In the office of the Hidden Cloud Village... the Raikage looked at the information on the table, and a look of impatience flashed across his muscular face.

"When did such a powerful organization emerge in the ninja world! What do they want to do?"

The grumpy Raikage punched the table directly.

The secretary Ma Buyi behind him gently stroked his forehead with her slender little hand. This was the fifth table that was damaged this month.

"Lord Raikage, this is the fifth table you have damaged this month. The cost will be deducted from your salary!"

Ma Buyi is wearing a grey tight jacket, white hair matches her wheat-colored skin, pink lips, bright eyebrows and white teeth, and her bosom, second only to Tsunade, looks particularly attractive!

At this moment, the Raikage has an ugly expression. He is not afraid of others, but the secretary in front of him is a headache for him. Not only her appearance, but also her extremely calm personality, full of wisdom and ability to handle things.

And she is too nosy, which gives him a headache!

But now is not the time to be entangled in this matter.

"Mabui, how do you think this matter should be handled?"

Even the Raikage, who was thick-skinned and relied on fighting to solve problems, had already realized that the Umbrella Organization was not simple. The power that Umbrella had burst out in a short period of time was second only to the existence of the five major countries! In the Konoha incident, Umbrella was completely exposed!

Speaking of this matter, Mabui also looked serious. She had a deeper understanding of this matter than the Raikage.

"Lord Raikage, this organization is not simple, and its ambitions are huge. I am afraid it poses a huge threat to the ninja world. It was low-key before, but now it explodes!"

At this point, she paused and continued,"I am afraid they feel that they have grown strong. From the intelligence we have obtained, the other party has a deep layout!"

"According to the intelligence of the ninjas lurking in the Hidden Mist Village, the largest chamber of commerce in the market, the Seven Color Chamber of Commerce, is probably inextricably linked to the Umbrella Organization. The Hidden Mist Village is probably just a cooperative relationship with it, and it is the existence of Umbrella that is put out in the open to attract attention!"

The Raikage is not a waste with a brain full of muscles. From Ma Buyi's analysis, he also knows the huge threat of the Umbrella Organization.

"Haha, it seems that the ninja world has become uneasy again. Inform the other Kages that I plan to hold a meeting of the Five Kages. No! The Four Kages, I am afraid that Konoha has already turned to the Umbrella Organization!"The

Fourth Raikage Ai patted the cracked table, and the table fell apart.

Ma Buyi nodded, then walked out, no longer paying attention to the fact that the Raikage damaged the table.


At this moment, Naruto, who had already returned to the Umbrella Organization, unexpectedly received a message.

This message was sent back by Gaara, and the Raikage planned to hold a meeting of the four Kages!

Naruto looked at the message sent on the scroll, and his face did not change at all. He had already prepared for this in his heart.

"It seems that other big countries have noticed us! Shisui, what do you think?"

Naruto smiled and threw the scroll in his hand to Shisui.

Shisui took it, casually glanced at the information recorded on it, and slowly said:"Although the strength we exposed this time has caused them to be wary, it has not reached the point where a war broke out!"

"Besides, the major countries nowadays are divided and everyone is on guard against each other. With Gaara's existence, if they want to deal with us together, I'm afraid they will only end in failure!"

"At worst, we can expose the Akatsuki organization and attract some attention on our behalf! By then, we will form a three-way balance of power. The five major countries have many internal problems, and they will not unite without a strong external pressure!"

Naruto looked at Shisui, a little surprised, and said:"Shisui, now you look at the problem more and more clearly, and get to the essence!"

"Now, it would be no problem for you to become the shadow of a village!"

"However, having said that, it is even easier. We can start with the leaders of the five major countries and put pressure on other ninja villages through the daimyo. The taxes we pay are enough to drive those nobles crazy. For the sake of their own interests, they will not allow the ninja villages to go to war with us. Sometimes, war is not only about fighting with fists, there is also a kind of war that does not involve bloodshed, but is even more cruel!"

"That is economic warfare!"

"This is why I keep opening shops and tying other merchants to our chariot even though I have sufficient funds!"

"What do you think is the most important thing in war?"

Naruto looked at Shisui. Although he was a little confused about what Naruto said, Shisui, who had never had the concept of economic warfare, obviously could not fully understand what Naruto said.

But he still knew a little about conventional warfare. He said without hesitation:"It's supplies!"

"That’s right, supplies. Once the war begins, unless you have an overwhelming advantage, it will be a tug-of-war. At that time, supplies are crucial!"

"We control 30% of the food on the market, which is enough to make us invincible. Some of the food is in the hands of the daimyo and his nobles, and another part is in the hands of the people. Only 10% of the food is in the hands of the ninja village!"

"Without the certainty of victory in a short period of time, the other ninja villages will not act rashly!"

"Moreover, even if we are now at the level to go to war with the five major countries, we are still unable to fight at present. If we do not have overwhelming combat power, it will only make our people bleed in vain and make the ninja world more painful. This is not what we want to see."

"In the end, we want a peaceful and complete ninja world! Not a ninja world that is in ruins and desolate!"

Naruto's words made Shisui nod his head. Indeed, with Naruto's fighting power, he could rival a large ninja village.

But he knew better than anyone the pain of war, which was enough to break up countless families. He had personally experienced the war era.

"Although we will inevitably be in opposition in the end, we can reduce more pain instead of building peace on pain!"

"I understand!"

Shisui nodded, and he deeply admired Naruto. Naruto's strategic vision and foresight were indeed beyond his reach.

Gaara also quickly received the message from Naruto, using encrypted information.

Only they knew the content.

"So that's it!"

After seeing Naruto's letter, Gaara understood a little bit.

""Mr. Maki! Let's go!"

Maki has now become Gaara's bodyguard.

Being able to be a Kage's bodyguard, his strength can't be considered bad.

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