Chapter 1074

“Finally escaped, it was really fun. Ahahahaha, brother.” Luffy stood on the bow, stretched out his hands, and shouted loudly.

“Yeah… I finally don’t have to do anything for that ugly old woman anymore. I am finally free. I must go to be a navy.” Kerby clenched his fist and said.

This is Luffy coming from behind him, knocking Kebi, and said to him: “Keby, you idiot, now you should run away for your life, and you want to join the navy.”

“Okay, okay, you guys don’t make any more trouble. If we are going to find the treasure, then we are not good at this kind of people, and we need some strong teammates. Otherwise, how could there be such a large number of people? As for the opponents of the Pirates group, you just saw that, although your strength is so strong, under the joint attack of a group of mobs of pirates, you have nothing to do.” Uchiha Yuzan stopped Luffy and Kerby. The noise in between, thoughtfully looking at the distance of the sea.

“Big brother said so, so let’s find some powerful partners. How about that person called a pirate hunter? What kind of person is he?” Luffy also stopped fighting with Kerby, thinking about it. In order to plan for the future, he asked Kerby, because he was not very familiar with the person called the Pirate Hunter, but had only heard his name.

“Are you talking about “Sauron”? I heard that he has been caught by the Navy and detained in the naval base.” Kerby thought for a while and said to Uchiha Yuzan and Luffy.

Because Kerby followed the female pirates to rob merchant ships all the year round, he also heard the people on the ship and talked about the famous pirate hunter “Sauron”. He still knows things like pirates in this world very well, after all, he aspires to become a navy man.

“What, is it so weak? It was so easily captured by the navy. It seems that he is a very weak guy. How can he support the name of a pirate hunter is a waste of it.”

Luffy listened to Kerby saying that Sauron, the pirate hunter, was imprisoned by the navy. The password felt that the pirate hunter was a weak person, and it was really not worth looking for him as a companion. Besides, he had to rescue him. With such a big risk, it’s not cost-effective. So he said to Kerby indifferently, and at the same time conveyed to Uchiha Yuzan that he shouldn’t be looking for the pirate hunter Sauron.

“No, that guy is terrifying and strong like a monster. It’s not like you said. You haven’t seen his true strength. That’s why you said that. If you see him, you I will definitely regret what you said.”(Read more @

Kerby heard Luffy insult the pirate hunter Sauron like this. Feeling very unusual anger in his heart, he had always been timid, and he gritted his teeth and shouted at Luffy, because the pirate hunter Sauron is his idol, how could he let Luffy be so casually defiled.

“But why do you ask?” Kerby calmed down from his anger, and suddenly realized why Luffy wanted to ask him about the pirate hunter Sauron?

“I asked him to help me find out. For the powerful people here, we are going to find a great route onepiece. We must have some top-notch people on the road with us. So I wanted to find some players. Uchiha Yuzan turned his head and answered Kerby’s question for Luffy.

“If he looks good, then let him be my teammate.”

“My lord, it turned out to be like this.” Kerby heard that Uchiha Yuzan wanted to find pirate hunter Sauron as his teammate, so he felt reasonable, because Uchiha Yuzan’s mysterious and unpredictable power had been seen by him, and Uchiha Yuzan Also saved his life. So he felt that there was nothing wrong with Uchiha Yuzan going to subdue the pirate hunter Sauron.

Kerby did not respond to what Luffy said, because he felt that Luffy was really hard to convince people, not only in terms of strength, but even this is not a kind of stable person, it is difficult. Have a leadership role. And how can the famous pirate hunter Sauron follow him to find a great route? Isn’t that a dead end?

“At that time, you don’t want to mess around, pirate hunter, Sauron is not easy to talk, you don’t want to be unhelpful to the adults.” Kerby said to Luffy very seriously.

Because he feels that if Uchiha Yuzan wants to subdue the pirate hunter Sauron, Luffy can’t talk nonsense and mess around, otherwise, although Uchiha Yuzan’s strength is enough to deal with the pirate hunter Sauron. But if the pirate hunters don’t want to find a great route together, there is no way. After all, such a thing can’t be forced.

“In case he is a good person, I think he will like me like this, and he will agree to go with me to find a great route.” Luffy said very confidently.

“What stupid thing you said is because you are a bad guy, so you will be arrested by the navy at a naval base and detained. There are no good people in the world of pirates. Everyone only believes in strength and respects strength. Only you have absolute Strong strength prevents others from resisting, and others will convince you and obey you. You are too naive to think.” Kerby looked at Luffy’s naive thoughts and said with disdain.

“What Kerby said is not wrong in this world. Those pirates only look at their strength. Only if their absolute strength makes them tremble, they will not resist you. Otherwise, they will definitely ride on your head. Coming up. We must keep this in mind and improve our strength. This is the most important thing for us to find a great route.” Uchiha Yuzan looked at Luffy and said seriously.

“Brother, I will definitely, and I will definitely try to improve my strength and keep what you have said in my heart. Let’s look for the great route together to find the mysterious treasure.”

Luffy watched Uchiha Yuzan encourage him so sincerely, and he was also very touched, which greatly inspired the fighting spirit in his heart, because he had seen Uchiha Yuzan’s strength, and he wanted to be such a man.

“I’m going to be the man who is the younger brother of One Piece Uchiha Yuzan.” Lu Fei suddenly stood up and shouted into the distance.

“Um…” ..

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