"Yes, Master Fujima."

A trace of determination flashed in Might Je's eyes.

"I will definitely rely on my own strength to become a powerful man of the generation."

"I, Might Je, will never let Master Fujima down."

And Might Je is extremely determined in his heart, and he will definitely make achievements to show the world that he is not a waste, and he will definitely become the most powerful physical ninja.


Senju Fujima nodded slightly, and then turned his attention to the assessment.

"Very good, your first assessment is all over."

"Congratulations to all of you, the first assessment is all over."

"Next is the second assessment, the illusion removal."

"Next, the Yuhi family will release an illusion on you. If you can remove the illusion within ten seconds, you will be considered successful."

Soon, Irudi hurriedly stood in the center of the venue and shouted to everyone.


Everyone was looking forward to it, and shouted loudly with all their strength. After all, they didn't want to go to school anymore. Going to the ninja school was simply a torture for them.

"Master Yuhi, let's start!"

Irudi saw that everyone was in high spirits, and his mouth corners slightly raised. Then he turned around and looked at a man who looked a bit like Yuhika. He looked about 35 years old, not very old, and bowed to him respectfully.

"Teacher Irudi, you're welcome."

The master of the Yuhi family, Yuhi Maka, smiled at Irudi, and then walked directly to the training ground.

"Hello everyone, I will perform an illusion next, and you will be hit at the same time."

"If you can come out of the illusion within ten seconds, then you will pass."

Then Yuhi Maka looked at the students in front of him, and the corners of her mouth slightly raised.


Everyone's eyes were burning, and they kept muttering to Yuhi Maka in front of them. They couldn't wait to let others see their strength.

"Nirvana Jingshe Technique."

Soon, Yuhi Maka directly released a large-scale illusion.

In an instant, everyone suddenly saw white feathers falling, and then everyone fell into a peaceful and deep sleep.

"Illusion, release."

The first person to release it was naturally Senju Fujima, because he didn't use the Sharingan, otherwise he could directly bounce the illusion back.

But for Senju Fujima, such an illusion, it was just a piece of cake to release it.

"No, Fujima-kun, don't die, don't die! Wuwuwu...!"

"You promised to marry me, you can't die, you can't die!"

"We haven't gotten married yet, you can't leave me like this."

In the illusion, Uchiha Jing saw a terrible scene. She saw a person dead in front of her. When she saw the person clearly, she found that it was Senju Fujima. She ran up to hug him and cried bitterly.

"Jing, Jing'er, promise me, okay, okay, live...!"

Senju Fujima's eyes were full of fear and reluctance. Looking at Uchiha Jing in front of him, he fell to the ground and died.

"No, no, no...!"

Uchiha Jing saw Senju Fujima die in her arms. How could she have thought that this was an illusion now? Her mind was full of hatred, and she instantly opened the Mangekyō Sharingan.

"Kachakaka, Kacha."

In an instant, when Uchiha Jing opened the Mangekyō Sharingan, the illusion became fragmented and she walked out of the illusion.

"What? Mangekyō Sharingan?"

"Mangekyō Sharingan? Hiss...!"

"When did Jing'er open the Mangekyō? This Mangekyō?"

At this moment, Uchiha Madara, Senju Hashirama, and Senju Fujirama instantly discovered the changes in Uchiha Jing, and their eyes were full of shock.


"So, it was an illusion?"

"I, I forgot...!"

When Uchiha Jing came out of the illusion, her pretty face blushed, and she immediately closed the Mangekyō Sharingan, lowered her head and muttered to herself.

"Madara, you gave me a good daughter-in-law!"


Senju Hashirama saw that Uchiha Jing had awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan by herself. How old was he? She opened her eyes faster than Uchiha Madara, how could he not be happy?

For this daughter-in-law, Senju Hashirama said he was very satisfied.


"Although I think she is worthy of Fujima in this way, it is a bargain for you."

Uchiha Madara crossed his arms and hugged them in front of his chest. He glanced at Senju Hashirama and snorted coldly. The meaning was obvious, that is, it was a bargain for him.


Senju HashiramaLaughing loudly, not feeling embarrassed at all.

"I didn't expect Jing'er to be so talented?"

"If Jing'er and I give birth to a little Tsunade, won't she be born with the Samsara Eye?"


"It's scary to think about it. This little Tsunade is probably going to be amazing, right?"

Senju Fujima was also shocked, because Uchiha Jing relied on himself to awaken the Mangekyō Sharingan. You have to know how difficult it is to awaken the Mangekyō Sharingan.

And how old is Uchiha Jing? She is only ten years old, younger than Uchiha Itachi, and she has opened the Mangekyō Sharingan. This is simply going to be amazing!

Suddenly thinking about the future, if Uchiha Jing and I give birth to a little Tsunade, and she opens the Samsara Eye directly, I don't know what the scene will be like.

"Fujima-kun, what are you doing? Why are you looking at me like that? Is there something wrong with my face?"

Uchiha Jing felt that Senju Fujima was looking at her all the time. Her face flushed. She looked extremely shy in public.

"No, you beast, don't hit my mother, don't hit my mother, get out of here, get out of here."

"Woo woo woo...!"

In another illusion, Tie Kui also encountered the same terrible thing.

She saw her father beating her mother all the time, beating her non-stop, and never stopping.

Her mother's screams kept coming into her ears, making her cry and squat on the ground, not daring to face the facts.

And another picture soon appeared, which was the picture of Senju Fujima and Uchiha Jing getting married, which gave her a double blow and made her feel a little broken in her heart.


"I want to create a world with my mother, I want to create a world where I will always be with Fujima-kun, you all go to hell!"


Instantly, Tiekui also opened her Mangekyō Sharingan and shattered the illusion in front of her.


Soon, Tiekui returned to the real world, and only Yuhi Moka saw her eyes.

Uchiha Madara was still talking to Senju Hashirama about Uchiha Shizuka, and did not look at it carefully.

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