"I guess the whole Konoha will be in turmoil this time. Let's go back and report to the first generation first, shall we?"

"Well, let's go back first! First, make it clear that Tiekui wants to commit suicide, otherwise we will be miserable."

"Well, Yi, you stay, and the rest follow me."


The several Anbu responsible for secretly protecting Tiekui disappeared directly, leaving only the Anbu codenamed Yi.

"Then don't cry for now."

"Don't use knives all the time, okay?"

"We are girls, we should be more ladylike, okay?"

Senju Fujima looked at Tiekui in front of him, and felt powerless in his heart. Speaking of girls, who doesn't like the more the better?

But Senju Fujima didn't want to marry Tiekui originally. Bringing her back didn't mean to take her into his pocket, but a girl was really pitiful outside, and he expressed some sympathy.

Of course, there is no rejection of beautiful women in the heart. No one will reject a beautiful woman, but it does not mean that you can't walk when you see a beautiful woman, and you must take her as your own.

But now Tiekui is too obsessed with love. If she doesn't agree, she has already had the idea of ​​committing suicide. Senju Fujima naturally can't stand by and watch.

If Tiekui dies because of him, she will feel extremely guilty. Now she can only do this to comfort her heart.


Tiekui was very happy to see that her lover accepted her. Everything in the past had disappeared. She wiped away her tears, smiled, and restored her previous smile.

"Are you feeling better? If you are better, let's sit over there."

Senju Fujima was relieved to see Tiekui smiling, and smiled at her.

"Well, let's go!"

"Fujima-kun, I want to tell you something. Please help me with some reference. What should I do?"

Tiekui took the initiative to take Senju Fujima's arm. Thinking of Uchiha Madara, she wanted to ask for his opinion.

"Well, then tell me!"

"Is there anything you don't understand?"

Senju Fujima walked towards his recliner with Tiekuei, asking as he walked.


"Swish, swish, swish...!"

"Sir, the First Generation."

And several Anbu had already returned to Konoha, came to the Hokage's office, and knelt in front of Uchiha Madara.


"What's going on? Didn't I ask you to protect Aoi?"

Uchiha Madara raised his head and looked at the Anbu in front of him, frowning.

"Sir, the First Generation, something big happened, and we are here to report it."

The Anbu looked at Uchiha Madara with some embarrassment.

"What's the matter?"

Uchiha Madara saw the Anbu's eyes and had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Just now, Tiekuei wanted to commit suicide."


One of the Anbu reported directly to Uchiha Madara.


"Why is it like this?"

"How is she now?"

Uchiha Madara was shocked when he heard what the Anbu said.

"She is fine now. She has been rescued by Master Fujima."

"She is fine for now."

"It's because the first generation wanted to marry Tetsuku to Sarutobi Hiruzen, but she likes Master Fujima."

"Master Fujima doesn't seem to like Tetsuku very much, so she felt a little hopeless and wanted to kill herself."

"Fortunately, Master Fujima stopped her."

"Later, Master Fujima seemed to agree to be with Tetsuku, so she didn't have the idea of ​​committing suicide for the time being."

"As for whether Master Fujima liked Tetsuku or didn't want Tetsuku to commit suicide, this subordinate doesn't know."

The Anbu quickly answered and told the whole story. Everyone was extremely nervous. After all, all this was Uchiha Madara's family affairs, and they seemed to know too much.


"Got it, go down!"

"Keep guarding Tiekui, don't get discovered."

Uchiha Madara's eyes flashed with helplessness, and he waved his hand.

"Yes, Shodai-sama."

"Swoosh, woosh, woosh...!"

The Anbu felt relieved and quickly disappeared from the spot.

"Aoi, Aoi!"


"Find a time to ask Fujima, if you are willing to accept Aoi, then let them be together!"

"As for Hiruzen, let's find another girl in the family to match him!"

"Uchiha Han is not bad, let's prepare in advance!"

After everyone left, Uchiha Madara stood by the window, looking at the busy Konoha Village, feeling helpless.

As a father, he failed. He wanted his daughter to be happy, but his daughter was very disgusted, and he didn'tIs there any good way to solve it?

Now Senju Fujima and Tiekui seem to be together reluctantly because of this incident, but he is not sure that he really likes his daughter.

Although Senju Fujima is the best candidate for a husband, his inner pride does not allow him to let his daughter share a husband with others.

However, things often go against one's wishes. He does not want such a thing to happen, but it still happens in the end.


"Uchiha Jing, when did you become so generous?"

"You actually want to share the person you like with others?"

And Uchiha Jing stood by a lake, sat down, looked at himself in the lake, a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes, and stared at the lake in a daze.


"Uncle Madara is your father?"

"No way? How come I don't know about this?"

And Senju Fujima was stunned when he heard what Tiekui said.

Although there was some speculation, but it was not certain. Now hearing Tiekui say this, he still couldn't help being shocked.

"Oh my goodness?"

"No wonder she got engaged to Tetsukui. So there's this relationship?"

"Will Uncle Madara beat me up if I do this?"

"Oh my god......!"

Senju Fujima suddenly thought, what if Uchiha Madara beats him up for Tetsukui? He reached out and patted his head.

"Yes, I just found out about it."

"Uchiha Madara is my biological father. What happened back then was caused by my grandfather, although it's not all his fault."

"But after all, it's the fault of the Uchiha clan. As the clan leader, I naturally have to blame him."

"If it weren't for the Uchiha clan killing our Tie family, my mother wouldn't have been captured by them."

"After being captured, he did such inhumane things, and finally gave birth to me helplessly."

"So now I'm very conflicted, whether to forgive him or hate him."

"Every time I see him, I feel very kind, but he tampered with my memory, which makes me very angry."

"I don't want to marry Sarutobi Hiruzen. The person I have always wanted to marry is Fujima-kun."

Tetsukui told Senju Fujima about her life experience, just to let him help her out. Now she is very confused and doesn't know what to do.

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