Chapter 1025

“Yu Yuzan, stop kidding me, I really want to go back. I’m sorry, I have to go first, thank you for your wine, if I have time in the future, I will come back to secretly and your wine, you help I keep a backup.”

“I know, don’t molest you anymore, you go away, lest your girlfriend come home, and your girlfriend is quite ferocious in my shop.” As he said, he looked at the figure of Yu Yuzan leaving. Sister Snake looked back at her bar and looked at Yu Yuzan.

Sister Snake said to herself, “Why did you take away the light in my bar as soon as you left? It seems like you really lost something when you left. It’s really interesting. I felt it for the first time.”

These two days have been very plain, Yu Yuzan almost forgot the poisonous phone call he received in the wine, and lived a very comfortable life.

But a tense atmosphere continued throughout the school. Because the Royal College of Tinnitus has to receive misunderstandings from other aristocratic schools. I know this, but it’s not as comfortable and harmonious as it seems, but it’s actually hidden in the dark. The other schools in Qixue knew about the problem of the principal’s comfort, but he waited patiently until today.

Xu Xueru is the most nervous in the school. This was the first time he faced such a large-scale event. It was a completely different concept from the school directors confronting him. It’s like that station and outside station.

“What are you doing, don’t be so nervous and relax. It’s just a misunderstanding, it’s not a big deal.” Yuxiang didn’t know the importance of this, but he knew Xu Xueru was like this and couldn’t do anything. Xu Xueru. Since I really started to prepare for the prom, my whole person has changed, and I have forgotten this and that all day long.

“Don’t talk nonsense, what do you know, this is a misunderstanding. It is very important for the school, and this is the first time I have such a big relationship. I can’t let this time I fail, I can only succeed. .”

Xu Xueru seemed to be talking to Yu Yuzan, and it seemed to be talking to herself. While speaking, Yu Yuzan looked at Xu Xueru’s hand and told him to unfold her nails to prevent her from getting into his flesh.

“So you think you can accomplish anything in this tense state, no matter what, relax first. Otherwise I can guarantee you will fail.”

“What you said to me must first relax. I can’t mess myself up.”

Xu Xueru took a deep breath repeatedly, but it was useless. Xu Xueru, of course, knew that she had to relax, but he didn’t know how to relax. She hadn’t slept for several consecutive nights because of her nerves collapsed.

Yu Yuzan let Xu Xueru sit on the sofa and let Xu Xueru wait for him on the sofa, and he broke a basin of hot water and put it in front of Xu Xueru, holding Xu Xueru’s hand, soaking quietly in the hot water. Nothing was said. Then she took a hot towel and put it on his eyes. Xu Xueru couldn’t see anything, and closed her eyes.(Read more @

“So comfortable!”

“Don’t talk, be quiet, that’s it.”

Yu Yuzan has been holding Xu Xueru’s hand, which made Xu Xueru feel very safe. Gradually, he fell asleep. He was the most comfortable sleep in this period of time.

After Xu Xueru woke up, she was very relaxed. He is really good, ok, thank Yu Yuzan, Yu Yuzan is by his side, he really feels a lot more at ease. Yu Yuzan is like her strong backing. This feeling is not completely different from his father. His father always guides his son Yu Yuzan like a real shoulder to support her. He is also trying to lean on this shoulder now.

“Yu Yuzan, thank you.” For example, when I said this sentence, the voice was so soft that I couldn’t hear it, and the encounter was very good, he just heard this sentence.

Xu Xueru looked at Yu Yuzan who was asleep, and said these words softly. This was from the bottom of his heart. When he said it, he didn’t realize that Yu Yuzan was not asleep at all. He opened his eyes abruptly and cut Xu Xueru away. Take a big jump.

“Miss, I haven’t slept yet. I didn’t understand what you just said, so I’ll say it again.” The girl clearly heard what was lifelike, but deliberately molested Xu Xueru in this way.

“I didn’t say anything that you were dreaming. Why did I talk again? I didn’t say anything.” Xu Xueru kept repeating and fiddling with the first item, like a child who lied. It was very cute.

“But what I just heard was to say thank you? Who is it? Say it again, okay? I didn’t catch it.” The faces of Yu Yuzan who approached Xu Xueru’s two people got closer and closer. Xu Xueru stepped back in fright. You are a few steps away from Deyu Yuzan, but Yu Yuzan reluctantly, I approached first, and finally Xu Xueru took the edge of the sofa. Don’t dare to look directly, Yu Yuzan’s eyes.

Yu Yuzan deliberately put his hands next to his ears and stretched out to face Xu Xueru’s mouth, hoping that Xu Xueru would say it again. Yu Yuzan thinks Xu Xueru has always been a very reserved girl.

Although he behaved carelessly, he was just waiting for the appearance, in fact, Xu Xueru, she just showed herself very strong and strong. He is like a child, who doesn’t know how to express his feelings. Only when his true thoughts become Missy temper, you express it in a different way, and this way is not understood by others.

“I said, thank you.” Xu Xueru was so forced that there was no way to go back, and yelled at how loud he was. Xu Xueru just yelled at Yu Yuzan and immediately shrank back and kept poking his ears, as if deaf.

“Wow, Miss, do you need to do this? I’m all deaf. You will raise me for the rest of my life.”

“Who wants to raise you, you bastard, raising a dog is hundreds of times better than you, you deserve to be deaf.” Xu Xueru said while pulling Yu Yuzan’s ear.

“Ah! It hurts, please tap Miss.”

Xu Xueru didn’t yell very loudly, but Yu Yuzan deliberately exaggerated. “It’s over, you’re dead, I’m deaf, hurry up and tell me what you just said? I can’t hear you, speak up.”

When Xu Xueru looked at Yu Yuzan pretending to be deaf, she couldn’t help being amused.

“Are you laughing? Why can’t I hear your laughter, laugh louder.” Yu Yuzan said and started scratching Xu Xueru’s waist, really afraid that Yu Yuzan would move, so he bounced away, and kept on. Laughing, laughing louder.

In the end, they both lay on the sofa, staring at the ceiling blankly, as if they were tired from laughing. They stopped talking and lay quietly. I wonder if the next time they do nothing like this, they will be lying in a daze on the sofa. When. ..

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