these things!

It is so rough that Chenfeng can still know it in his heart, and naturally he does not want to have his own redundant and different explanation for these things in this case!

Chenfeng’s heart now naturally has a very simple attitude, and that Anko now glances at Tsunade Ji and Terumi Mei, but he also feels cheered in his heart.

“¨` These are these two beauties. As such powerful people, they are directly by Chenfeng’s side. What kind of car buyer am I? Why can’t I do this?”

Anko glanced at Tsunade Ji and Terumi Mei at this time. Obviously, he didn’t want to have his own redundant and different interpretation of what he was facing now.

Under such a state of exposure, drilling and screening, he can still have a very simple attitude of his own in his heart.

In the heart of Terumi Mei who develops today, he will also know clearly that the girl Anko is also a classic of a very resilient girl.

“This girl!!”

Tsuna (good for promise) Tehime glanced at Terumi Mei, but also shook her head with a wry smile.

Obviously, at this moment, Tsunade Ji knew what Anko would do.

I saw Anko take off her mesh stockings simply.

It was the simple clothes that she took off without a trace.

In such a state today, since Anko’s heart has already determined such a situation, it is obvious that there are still not a few people who are troubled to explain anything!

At least they don’t want to change in their hearts.

And in such a state, the heart of the runny nose is naturally still a very simple sun.

Anyway, Chenfeng will know clearly in his heart that since he is facing such a situation now, he will naturally not allow Anko to leave. .

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