"Hehe, it's Tobirama and Izuna?"

Uchiha Madara smiled slightly when he saw Senju Tobirama and Uchiha Izuna. Now that Izuna is not dead, he has not turned evil and is still kind to them.

"Yes, brother, the daimyo are waiting. They said they are going to elect the leader of the village. The two of us will come to you right away."

Uchiha Izuna looked at his brother, smiled slightly, and then nodded and said.

"Haha, you are late. I said let Madara be the Hokage directly, hehe!"

Senju Hashirama looked at Tobirama and Izuna behind him and laughed.

"Is it true? Brother, you will be the Hokage?"

Uchiha Izuna was very happy and surprised to see that it was his brother who was going to be the Hokage.

"Tsk, it's so troublesome, I don't want to be it."

Uchiha Madara curled his lips, but there was a smile and responsibility in his eyes, and he said lightly.


Senju Tobirama was stunned when he heard it, but he was relieved later and did not react too much.

And Senju Fujima had actually been waiting here for a long time. Since he wanted to change history, he had to start with the first generation of Hokage. So he just let Uchiha Madara be the Hokage. Wouldn't that rewrite it?

So he had been standing behind the small mound, with his legs crossed, waiting for them to talk about business before appearing.

"Ding, the host's ambition as a time traveler is detected. Change the history of the ninja world, and the God's Chosen System is activated."

[Option 1: Still choose Senju Hashirama to be the first generation of Hokage, and don't make any changes. After all, the trajectory of history is also a golden finger. Isn't it good? If history is changed, there may be changes in the later development. Completion reward: a pair of white eyes. ]

[Option 2: Let Uchiha Madara become the first generation of Hokage. As a time traveler, how can you be considered a time traveler if you don't change history? If you want to be useless, just choose to be familiar with the historical trajectory. If I didn't say anything, you know everything, so why do you need the system? Reward for completing the task: Just like your father, you can use fairy arts in seconds. 】

[Option 3: Let Uchiha Madara become the first generation Hokage, and let Senju Hashirama become the first generation Deputy Hokage. There is no problem with two leaders in a village, right? Only when the main and deputy support each other can the village become stronger and fulfill your dream of completely changing history. Reward for completing the task: Perfect Impure World Reincarnation Technique, no sacrifice required, summon a strong man with 80% of his previous strength. 】

It seems that every time Senju Fujima has something in mind, the system will start the God Selection System.

"Eh? White eyes? I wear white eyes, are you sure others won't think I dug out the eyes of the Hyuga clan?"

"By then, the Hyuga clan will probably come to attack Konoha, right?"

"You can use the magic in seconds, which is really amazing!"

"Although I have signed a contract with Slug, my progress in practicing magic is a bit slow. If I want to be able to use the magic in seconds like my dad, I have to practice for at least a few years."

"But the Impure World Reincarnation is good! It actually has 80% of the strength, and it doesn't require sacrifices. It's very nice."

Senju Fujima saw the options in front of him, his mouth corners slightly raised, and he immediately made a judgment in his heart.

"Dad, second uncle, Izuna uncle, Madara uncle, how about I say something?"

When he heard everyone talking, Senju Fujima instantly jumped up from behind the mound and shouted loudly.



"Fujima, why are you here?"

"Is it you?"

"Haha, Fujima."


When the four saw Fujima, they all seemed to like him and shouted.

"Hehe! I think there doesn't need to be only one leader in the village?"

"One person needs to deal with so many things. If Uncle Madara has to deal with these matters all day long, he will probably go crazy."

"We can elect two people to be Hokage, one Hokage and one Deputy Hokage. What do you think?"

"After all, the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan are the ones who really established the Konoha village, so there is no problem for us to elect the heads of the two clans as Hokage, right?"

"If others have objections, let them get out of Konoha. Konoha needs teammates who are united and friendly, not those villains who only know how to fight for power and profit."

Senju Fujima looked at the four people in front of him, raised his mouth slightly, and put forward his own ideas.

"You kid, you are the one who understands me."

"That's right, Hashirama, I think what Fujirama said is not wrong, I am the Hokage alone?"

"How can I protect the village if I manage these trivial matters every day? It's not bad for two people to share the burden, right? Haha...!"

Uchiha Madara heard SenjuFujima's proposal is very reliable. If both of them are Hokage, isn't that enough?

How simple this matter is. The two don't have to fight each other, and he doesn't have to take care of the affairs of the entire village alone.

"Well, I think this method is not bad."

Senju Tobirama lowered his head and pondered for a moment, and felt that this idea was very good.

If Uchiha Madara was the clan leader alone, it would have a certain impact on the development of their Senju clan.

