Chapter 1051

The madman knew that Yanzi was his own sister and always regarded him as his own sister, while ignoring other people, he didn’t really regard other people as relatives. Now, they have been in love for so many years. Everyone regards him as a relative, but he has only been so slow to react until now.

“Don’t care about so much. The others are not there anymore. Now you are in front of my eyes. You are my dearest people. I used to be so stupid that I would always eat, thinking about the ones that were there or not. Now, as long as you cherish you, that’s enough.” Madman, his voice with teardrops in his voice was a little choked. Finished the sentence in a faltering manner.

“Okay, if you are so grind again, I can help you make up your mind, you push me to let it, is that interesting?” They all said that they couldn’t stand this kind of crooked scene. I don’t think the forgotten IST organization is like this. Why does he feel a bit disgusting because his emotions have deepened.

“Crazy man, we will definitely help you get the software back, and you should not shirk it. We will definitely do what we should do while we are safe.”

“Thank you, thank you so much.”

The madman knelt down and hugged his sadness, lowered his head and cried silently, and everyone touched his head for nothing.

“Silly girl, why are we crying? We are not friends. Family members have a bloodshed relationship, and although there is no blood bond, but some life and death experience. Thank you, we don’t need this sentence.”

That’s not wrong. Sometimes I meet some people who can even surpass their own dazzling skills. They all have a very deep communication. They appear quietly in our lives without incident. Although we may not see them sometimes, we still feel their power. He will always be the one, no matter what happens, he is the one who supports you behind your back.

Although after finishing my mood, I asked Zhang Rongxin what the so-called plan was? Especially lunatics, lunatics are most concerned about! They have so many people, but they can only agree to let Yanzi go to social insurance, but if it is really dangerous, he will never leave Yanzi alone. No matter what happens, he absolutely Will block in front of Yanzi for the first time.

“In fact, it’s not dangerous at all. It’s not as dangerous as what you said, and there is no worry about life. What I want him to do is very simple, it’s just that Yue Leichen comes out and asks me Leichenbao software, and it’s just like that. , Don’t say anything about other things. Don’t ask. As long as you can be what you are, if you don’t lower your head or talk and keep lowering, he will always give you the software, trust me.”

What Zhang Rongxin said is very simple, but is it really that easy to do it?

“How could it be so easy? We spent such a lot of effort and asked about his office that was bothering him at home. How could it be possible that he could tell him if we didn’t get it, and he would give it.”(Read more @

“In addition, do you know? Lei Cheng’s father immediately checked the disinfection company after he went to the hospital and found out everyone, and found that no one had ever appeared. After adjusting the surveillance video, he found that nothing happened and worked hard at home. What property was lost and nothing was gained in his job, but it was time for his family’s defenses to be strong. At the same time, he also reflected that his memory office will also become the office’s security system in the future, which will be enhanced.”

“In other words, this is a mission. We failed beautifully. Not only did we not find anything, but we also made the other party defensive.”

“Don’t say that, at least I got a piece of news. If it fails, it may not be as abhorrent as we thought.”

Yanzi doesn’t know how true or false the things in Zhang Rongxing’s novel are? The tone of Zhang Rongxin’s speech is always the mood of everyone’s joking. He always looks like a ruffian, which is totally unbelievable. What’s more, Tired Cheng has already seen everything he has done. He doesn’t hold any mentality at all, but after asking a lunatic, he is willing to try.

Yanzi made an appointment with Lei Cheng at the same time. Lei Chengxu had some doubts and guessed what it was, but he still came to the appointment.

Who says Yanzi doesn’t hold any hope for you Chen, but he still dresses up very carefully, hoping to meet the best of 10% with a beautiful self.

The madman was still not at ease and asked Yanzi to put a bug on his body. Although it was always a bit impolite, the madman still had no choice but to prepare to rush in.

“Why did you come so early? What I said is true, not so early, you should be still in the office now.” Electronics has already calculated the time in advance and said that it will come in advance and wait for Tire Cheng to prepare mentally. I didn’t expect it to arrive. There I saw Lei Chen sitting upright waiting for him.

“Although it is not good to know that you are asking me to come out. However, this is the first time you have asked me about it. I will be happy to help you no matter whether it is on official or private matters.”

“Hypocrite.” The madman, listening to his tired words, couldn’t help cursing him.

Yanzi couldn’t help but smile when he heard the madman scolding and became a hypocrite. No money, looked at Yanzi and smiled. The whole person is very hungry.

“You haven’t laughed like this for a long time.” Yanzi was surprised when he said something to Lei Chen inexplicably. He looked tired? Chen Na’s eyes were so clear, he wanted to believe that she was really a good person when she was tired.

“The first time I saw you, you smiled so happily, and you are the same, you are very serious, but you don’t know why, since you got married with me, and since knowing my identity, you have never been like this. Smiled.”

It was the first time that Yanzi listened to Leicheng’s speech so carefully. In the past, she had never given Lei Chen a chance to finish her speech, and she would never talk to Lei Chen about anything other than the company. Don’t know when to start? He changed, and his dislike of Li Chen became a habit.

“There is nothing funny.” Yanzi finished speaking and returned to her previous face.

“You look really beautiful when you smile.”

This compliment you saved made the Swallow not make anything to say. It’s been too long since no one said she was beautiful. Even if she did, it would be unkind. How sincere did he look at Thor’s eyes? The next life doesn’t know where to look, with a look that avoids him.

“Did you have a piece of software in the IST organization that day? I hope you will return it to us.”

Yanzi spoke very sincerely. This was the first time she spoke so seriously. ..

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