Fortunately, Tsunade didn't know that she was losing, and she was still laughing.

"Ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine, one hundred thousand."


"Finally I've adapted to the two hundred times gravity. Now the two hundred times gravity can no longer bring me pressure."

"My combat power has also soared a lot. I finally reached three million. I can also play with Super Saiyan."

Senju Fujima's mouth corners slightly raised. For a year, he kept practicing in the gravity room, and his combat power continued to soar.

And he often split his clones to fight with himself. He usually didn't fight back and let the clones beat him. Every time, he was beaten all over his body in an instant.

In the end, because of the characteristics of Senju Fujima's immortal body, he recovered quickly and his combat power soared.

Otherwise, he would not have such a powerful force in just one year.

"The fighting power is too strong. After the explosion, the earth will be destroyed. Let's go to outer space!"

Senju Fujima's figure disappeared directly on the spot, and appeared in the next second, directly in outer space.

After arriving in space, he randomly found a planet to land on.

"Then let's start!"

"Although I don't have an angry heart, Kurama has a strong negative energy that can make me feel angry."

"Give it a try!"

Senju Fujima knew that Super Saiyans need anger to transform.

But he has not found a way to make himself angry.

After all, in the current ninja world, no one will make him angry to the point of wanting to kill.

"Kuruma, pour all your negative emotions into my body."

Senju Fujima directly communicated with Kurama and asked him to pour all his negative emotions into his body. When he connected with himself, he could feel the power of hatred.

This can also make himself angry and irritable.

"Fujima, what do you want to do?"

"I'm connecting all my negative emotions to you. Are you sure your brain can handle it?"

"This is not something that can be measured by strength."

Kurouma was no longer surprised by Senju Fujima's strength, but his own negative emotions were very strong. No matter how strong a person is, his brain power is limited.

If all of them were poured into it, it would probably cause him to have brain death.

"It's okay, come on!"

Senju Fujima shook his head, with a hint of determination in his eyes.

"Then you're ready."

Kurouma frowned, looking at Senju Fujima in front of him, with a hint of worry in his eyes.


Senju Fujima nodded, having already prepared himself mentally.


The next second, Kurama directly connected his emotions with Senju Fujima.


Senju Fujima instantly felt a tyrannical idea in his mind, wanting to destroy the world.

His face was ferocious, and he roared like a beast.

The huge negative emotions directly entered Senju Fujima's mind, making him experience what hatred and anger are.


Because the changes in the brain directly affected the Saiyan bloodline, lightning began to appear all over Senju Fujima's body.

"Boom boom boom...!"


Countless lightning suddenly appeared, and the entire Senju Fujima was bathed in lightning. The entire planet seemed to be destroyed, and countless lightnings continued to destroy the surrounding environment.

Fortunately, no one lived on this planet, otherwise they would be scared to death by this breath.

"Bang bang bang...!"

"Boom boom...!"


Senju Fujima's body was covered with lightning, and his hair began to flash between gold and black.


"Boom boom boom...!"

Finally, Senju Fujima's hair changed from smooth to afro, and both the hair color and eyebrows turned golden.

And the muscles all over his body swelled up, and he exuded a golden aura, and his momentum was very strong.

"Is this a Super Saiyan?"

"What a huge power, hahaha...!"

"The combat power directly soared fifty times to 150 million. It's really an intoxicating power!"


Senju Fujima felt the powerful power in his body, and golden light flashed in his eyes.

"Swish, swish, swish...!"

Senju Fujima felt his current speed, and he couldn't catch up even if he crossed the space.

The previous self seemed to disappear very quickly, but in front of the current Super One, he didn't even have the qualifications to disappear.

"Shadow Clone Technique."

"Bang bang bang...!"

Senju Fujima directly created ten shadow clones, with a slight smile on his face.

"Brothers, let's try my speed!"

Looking at his clones in front of him, Senju Fujima's mouth slightly raised.


A group of clones nodded, and then quickly rushed towards Senju Fujima.

"Bang bang bang...!"

The speed of the ten shadow clones was extremely fast. The shadow clones that activated Super Saiyan 1 were so fast that they flew.

However, no matter how fast the ten shadow clones were, Senju Fujima could easily dodge them, and looking at their speed, it was like a turtle's speed.

"I didn't expect that the speed would increase so much after activating Super Saiyan 1."

"But it seems to consume some physical energy?"

"Fortunately, I have an immortal body and can quickly replenish physical energy. It consumes quickly, but I replenish it faster. "

Senju Fujima's mouth corners slightly raised, feeling the momentum of the whole body surge, a smile flashed in his eyes.


On the distant Otsutsuki planet, on an extremely large electronic screen, a planet one million kilometers away from the earth emitted a dazzling light.

"Ding ding ding ding...!"

Not only that, because the dazzling light on the planet was monitored, a red alarm appeared directly on the electronic screen.


"Galactic coordinates."



"The planet is abnormal, it seems to be very close to the last planet?"

"No, why is this power still surging?"

"Impossible, how? How is it possible?"

"Super, super, 100 million combat power?"

"No, something is going to happen."

"We must inform the elders of this matter as soon as possible. "

Members of the Otsutsuki clan need to observe the huge screen in front of them and take notes every day.

When the light appears on the screen, they know that something is wrong.

But when he felt the changes on the planet, he frowned and immediately took out his notebook to record it.

But as time went on, the alarm began to sound, which made him feel extremely shocked, even terrified.

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