Chapter 1022

The two insisted on their own words, and Zhao Hailing and Zhang Rongxing next to them were a bit tired of seeing them.

“I’ve said it all, Bai Wei has no abilities at all, how could it be better than Xu Xueru, you still want to watch a play, dream.”

“It seems that we have to find someone with a higher ability, Zhao Hailing, come on and leave you.”

“Zhang Rongxin, you are going to die!”

Several people ended the friendship during the squabbling process. Yu Yuzan took Xu Xueru back, and finally a few of them drank the wine. Every sip of the wine that Yueru drank was poisoned with fish fragrance first. In the end, Yu Yuzan was constantly testing for drugs, and the blood on September 1 became more and more blushing with both eyes and cheeks flushing with revenge. He was almost drunk.

The most heartbreaking thing is that Zhao Hailin’s whole body swayed on Zhang Longxin’s body. He was compatible and looked disgusting. You could see Zhao Hailin lying there quietly and motionless suddenly. Seeing how subtle the points were, he stopped opening, Zhao Hailing’s hair, carefully looked at his face.

“I’ll just say, you are the most beautiful when you are not talking.” The expression of molesting on that face, but. Can’t hide her love for Zhao Hailing. He didn’t know how to tell Hailin not to cover his stomach and turn the earth upside down uncomfortably when he didn’t hold the hair called Hailin. Zhang Ruxin threw up on his body. Zhang Rongxin’s body is full of vomit called Hailin. No matter whether there is a cleanliness person or not, he can’t stand it, let alone he has a little cleanliness. He almost couldn’t stand the whole person.

It was late, everyone went back to their homes, and met and Xu Xueru also went back.

On the way back, it was Xue clothes, driving to Xuexue ignored him and fell asleep. However, some of these consciousnesses are pure, but Xu Xueru did not lose consciousness, just like Zhao Hailin.

Yu Yuzan watched Xu Xueru keep repeating the question, what is he doing? Is he really Wei Xueru new? Are all the previous trainings fake? Obviously his heart can’t beat, he can only complete the task, he can’t treat anyone with his heart, let alone his employer?

Xu Xueru fell asleep in the car, Yu Yuzan couldn’t bear to wake it up. Seeing his sound asleep, the two of them were quietly doing nothing.(Read more @

“Yu Yuzan, your big idiot.” Xu Xueru shouted in his sleep, and Yu Yuzan couldn’t help laughing a few times as he watched this scene. He won’t open Xu Xueru’s hair. Not letting her keep his face, she took off her coat and put it on the lifelike body. Put his chair back to lie down comfortably.

Yu Yuzan has a thought in his heart at this moment, stopping time here and holding it all the time.

In fact, there is a business standing at the door of Xu’s house. For a while, wearing a shawl and a white hat on his head blocked all his looks. People can’t see who he is at all. You seem to be aware of the injury after staring at the two people in the car. When someone stares at her and asks her to look for the person’s voice, that person no longer knows where he is?

The next day, everyone was confused, and there were quite a few people who drank yesterday.

Yu Yuzan did not drink, he must be sober as his teacher all the time, and his head no longer hurts the next day. He ordered the people below to prepare sober tea for Xu Xueru. I went to the st organization early in the morning. He didn’t want to hold passive power anymore, and kept following the other party’s actions.

“Why ran here again? I want to see the principal again.”

“I received a call a few days ago. The other party used the Moscow code. She told me to wear her message. The first one was mixed with people in the school. The second one is that the wine is poisonous. I hope you Check this phone number. I called it twice and it was empty. He can call it every time. You can check it for me.”

“Is the other party too boring for such a fun thing? Find someone to inform us, and more than once, do you think this is a joke, or the other party is doing a prank.” Yanzi laughed, a little bit oozing.

“I don’t care who she is, what things or what, I just know that we can’t wait like this any longer.”

“Is there any way, you don’t know where they are, we are in the light, he is in the dark.”

“What about it, as long as there is light, their shadows will be revealed sooner or later. Since we can’t get down from Xu Xueru’s direction, from the school’s direction, then we will change our direction, for example. The principal and me Grandpa, what are they doing home? What kind of work do they do?”

“This shouldn’t be something you should be concerned about. Your task is to protect Xu Xueru, the traitor who got out of school early.”

“From now on, my scope of work has expanded. You love to tell me not to tell me, don’t tell me, and I will check it myself. If something breaks yours, I can’t guarantee it.

“It’s not that we didn’t tell you. It’s just that this situation is too dangerous. I hope you don’t touch it for the time being. Your grandfather is also to protect you, and then arrange you to protect Xu Xueru.”

“Why are each of you talking for him? I know exactly what the stinky old man is to me. Do you guys say it?”

“The dark organization was actually not an evil organization before this. The organization personnel there are all from a country jointly trained by the United Nations, transnational crime and capture groups. They spent a lot of money on training for him. Kung Fu. And they have indeed achieved good results, but they know too much! They know many things that they shouldn’t know. The secrets that only the dead can keep in the world, let alone they just A few people alone are so powerful. If they become stronger in the future. The latest revenge from their control should be their individual training. We don’t know what kind of training they have. So, The United Nations is killing them, and many countries will want to kill them. They know. That’s why they got rid of the control of others and set up a group by themselves, but everyone did not expect their power to be so powerful. Until now, he can’t control it. He has a scene that he can’t control his daughter-in-law today.”

“According to you, they are quite pitiful. It is obvious that you trained it so strong, and now you are afraid of its strength.”

“No way, why do we all call us humans? Humans are selfish animals, only for their own sake.” When you said these words, you felt as if you were stating some facts. ..

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