But what if both of them are Hokage? That's another matter. Both of them have the right, which can ensure that both families can make progress together.

"Well, I also think Fujima's proposal is very good."

"If my brother is allowed to handle the affairs of the village alone, he will probably be furious. Let's have two people!"

Uchiha Izuna also nodded. He didn't know what kind of personality his brother had? If he got furious by accident, the Hokage's office wouldn't be enough for him to deal with.

"Well, that's decided. Then I will be the deputy hokage and Madara will be the main hokage, haha."

Seeing that the three agreed, Hashirama Senju had no reason to disagree, and he laughed.

So, Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha became the first generation of Hokage together, one positive and one vice, one good and one evil, good and evil combined to form yin and yang, yin and yang to form Tai Chi, and the real Konoha rose.

"Ding, the host has successfully chosen and completed the task, and will be rewarded with a perfect Impure World Reincarnation Technique, no sacrifice required, and the summoned strong man has 80% of his previous strength."


Instantly, after Senju Fujima completed the option, a perfect ninjutsu suddenly appeared in his mind, which was Impure World Reincarnation. Only an item in front of the dead can summon the dead to fight for him.

"What a good thing! It seems that I have to collect more DNA from the strong next time, so I don't have to do it myself."

"Grandpa's is good, hehehe!"

Senju Fujima felt the Impure World Reincarnation in his mind and laughed.


Afterwards, Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara went back to see the daimyo of the Land of Fire, Kato In.




Senju Hashirama and others bowed to him after seeing the daimyo. The daimyo of the Land of Fire nominally ruled the village because the village needed the financial and material support of the Land of Fire.

So he also needed to be respected accordingly. Of course, it didn't mean that he had to be loyal to him, but mutual respect was still needed.

"Haha, Senju clan leader and Uchiha clan leader, please take a seat!"

Kato In saw Senju Hashirama and others, and smiled quickly, nodded slightly, and let several people sit on the stool.

"I have no objection to you setting up a village, but it requires our Fire Country to pay financial and material resources, so you also need to take on the task of protecting our Fire Country."

"And you also need to send some ninjas to guard the capital of our Fire Country."

"After all, if our Fire Country is destroyed, we will not be able to afford the financial and material resources in your village. You should have no objection to this, right?"

Kato Yin sat down with everyone and began to discuss this negotiation. Their Fire Country is not paying for nothing. If you hire a village to guard the Fire Country, you must send people to protect them.

"That's fine, we have no objection. You provide financial and material resources, and we provide you with protection."

"You can also issue tasks in our village, and the village will also send people to complete the tasks and get rewards. There is no problem with these."

Uchiha Madara, as the elected Hokage, naturally has to speak out. Seeing that everyone is looking at him, the meaning is also very clear. He directly looks at the name of the Fire Country and says.

When he was the head of the Uchiha clan, he often received assassinations or guarding missions from various countries, which he was used to.

After all, the clan needs to develop and eat, and it must complete tasks to get rewards, otherwise they cannot survive.

He understands this very well, after all, the head of the clan is not in vain.

"Hehe, you should be the Hokage they elected, right?"

"The head of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Madara, is a peerless strong man, I know your name."

"Since you have no objection, then I have no objection, come on! Sign this Hokage appointment agreement, and you will be the Hokage of Konoha Village in the future."

"And the head of the Senju clan, this is the deputy Hokage appointment agreement, you also sign it."

Kato Yin waved his hand, and the two eunuchs handed over the documents in their hands in an instant.

As early as Uchiha Madara and others cameBefore, they had sent people to inform that the village was called Hokage, the village was named Konoha, etc.

So he had prepared the appointment agreement early, waiting for them to come up and sign it.

"Swish, swish, swish...!"

Soon, Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama signed the appointment letter and officially became the first generation Hokage and the first generation Deputy Hokage.

"Hashirama, I think that the guardian ninja should not be chosen from our two families."

After returning to Konoha, Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama discussed that it would be better not to choose the ninja who protects the daimyo from the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan.

"Well, the Sharingan is quite special. It would be bad if it was used by someone with ulterior motives."

"If our Senju clan members go there, it is likely that the daimyo will feel a little disgusted. I think so too."

"Many other ninjas have joined the village recently, especially the Shimura family and the Yuanfei family. We can select two of them."

"The ninjas to be discussed are twelve, and the other ten will be selected from the ninjas who have just joined!"

"This way, the daimyo will feel more at ease. After all, they are not our people, so he will feel more at ease!"

Senju Hashirama frowned. Uchiha Madara was right. If people from their two families were sent there, the daimyo would probably think that they were intentionally sending people to monitor the daimyo.

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