Chapter 1083

This was presented before his eyes. It was a very huge stone statue. He used a fire style fireball technique to burn dozens of ropes holding the huge stone statue. The huge stone statue collapsed and moved towards Down here.

Mengka’s son Belumebo and the group of his men had their mouths open in shock. It was time to lay an egg, because they knew what this stone statue meant to Monka. Mengka will surely shatter that person’s body.

And Colonel Monka, watching that he had spent a lot of effort to build the stone statue, was so messed up by the person who suddenly appeared. Only very angry, that look is like a wild beast staring at its prey.

“This bastard, grab him quickly for me, you must kill him.” Navy Colonel Menka shouted at his men through gritted teeth.


A group of his men were so scared that you were so scared that they were afraid of annoying Monka, and quickly agreed, so they chased Uchiha Yuzan.

Uchiha Yuzan came to the top of the building, saw Belumeber who was shaking on the ground at a glance, and grabbed him.

“Finally found you, I still have something to ask for your help. I need you to help me get something back.” After speaking, Uchiha Yuzan intentionally grabbed Beiru Maybo’s clothes and dragged him to the naval base. internal.

“Let go of me…” Beiru Mayber shouted in fear.

“Master Beru May…”

“Hurry up and chase me, don’t let him escape.” Munka pointed to the direction Uchiha Yuzan was escaping, and shouted angrily.

“Report to the colonel that someone has come in again in the execution ground.” I was a subordinate who reported to the Red Card Society. Monka stood on the top floor of the naval base and looked at the direction of the execution ground, not only lost in thought.

“Did the rebels appear one after another? Unforgivable, they must be stifled in the cradle.”

The person who broke into the execution ground was the girl they met on the cruise ship with Uchiha Yuzan, but he didn’t know what his intentions were when he came to the naval base.

On the other side, Uchiha Yuzan grabbed Beiru Mayber and ran wildly, pulling Beiru Mayber forcefully, asking him where the pirate hunter Sauron’s knife was.(Read more @

“Hurry up, where is Sauron’s knife? You still feel better if you don’t say it?”

“I said I said. Stop hitting me, I tell you, Sauron’s saber is in my room, and you just passed your head.” Belumeb could not hold back Uchiha Yuzan’s fist. He pointed to the room he had just walked through and said.

“You’re still playing tricks with me. If you find this, you can save yourself a little bit.” Uchiha Yuzan then punched Belumeb again, and Belumeb screamed in pain.

At this time, Luffy and Kerby, who were standing outside the naval base, watched Uchiha Yuzan hadn’t come out. Not only were they anxious, so Luffy couldn’t help but stepped into the naval base.

“Luffy, don’t forget how that person told you to stay where you are and wait for him.” Kerby was anxious when he saw that Luffy wanted to go in by himself, because Uchiha Yuzan wanted them to stay where they were. .

“Big brother hasn’t come out for so long. I’m afraid of an accident. I’ll go in and take a look. He must be fighting that Monka now. Let’s take the opportunity to rescue Sauron, the pirate hunter. He reduced the difficulty a little.”

Because Uchiha Yuzan said, he first went to ask Sauron, the pirate hunter, to get him to agree to join them, and then he wanted to get Sauron the pirate hunter out. But depending on the situation, Uchiha Yuzan must have reached an agreement with the pirate hunter Sauron, so he went to the naval base instead of choosing to rescue the pirate hunter Sauron directly.

“Then this can only be the case, so be petty, and I am here to let you out.” Seeing that there is no better way, Kerby had no choice but to do so, so he nodded in agreement.

Luffy climbed over the wall and came to the side of the pirate hunter Sauron, and said to him.

“Then let me save you out.”

“Why is there another annoying guy who told you not to come. You have to be free in a few days. I only need to survive for ten days. I don’t need you to save me now. It will Let that Belumub retaliate.”

“Don’t delete it. If it weren’t for my elder brother to choose to save you, you would definitely die. Do you really think that Beiru Meibo will keep his promise and let you leave in a month?” Luffy said mockingly. .

“Isn’t that the case? How could the son of a dignified navy colonel say nothing?”

“You are so naive. You are still called a pirate hunter? Belumabel said outside that he will execute you tomorrow, so now do you think you can survive for another ten days? Don’t we need to save you?”

“Ah.” Hearing this news, the pirate hunter Zoro looked incredulous, because he had been waiting for the last ten days to arrive, but he didn’t expect that Bellu Mayber hadn’t even thought of asking for it from the very beginning, but he had been waiting for the last ten days to arrive. “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Keeping his promise, then what he did was wasted and sacrificed himself in vain.

Hey, you know Uchiha Yuzan’s painstaking efforts, but he wants to save you. Even if you don’t want to be a pirate, you shouldn’t betray his kindness. I beat that Beiru Mayber for you. Kerby, who is now waiting outside the naval base, wants to become a navy that eliminates pirates. But she still chose to be the enemy of Colonel Monka here. Do you know why? Because he wants to be a just navy, not an evil navy like this, sometimes the title is just a hypocritical thing. Brother will not force you to become a pirate, but, please, you must live, and Riga is waiting for you.

“Is that so?” Sauron, the pirate hunter, listened to Uchiha Yuzan’s words and couldn’t help falling into thought.

“Even if you don’t want to find a great route with us, but now for your own sake, you have to fight side by side with us. That Lieutenant Commander Monka is not easy to deal with.”

“That’s it, do you think you can really escape and get out of my naval base?” At this time, Munka had surrounded the entire execution ground with his men, and all of his men were holding guns.

“Because you committed the crime of rebellion, I will execute you on the spot.” Navy Colonel Monka said grimly, carrying an axe.

“Prepare, go up.” Navy Colonel Menka ordered to his men. I saw a row of rifles aimed at Uchiha Yuzan and the pirate hunter Sauron.

“Sauron, it looks good, are you going to be with that fascinating kid, and him, do you three want to engage in a coup?” Monka pointed to Luffy and said solemnly.

At this time, Uchiha Yuzan had already brought Belumeb to his room, and got the saber of the pirate hunter Sauron.

When he got the knife, he saw Luffy and Sauron, the pirate hunter, who were being surrounded by the window.

“Oops, Luffy actually broke in last time, it looks like he is in danger. I have to hurry down and save him.” Uchiha Yuzan thought secretly in his heart. ..

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