Chapter 106

“Oh? I didn’t think that Hyuga Hantian would die like this. Now I am a little interested. How will Hyuga Tennin hear this news? Haha, since Hyuga Ginga and Hyuga Hinata have already helped me. Once the script is written, we need to watch our performance tomorrow!”

After reading the information just passed, Yuzan laughed and said to the subordinates of the Uchiha clan around him.

“Allah, Master Yuzan must be thinking about something bad again. Pay attention, he is smiling like this…”

Those who dare to tease Yuzan in such a tone, the Uchiha clan is the only one who grew up with Yuzan, Uchiha Gin, who is now looking at Yuzan with a smile.

“Hehe, silver, did you know that the way you smile makes people very angry.”

Yuzan chuckled lightly.

“Yuzan-sama, you joked. Now that Hyuga Hanten’s death is confirmed, what are you going to do next?”

Uchiha Gin asked indifferently.

“Hehe, let’s talk about it when the time comes. Anyway, we are not going to fight this time. I only need to achieve my goal.”

Yuzan smiled lightly.

The next day, the battlefield of the Kingdom of Wind.

This time, the Chiyos came out in full force. Obviously Chiyozaemon also knew clearly that if they could not withstand the menacing Yezuki and Senju clan this time, the Chiyos clan would be over. So yesterday, the Hyuga clan After his messenger left, he has arranged for the family’s old and weak women and children to evacuate the family’s residence, asking them to wait until after this war to see how it turns out before returning, and he himself took the family’s elite to prepare to execute Hyuga Sakura’s Plan, but this time Chiyozaemon is going to be disappointed, because this time Sakura Hinata himself was betrayed, but Chiyozaemon is obviously not aware of it now.

“Clan people, this time our tactics and strategies must be clear to you. If we lose this time, then what awaits us will be a devastating blow. Therefore, for the family and for the younger generations, we can only win this time Don’t lose, even if the last drop of blood is drained.”

Chiyozaemon stood in front of the Chiyo clan and shouted loudly to the Chiyo ninjas.

“For the family, for the younger generation, fight, fight, fight!”

The people of the Thousand Generations clan also shouted with high fighting spirit. They clearly knew that maybe they would die this time, but they had no choice. This might be the victory of the mourning soldiers.

At this time, the Yeyue clan on the opposite side of the battlefield had also assembled, and Yeyue Xutian was also shouting loudly at the Yeyue clan:

“People of the Yeyue clan, our battle for the Kingdom of the Wind was not smooth in the early stage. Now we have the upper hand. After so long of hard work, we will finally see the fruits of victory. So now, just wait for us to turn the other side. The only remaining Thousand Generations tribes are defeated, and we will win this war. Yeyue will win, Yeyue is invincible!”

“Yeyue will win, Yeyue is invincible!”

The ninjas of the Yeyue clan also roared high in the battle.(Read more @

“Attack, defeat the invaders of the Yeyue clan!”

“Attack, kill all the tribes of the thousand generations!”

As the voices of Chiyozaemon and Yazuki Xuten fell, the ninja armies on both sides rushed towards each other like two torrents.

As the armies of the two sides met each other, the entire battlefield was full of shouts of killing, the crisp sound of swords colliding, the rumbling of the ninjutsu opponent, and the banging of physical collisions.

What Yeyue Xutian could not imagine was that the Yeyue clan was actually the oppressed party after the two troops met hand-to-hand, which made Yeyue Xutian puzzled.

In fact, if Ye Yue Xutian think about it carefully, it will feel normal. After all, this battlefield is not far from the residence of the Chidai clan, and the members of the Chidai clan have also shown a determination to put their lives to death and live afterwards. , And the members of the Yeyue clan hold the attitude that they have already won, and there is no need to go desperately. How can the Yeyue clan’s people with such an attitude be the opponents of the thousand generations who have the mentality of being benevolent if they fail to succeed? It.


After a fist flew a thousand generations who attacked him, Ye Yue Xutian saw the scene of the Yeyue Clan being suppressed, and suddenly shouted in annoyance:

“People of the Yeyue clan, your courage and bloodliness are now suppressed by the people of the thousand generations. If this is known to the other peoples, our Yeyue clan’s face will not be lost!”

And the people of the Yeyue clan who listened to Yeyue Xutian’s big drink finally reflected at this time, and the Yeyue clan’s counterattack began fiercely!

“Yeyue Xutian, die for me!”

With a loud shout, with the sound of breaking through the sky, I saw twenty puppets that were not much different from each other surrounding Yeyue Xutian, and then two figures flashed into the protection of the puppets. It was Qiandai Zuo. The grandson of Eemon and Chiyo Caimitsu.

This time Chiyozaemon and Chiyo Zaimitsu obviously wanted to join forces to kill Yezuki Xuten here, although Chiyozaemon alone is a little bit worse than Yotsuki Xuten, but with Chiyoza But Eemon was different again.

At this time, on a sand dune less than 10,000 meters away from the battlefield, Sakura Hyuga appeared here, and next to her was Hyuga River, who had sworn allegiance to her.

“Sakura-sama, can we be on it? After all, after the Senju clan completes the encirclement with the Yeyue clan, it will be very detrimental to us.”

Hyugagawa suggested.

“Well, that’s right, then we are ready to go, everyone is ready to fight, must be a one-shot kill, and then retreat after the kill.”

Sakura Hyuga said loudly.

“Yes, Lord Sakura.”

“Huh, huh, old man, it seems that your puppetry is not that good.”

Ye Yue Xu Tian said lightly to the opposite Chiyozaemon.

“Hmph, Yeyue Xutian, you just rely on your own speed, I see how much physical strength you can have.”

Chiyozaemon hadn’t spoken yet, but Chiyo Kaiko said unconvinced.

“Huh, Chiyo is just light, don’t talk nonsense, let’s see the real chapter.”

After Ye Yue Xutian finished speaking, he was ready to rush towards Qiandai Caiguang, but at this moment, a voice interrupted Ye Yue Xutian’s decision.

“Master Xutian, it’s not good. A group of members of the Hyuga clan rushed out from our flank. Although the number is small, each of them is powerful, and they are about to wear the flank.”

A member of the Yeyue clan, a Body Flicker Technique, approached Yeyue Xutian and reported.

“What? The Hyuga clan? How come there are members of the Hyuga clan here, who is the leader? Didn’t they mean that their reinforcements are still on the way? Where is Senju Butsuma? What is he doing?”

Ye Yue Xutian asked furiously when he heard such news.


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