"Then let's exchange them first."

After exchanging the gravity room and the design drawings of the gravity room, Senju Fujima disappeared directly on the spot.

"Yakitsu, this is the drawing of the gravity room. You can take a look and see if it helps you."

"Make the gravity room as soon as possible and increase the gravity of the gravity room as much as possible."

The next second, Senju Fujima came directly in front of Yakitsu, threw down the drawings, and left after speaking.

"Master Fujima?"

Yakitsu was slightly stunned after hearing Senju Fujima's voice, and then he disappeared, picked up the design drawings in his hand, and his pupils shrank.

"I didn't expect Master Fujima's idea to be similar to mine?"

"But Master Fujima actually drew this drawing in such detail?"

"This speed, I really can't catch up?"

After seeing the design drawings in his hand, Yakitsu shook his head with a wry smile, and then began to speed up the research.

Because many materials are not interoperable, they need to be redesigned, and he immediately started to study.


"It's too expensive to exchange, so it's better to study it yourself."

"Next, I'll get used to this gravity room."

After leaving, Senju Fujima took out the gravity room in his base, walked in and started training.

"Let's start with ten times the gravity, and slowly rise up!"

After entering the gravity room, Senju Fujima directly turned on the ten times gravity.

"Boom boom boom...!"

A noisy sound sounded, and then the gravity of the gravity room suddenly increased, but Senju Fujima didn't feel it at all.

"If it doesn't work, then twenty times."

"Still no..., one hundred times."


Senju Fujima directly adjusted the gravity to one hundred times, and then he felt a strong pressure coming, pressing his whole body on the ground.

"I broke three ribs. This gravity is really strong!"

"Finally, is it effective?"

"After adapting to this gravity, my combat power will definitely increase a lot."

"But it's really uncomfortable!"

"This is the first time I feel this way."

"Fortunately, I have an immortal body. I repaired my body in an instant, and I can vaguely feel the power in my body growing."

"Is this the blood of the Saiyans?"

"It's really a powerful blood power."

After stretching his muscles, Senju Fujima frowned. When he first activated the 100 times gravity, he was directly crushed, and he also broke three ribs.

However, Senju Fujima has an immortal body, and when mixed with Saiyan blood, it is simply a powerful combination.

Recover from damage, recover from damage, and even save Senzu beans.


"Brother, why are you here?"

When Senju Tobirama was walking towards home, he suddenly saw Senju Hashirama in front of him and was slightly stunned.

"Nothing, I just want to talk to you."

"Come with me!"

Hashirama Senju smiled at Tobirama Senju in front of him, then turned and walked away.


Tobirama Senju frowned, pondered for a moment, and followed him.

"What do you think of the little monkey's resurrection?"

Hashirama Senju brought Tobirama Senju to a pond, looked at the pond in front of him, and asked lightly.

"Little monkey?"

"He hurt Konoha and shouldn't be resurrected."

Tobirama Senju's pupils shrank, a hint of guilt flashed in his eyes, but more of it was firmness, and he shook his head and said.


"But the little monkey is just a child."

"He has lived in anger since he was a child, so he did such a thing."

"As parents, should we be considerate?"

"What happened in the past is over, but the little monkey didn't."

"He felt that this was humiliating and that it was our fault, which eventually led him to take a detour."

Senju Hashirama looked at Senju Tobirama and smiled slightly, his smile was so sunny.

"Brother, no matter what, he betrayed Konoha and he has no right to live."

"As the second generation Hokage, I have to be responsible for the entire Konoha."

Senju Tobirama looked at Senju Hashirama and shook his head, with a hint of complexity in his eyes.

"Tobirama, what was our original idea for creating Konoha?"

Senju Hashirama looked at the pond and began to miss the past.

"The original idea?"

"World peace, no war."

Senju Tobirama was slightly stunned, turned his head and looked at Senju Hashirama, a little confused.


"My initial thought was to protect you."

"Protect my family, protect the people closest to me."

"Finally, we formed a village, and everyone in the village is our closestPeople are all our family members. "

"It is true that the little monkey took the wrong path, but we were the first to make the mistake."

"We did not educate him well and did not give him a good environment."

"It ultimately led the little monkey to take a detour."

Senju Hashirama looked at Senju Tobirama and smiled.

"Brother, you are going around in circles, don't you just want me to revive the little monkey?"


Senju Tobirama's face was gloomy, and he turned and left directly after he finished speaking.


"I haven't finished yet!"

Senju Hashirama looked at Senju Tobirama who turned and left, and was speechless for a while.


"I know what you are going to say next, so there is no need to say it again."

Senju Tobirama said lightly without turning his head.

"Tobirama, stop right there. "

Hashirama Senju frowned, and his whole body aura pressed directly towards Tobirama Senju.


Tobirama Senju frowned, knowing that his elder brother was angry, he was slightly stunned and turned his head away.

"Am I the elder brother or are you the elder brother?"

"Now you don't even listen to your elder brother?"

"Are my words so unpleasant to hear?"

"Or do you no longer see me as your elder brother?"

Hashirama Senju appeared in front of Tobirama Senju and slapped him on the head.


Tobirama Senju was slightly stunned, and the next second he felt a heavy blow on his head, and he fell to the ground with his head, and a small pit appeared on the ground.

"What's the matter with this elder brother?"

Tobirama Senju stood up directly from the ground, patted the dust on his face, and frowned.

"Now listen to me."

"Fujima said that the little monkey can be resurrected. "

"But his will needs to be modified after resurrection."

"Just make him stop hating Konoha and love Konoha and the people in the village."

"Make sure he won't do anything harmful to the people in the village."

"What do you think?"

Hashirama Senju looked at Tobirama Senju, frowning and angry. He looked very majestic and his tone was unquestionable.

It must be said that Hashirama Senju was still a little scary when he got angry.

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