"Mirror? From the Uchiha clan? Uchiha Mirror, it's you."

"No wonder you have such strength."

"But only such a strong man is worthy of being my opponent."

Xinmen watched Uchiha Mirror leave, his mouth slightly raised, such a strong man can make him have the mind to go all out.

"Xinmen, let's go!"

"Go shopping today, the assessment will be tomorrow, relax in advance."

"Don't make trouble, this is not our base."

The purple-haired woman immediately stepped forward, took Xinmen's arm and left with a smile.


Xinmen looked at Uchiha Mirror's back as he left, thinking about something, then turned his head and looked at the purple-haired woman and smiled, and left together.

"They are all so strong, you are not their opponents."

"But don't underestimate yourself, you will catch up with them one day."

At this moment, suddenly a white-haired boy with oil characters on his head came over with two ninjas, a man and a woman.

"Yes, I have the temperament of a beautiful girl, Meng Meng from the beautiful girl group."

"The beautiful boy who likes to analyze the attributes of wind escape chakra the most, Wu Xi."

"The strongest genius ninja in Konoha, I am here."

"The three of us are collectively called the Konoha Corps, come and see."

Then the three of them posed in front of the ninjas who had just been bullied.


The ninjas who had just been bullied saw the three of them appear, curled their lips, and then left quickly.

"Boss, we seem to be looked down upon?"


Wu Xi sniffed his nose and looked at I am here, with a blank face.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if others look down on us, as long as we can look up to ourselves, then we are the strongest ninjas."


I am here and laughed loudly, and the nearby villagers cast strange eyes on him.

"Boss is so handsome...!"

Meng Meng saw I am here, her eyes were full of stars, and she looked like a fangirl.

"That's right, let's go, I'll treat you today, let's eat meatballs."

I laughed, and then left the scene with my two younger brothers.



Uchiha Kagami, who had just left not long ago, frowned, sensing a murderous intent locking on him, and instantly looked up in the direction of the murderous intent.

"You are very strong, Uchiha Kagami?"

"Will you enter the Chunin Exam this time?"

"I am looking forward to fighting you."

At this moment, a man about ten years old, another short-haired man with red hair, a pair of light blue eyes, and wearing a red short-sleeved robe, stood on the crown of a nearby tree.

"I don't like looking up at others."

"This time, all of us who have participated in the war will be eliminated as Genin. In the non-war period, we will become Genin. Do you think we need to take the test?"

"You are quite strong, and I am looking forward to fighting with you."

Uchiha Jing frowned. This little boy gave him a strong feeling, but he was very confident in himself and didn't think he would lose. After saying that, he put his hands in his pockets and slowly left.

"Haha, then I am also looking forward to fighting with you."

"Remember my name, my name is Luo Ai."

Luo Ai raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and disappeared instantly, with some wind and sand floating on the spot.



Although Uchiha Jing didn't look at Luo Ai again, he felt that there was some sand in the air that didn't exist before, and the corner of his mouth raised slightly.


"The Chunin selection test will begin tomorrow. Everyone, keep an eye on the field. Each team of children must be accompanied by a Jonin."

"The test is not for killing. Just stop when you are satisfied, but don't take action unless it is necessary, unless you are in a life-and-death situation."

"Do you understand?"

"This test is very important, no matter if you were a Jonin from Sand Village, Kumogakure, Mist Village or Rock Village."

"Now, you are all Konoha's ninjas. Now we Konoha must become stronger together."

"If you complete your mission well this time, each of you will be awarded two chakra pills."

"Jounin will be issued three chakra pills as training materials every month."

"Chunin will be issued one chakra pill as training materials every month in the future."

"Genin will be issued one chakra pill as materials to improve their cultivation every three months."

"Do you understand?"

Uchiha Madara sat on the Hokage's seat, and Senju Hashirama sat beside him. The two looked at the Jonin in front of them with frowns.

"Yes, Mr. First Generation. "

All the jonin present had either witnessed the terror of Uchiha Madara, or the terror of Senju Fujima, as well as the terror of Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama.

Everyone felt fear for the four people from Konoha, and naturally did not dare to be disrespectful, and bowed to the two.

"Very good."

"Go down and get ready!"

"Arrange everything."

Uchiha Madara nodded, and then waved his hand.

"Yes, Shodai-sama."

Everyone disappeared instantly.

"The Chunin Exam is finally about to begin!"

"I'm really looking forward to the performance of these children."

Seeing everyone leave, Uchiha Madara's mouth slightly raised.

"Well, Fujima and the others were admitted as Chunin before, but their professional knowledge has not been tested yet, so this time I eliminated them all and turned them back into Genin. ”

“Let them all participate in the Chunin Exam together. The Chunin Exam requires not only strong strength, but also wisdom and basic ninjutsu assessment ability. None of these can be missing.”

Senju Hashirama nodded. It was he who made all the Chunin who were admitted before become Genin, and participated in this Chunin selection with all the villages.

All this is just to make all the children stronger, broaden their horizons, and see what kind of strength their peers who are stronger than themselves have.

In this way, they will have the motivation to become stronger, and a virtuous circle can be formed.

“Well, this time the kid from the Hatake family also came out of seclusion. I heard that he followed Hatake Tianqi to practice swordsmanship and just came back now.”

“He got the true teachings of Hatake Tianqi in swordsmanship. I wonder what kind of excitement he will bring to this Chunin Exam.”

“Oh? Tianqi, this kid, is he finally planning to let his son come out?”

“It seems that he is thirteen years old this year? "

"He is older than Fujima. We will see how strong he is. Tianqi's swordsmanship is indeed very strong. Just looking at his swordsmanship, you are no match for him."

Senju Hashirama was slightly stunned. He did not expect that Hatake Tianqi's son would also come out of seclusion. This was interesting.

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