Senju Fujima curled his lips. He did nothing. How could it be his fault that others liked him?

"You are not wrong?"

"If you hadn't brought her back, how could it be like this?"

"You must have given her too many hints along the way, or you made a lot of moves to make her feel that you are very important to her."

"Otherwise, how could she like you? You still say you are not wrong?"

"The father is to blame for the son's failure to teach. You kid, I am too indulgent to you, right?"

"Even if this matter is solved according to your solution, there will be a lot of problems in the future."

"The Uchiha clan and the Sarutobi clan are engaged, but the whole village already knows about it."

"Now that the plan you are talking about here has been known to the people in the village, how will they view the Sarutobi clan?"

"I am really angry."

Senju Hashirama pointed at Senju Fujima and scolded him. What he was most worried about was the pressure of public opinion on the Sarutobi clan in the village.

Such pressure is even greater than the pressure of fighting. By then, the whole village will know about it, and it will be a disgrace to the family.

"It seems that you are quite capable, Dad?"

"But there is no other way now."

"Tetsukui has committed suicide because of this matter."

"If you force her again, there may be other accidents."

"So this matter must be dealt with as soon as possible."

Senju Fujima looked at Senju Hashirama in front of him, with a slight smile on his face.

Then he thought of Tetsukui's strong character and shook his head secretly.


"You guys!"

Senju Hashirama shook his head. He didn't know what to do next. He was confused now, and didn't know how to explain this matter to Senju Tobirama.

"Okay, now that things have come to this, we can only solve the current problem first, and the future problems will be dealt with later."

"Who dares to say more?"

"This matter is settled."

"Fujima, you go and discuss it with your second uncle. You are younger, he should be able to understand."

"Forget about your father, he will only make things worse."

Uchiha Madara looked at Senju Hashirama in front of him, frowned, and then looked at Senju Fujima, asking him to go and discuss it with Senju Tobirama, and let him give his opinions, after all, he is the father of the little monkey.

"Well, okay, Uncle Madara."

"Then I'll go first, you guys talk."

Senju Fujima nodded, there was no way, these things still had to be solved, and he disappeared directly on the spot.

"Ban, what are you going to do?"

Senju Hashirama frowned, looking at Uchiha Madara, and I don't know what he was thinking in his heart.

"What else can I do?"

"Is Tiekui unwilling to marry? What can I do?"

"I want to solve it, too? But I can't!"

"I originally thought that I could seal her memory and implant another memory into her."

"Who knew it would turn out like this? I am embarrassed now, too?"

Uchiha Madara frowned, lowered his head and shook his head helplessly.

"You are such a failure as a father!"

"Go back and think about where you went wrong."

"Although I didn't do it very well, I wouldn't think of tampering with memory."

"So you should also pay attention to yourself. Being a father is not that easy."

Senju Hashirama frowned, shook his head, sat back in his seat, and continued to review documents.


Uchiha Madara sighed, not knowing what to do.


And the next second, Senju Fujima had already appeared in the Root. Today, Uchiha Izuna was in charge of the assessment, so Senju Tobirama was basically in charge of the Root these days.

"Swish, swish, swish...!"

Feeling someone appear, the Root members immediately appeared in front of Senju Fujima.

"Master Fujima?"

The Root member who appeared found that it was Senju Fujima, and quickly knelt on one knee on the ground.

"Well, I'm looking for my second uncle, please get out of the way!"

Senju Fujima nodded and then waved.

"Yes, Master Fujima."

"Swish, swish, swish...!"

Then the Root instantly disappeared from the spot, and Senju Fujima walked directly into the Root.


"How come you have time to come to see your second uncle today?"

"The assessment is over, right?"


Senju Tobirama saw Senju Fujima coming in, and quickly stood up and smiled.

"Well, it just ended not long ago, so you came to see your uncle?"

Senju Fujima looked at Senju Tobirama and nodded and smiled.

"Hahaha, you little rascal.""Come, sit down!"

"Tell me!"

"What's the matter with you coming to see your second uncle today?"

Senju Tobirama laughed and sat down directly after looking at Senju Fujima.

"Second uncle, actually, I came here today to discuss something with you."

"But don't get excited about what I say, okay?"

Senju Fujima looked at the Senju Tobirama in front of him and smiled awkwardly.

"Excited? Just tell me what's going on!"

"What did you say that could make your second uncle excited?"

"Tell me!"

Senju Tobirama looked at the Senju Fujima in front of him, a little surprised, what was wrong with this kid today, always felt that something was not right.


"Uncle, it's like this."

"It's because of Tiekui."


Senju Fujima coughed twice, and then began to tell the whole story. While talking, he paid attention to Senju Tobirama's face. Seeing his face become gloomy at a speed visible to the naked eye, his heart was pounding.

"It's over, uncle is going to get mad...!"

Senju Fujima knew that his uncle was going to get mad. It was the first time he saw his uncle's expression like this, which made him feel helpless.

"Does the little monkey really like someone?"

"Are you sure he doesn't like Tiekui?"

Senju Tobirama frowned. If the little monkey liked someone, even if Tiekui didn't like him, he wouldn't let the two of them break off the engagement.

This world was originally a world where men were superior to women. Although it has entered a peaceful era, the status of women has never been too high.

They don't need to consider women's feelings at all. He is now more concerned about his son's feelings.

After all, you proposed the engagement yourself. Now you are going to cancel the engagement not long after the engagement? Isn't this a joke on the engagement ceremony?

This is something he absolutely cannot tolerate. Unless Sarutobi Hiruzen himself says that he doesn't like Tetsukui, he will definitely fight for him.

"Well, Uncle, don't worry. I have discussed this matter with Little Monkey in advance."

"Little Monkey likes a girl named Biwako, whom I have never met."

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