
"Back then, my father and the others thought it was impossible for us to achieve it."

"Isn't it now? Two old stubborn people."

Uchiha Madara smiled, and a hint of displeasure flashed in his eyes when he thought of everything his father had done.

"Indeed, but they couldn't have imagined that we would have such power at that time."

"But we have to be on guard against the people of the Otsutsuki clan. We need to go all out to deal with any one of them."

"I don't know how many strong people there are. It's really worrying."

Senju Hashirama smiled and nodded, thinking of the scene back then. The two families were either you die or I die, but now there is a rare peace.

However, the Otsutsuki clan will always be a threat. Although they are not afraid, these people are different, and the ninjas of Konoha are different.

"Blood enhancement is urgent. We don't know when the Otsutsuki clan will come. We must speed up the progress."

"Let Fujima's research team speed up. The people of the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan must complete the integration within a month."

"The rest of the clans must also be put on the agenda as soon as possible. It will be useless to rely on just a few of us to be strong."

Uchiha Madara frowned, thinking of how his clone was abused when the Otsutsuki Jishiki first appeared.

Although he now has the strength of the peak of the Six Paths, he is not sure that he can beat the more powerful Otsutsuki clan.

Unknown dangers are often the most terrible and terrifying. Even if they really don't have a strong person who surpasses the peak of the Six Paths, you will still worry if you don't know.

What's more, this ancient race that has lived for who knows how many years is creepy to think about.

"Well, I will arrange this."

"Now the people of the Senju clan have basically completed the injection and are in the fusion stage."

"But we need to be careful and not rush. At least we need to observe for half a month."

"You Uchiha clan are also already injected. I hope there will be no problems."

Senju Hashirama nodded. Now the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan have begun experiments and injected two people's cells in order to improve their blood.

"Well, let's go!"

"Go and arrange the people from other villages first. After the arrangements are made, announce the matter. The progress of the Chunin Exam will also be accelerated."

"Let them all prepare early. The stronger the strength, the earlier the time for the fusion of blood."

"If the strength is weak, then you can only watch others become stronger and stronger."

Uchiha Madara nodded, and then quickly walked towards the gathering place of the three villages.

"Sir, the First Generation."

"Sir, the First Generation."

When Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama came over, the First Generation Kazekage and others hurriedly bowed to them.

"Well, someone will take you to the garrison later. Everything has been prepared for you."


Then Uchiha Madara briefly talked to everyone, and the content was roughly the same as what the Second Generation Tsuchikage said.

"Yes, Sir, the First Generation."


The three ninjas nodded. Being an elder is better than having nothing.

"Okay, the three of you stay. I will have someone take your people to their respective garrisons."

"The three of you stay. I have something to discuss."

"You go and invite Elder Wu over, and everyone will discuss together."

Uchiha Madara nodded to the three people, then waved his hand, and immediately the Anbu personnel appeared, responsible for taking the people of the three major ninja villages to their respective garrisons.

"Yes, Master Shodai."

Although the three were confused, they all came down without saying anything.

Soon, Wuye was called over, and the four shadows were all there.

"Sit down!"

Hashirama Senju smiled, and then a chair appeared behind each of them.

"Thank you, Master Shodai."

Everyone sat down one after another, and marveled at the power of Hashirama Senju. They didn't even see him make a seal, and didn't even move his hands, but the Wood Release was used directly, which shocked them.

"I kept you here because I have something to tell you."

"The ninja world is now considered to be pacified. The peace of the ninja world is of great significance to Hashirama and me."

"Next, Konoha is going to launch a large-scale Chunin exam."

"Those who pass the exam will also receive corresponding rewards, and all rewards will be calculated according to the ranking."

"So all the children in your village who have not yet become Chunin will be sent."

"One is counted as one, and ten thousand-year Genin is no exception. As long as you are strong,, outstanding in all aspects, can become a Chunin. "

"After the Chunin Exam, the Jonin Promotion Exam will be held immediately, and those who have become Chunin can also participate in the Jonin Exam immediately."

"In other words, as long as those Genin are strong enough to be promoted directly from Genin to Chunin, and then to Jonin, they can get two rewards."

"All the ninjutsu in your village must be handed over and managed in a unified manner."

"This time the reward is divided into two aspects, one is ninjutsu, and the other is a special elixir."

"You can feel that such an elixir can increase your strength and also increase your lifespan a little."

"So you let all Genin and Chunin get ready."

"I have also prepared Konoha's forehead protector, and I will no longer use your village's original forehead protector in the future."

"Uniformly change to Konoha's forehead protector, and we will be a big group in the future. "

Uchiha Madara looked at the Kages, his mouth slightly raised. This was the most glorious moment of Konoha. All ninjas in the ninja world needed to wear Konoha forehead protectors and become Konoha people.

Unless they were traitors, they would basically wear Konoha forehead protectors directly. This was the great unification of the ninja world.

"Chunin Exam? Jonin Exam?"

"What is this? Pills?"

"It can increase strength and lifespan? This? Is there really such a thing?"

"It's incredible, right? There is such a thing?"

The four Kages present all felt incredible, looking at the pills floating in front of them, with puzzled and unbelievable eyes.

"Take it and try it, you will know."

"Don't worry, it's not poison, there is no need to poison you."

"Try it, it's good for you."

Senju Hashirama waved his right hand, and the pills rushed directly into their mouths and swallowed them.


"Oh my god?"

"What? "


The four of them suddenly felt like cursing. Is this how you take it? Do you have to be so violent?

If they couldn't beat them, they would have turned hostile on the spot.

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