
"What a strong force."

Qida was punched by Yakifeng and bled. You can imagine how strong the force was.

"Hmph, I'm not just good at playing with snakes."

"How does the strange punch feel?"

Yakifeng saw Qida flying backwards, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

The strange punch is actually not much different from the lightning ninjutsu. Both of them distribute chakra precisely where you want to use force, such as the fist, and a punch can instantly burst out huge power.

"I didn't expect you to be so strong."

"However, the stronger the enemy, the more excited I will be when I see it."


"I underestimated you just now, come again."

Qida quickly stood up, stretched out his hand to pat the dust off his body, and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

"You said, take your punch and let us go."

"I don't want to waste time with you."

"The Chunin Exam is about to begin. See you in the exam."

"I won't show mercy during the exam."

Yakimine curled her lips and looked at the time. She couldn't fight any longer, otherwise she would miss the exam.


Chida was just getting excited about the fight, but Yakimine said she didn't want to fight anymore. She frowned and pointed at him, wanting to say something but stopped.

"See you in the Chunin Exam."

Yakimine ignored Chida and disappeared directly from the spot and returned to Hyuga Tenkui's side.

"Feng, you're awesome."

Hyuga Tenkui was watching the whole process. Seeing the man she liked getting stronger, she was naturally happier.

She knew that Yakimine hadn't used her full strength yet. If she used her full strength, she would be a very terrifying existence.


"Let's go!"

"The Chunin Exam is about to start."

Yakimine smiled slightly, and directly pulled Hinata Tiankui and ran quickly towards the Chunin Exam Hall.

"This guy is really amazing? He can actually suppress that guy?"

"Yes, he is worthy of being the younger brother behind Master Fujima. I also want to be Master Fujima's younger brother!"

"You? You can talk about it after you can defeat that white-faced man! You still want to be Master Fujima's younger brother? What do you want?"

"Yes, do you think anyone can be one? Without some strength, they won't even look at you."

A group of people saw Yakimine's powerful strength, and they all felt incredible.

"Chida, are you okay?"

Omos saw Chida coming back, and a trace of worry flashed in his eyes.

"It's okay, it's just a small matter."

"Although I haven't used my full strength, he certainly hasn't used his full strength either."

"Interesting, this person is really interesting."

"Only by fighting against the strong can I grow quickly. He is very strong, I will definitely defeat him."

Chida waved his hand, looked at Yakifeng's back as he left, and his mouth corners slightly raised.

"It's good that you're okay."

"Let's go! The assessment is about to begin."

Omos nodded, and then walked straight ahead.


Chida followed.

Soon, the Chunin came to a huge open space, which was filled with tables and chairs, and each of the tables and chairs had a pen on it.

"Where is the first test?"

"Written test? I'll go? I hate written tests the most......!"

"The most basic thing for a ninja is basic knowledge. Are you afraid? Ha, if you're afraid, just leave!"

"That's right, if you're afraid, just get out! Don't waste your place."

Everyone felt incredible when they saw that the first game was actually a competition.

In a blink of an eye, there were no less than 3,000 ninjas on the field, and many had not yet arrived. This was simply an unprecedented huge test.

"There are too many people, aren't they?"

"The initial estimate is that there must be at least three or four thousand people."

"There are dozens of times more ninjutsu in this Chunin Exam than in the Chunin Exam I saw?"

"Sure enough, when the village was just built, there were still many Genin from the major hidden villages."

"It is estimated that not all of them have come yet. If they come, there must be at least tens of thousands of people, right?"

"Interesting, although it is boring to fight with you, but it is still quite interesting to watch the excitement."

Senju Fujima looked at the thousands of people present, and his mouth corners slightly raised. It was really interesting to have so many people participate in the Chunin Exam.


At this moment, a gong sound suddenly rang out on the field.

"I am the chief examiner of this exam, Uchiha Shin."

"Everyone enter the examination room now, enter the examination room, and find a seat to sit down at will."

"You are not allowed to sit in the seat where others sit down, and you are not allowed to play and fight in the examination room, otherwise you will be expelled directly"

"After you find your seat and prepare, someone will prepare the test questions. Everyone line up to enter now."

At this moment, Uchiha Shin appeared in front of everyone, looking at everyone with a slight smile on his face.

The first examiner was Uchiha Shin.

"It's Uchiha Shin? He is the right-hand man of the first generation, with extremely powerful ninjutsu and Sharingan."

"I didn't expect to meet such an examiner in the first round. It's really unlucky."

"Let's go! Enter the examination room."

"I hope these are the questions I know, otherwise it will be difficult for me to pass!"

"I don't have much hope for the written test, but I still want to give it a try. "

Instantly, thousands of people were shocked to see Uchiha Shin, after all, he was a close confidant of Uchiha Madara.

However, in addition to being shocked, thousands of people began to line up to register, and entered the examination room, and found their seats and sat down.

Inside the examination room, there were hundreds of prosecutors distributed in various corners to observe whether anyone was cheating. If anyone cheated, they would be expelled immediately.

"Very good, there should be no one behind."

"Close the examination room and prepare to start the exam."

"Everyone sits quietly in your seat, and the invigilator will give you the test paper, and you can pass it directly to the back."

Uchiha Shin held a large stack of test papers in his hand and started to distribute them directly.

"Swish, swish, swish...!"

The whole examination room was silent, and everyone was afraid that they would be directly expelled for disrupting the examination room.

Not long after, thousands of people got the test papers in their hands.

"Very good, now you start answering the questions, answering time is forty minutes, and the papers are handed in after forty minutes. ”

“After forty minutes, stop immediately when you hear the bell. Otherwise, you will be considered to have given up the exam.”

As Uchiha Shin gave the order, some people in the examination room began to answer questions quickly.

There are always some people who have very strong theoretical knowledge and answer questions very quickly.



“Eye of Sand.”

“Heart Turn Technique.”

“Puppet Technique.”


In an instant, cheating appeared in the venue, but no one tried to catch them. This was stealing answers with one's own ability, which was feasible and no one would stop it.

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