Chapter 1069

After waiting for an hour, finally a ship that looked quite large, carrying a boat of tourists. Passing by this wooden barrel, the sailor who sailed the boat saw this wooden barrel, his eyes lit up, as if he had found a treasure, because he saw that the wooden barrel seemed to be full of red water, which was quite deep, which meant This wooden barrel is full of things, and this wooden barrel looks like a wine barrel for wine.

“Get rich, get rich.” The sailor immediately called a companion. Wine is a rare thing on the sea. They can’t drink it at all because it’s too expensive. Sailing is only a few months from the beginning, and it rarely reaches land, so wine is as precious as gold to them.

So how could he not be excited.

“Hurry up, come on, pull up this wooden barrel. If you find a wooden barrel today, the captain will definitely give us some. At that time…hahahaha.” I thought about it, I don’t need to be drunk tonight. Not return. I feel so good up to the sky.

Uchiha Yuzan is in the bucket at this time. Not only does he complain about the system, but can’t there be a decent way to wait for the opportunity to save Luffy? I insisted on using this old-fashioned method.

But things are already like this, Uchiha Yuzan is no longer entangled, he sits quietly in the wooden barrel, without making a sound, tightly sealing the lid of the barrel so that people outside can easily open the notice. Otherwise, it will be exposed.

“It’s really weird. Why is this wooden barrel so tightly closed that it can’t be opened like this?”

The school is also very strange. Just now she and another sailor told you that the barrel was brought up. It seemed very heavy. It should be a barrel of wine, but no matter how hard he uses, he can’t pry open like this barrel. Not only is it particularly strange, because he has never done so.

And this wooden barrel was Uchiha Yuzan in it, sealed him with strength, but can it be easily opened by ordinary sailors in this Pirate World?

After several attempts, the sailor gave up, because he really couldn’t open it. If he destroys it with brute force, I am afraid that the barrel of wine will be wasted. If the captain knew that he did this, he would definitely be killed, so he didn’t try any more, but wanted to wait, and later called the captain to see how to deal with it.

“This must be a good wine in a barrel, because it’s sealed so tightly, it’s not what ordinary wine would do. Probably only that kind of wine drunk by aristocrats can be packaged so tightly. Avoid his wine. The qi has escaped. It seems that this must be a certain ship that transported nine to the nobles. It accidentally dropped a barrel in the sea. Well, it didn’t disturb the people on the ship and salvaged him. This is beautiful for us, hahaha .”

Thinking of this secretly in my heart, he seemed happier, and hurried to inform the captain.(Read more @

Uchiha Yuzan saw that the sailor gave up, and he was relieved. After all, if it was destroyed by violence, he would not be able to say that the outside force could block it. If he did that, it would be too exaggerated. A wooden barrel is It can’t be that hard, it will definitely arouse the suspicion of other people on the ship, and then it will be thrown into the sea again, then he can’t tell even if it is suffering.

He knew that taking a box of pirates would attack this ship, and Luffy was in this ship at this time. Now he only needs to wait for the moment when the pirates are killed, so instead he calms down. Those pirates are not justified at all. Uchiha Yuzan, who has figured out these things, appears very calm and relaxed again.

Sure enough, after a short while, the pirates clamored and surrounded the ship, bombarding the ship with artillery from all directions, forcing it to stop.

“There is a shadow of the ship behind the ship, and there is a pirate flag on the ship. It should be a pirate ship boy. Please inform the captain.”

“The enemy is coming, the enemy is coming.”

The two sailors who dragged the barrels up saw a large pirate ship approaching the ship, and several small pirate ships were surrounded from around. Not only were they scared and panicked, hurry up. Went to the captain’s room to inform the captain.

The pirate ship attacked that ship with a few cannons, and the ship was hit by the explosion, and the tourists on the ship were stunned. It shook violently, and the ship had to slow down its sailing speed.

The two sailors rushed to the cruise ship lobby where the captain was. Seeing that the captain was still drunk with some women, they didn’t notice the danger at all.

“The captain is not good, there are pirates coming.”



At this time, the two sailors opened the door, and the sound of music in the hall gradually decreased, so the sound of gunfire outside was heard by the guests in the hall, and everyone was panicked. One after another ran towards the outside of the ship.

“Keep calm, everyone keep calm. Be proficient in command and leave in order.” The captain roared loudly, but it didn’t work at all. Everyone was thinking about running away at this time. They didn’t even think about the captain’s words, because of the pirates. Great, they know it.

In this area, basically ships cannot resist the power of pirates at all, and even the government cannot completely eliminate these pirates. It is conceivable that the crew on an ordinary cruise ship could be the opponents of these pirates. It.

On the pirate ship, the leader is a woman with five big and three thick, very sturdy and sturdy body, very ugly, with a big mole on the corner of her mouth. It seems that she is the captain of this pirate ship.

“Keby, who is the most beautiful in this sea area? Huh, huh.” The female captain of the pirate ship said coldly.

“Of course it is the most beautiful and moving Miss Alrita.” Luffy said tremblingly. Although he wanted to tell the truth, looking at the woman with a mace weighing several hundred jins, she was so scared that she couldn’t have any room for resistance at all, so she had to lie.

“Hahahahahaha, well said,” Yalrita laughed happily when he heard Kirby say this, and put the mace in his hand to the ground. The ground caused a very violent fluctuation, which made people feel a little unstable. ..

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