Chapter 1087

But what makes people feel surprised is that when the axe of Colonel Monka was only one centimeter away from the top of Luffy’s head, it stopped falling. Because under his huge axe, Uchiha Yuzan has already held Captain Monka’s axe in one hand.

Navy Colonel Monka looked at this scene incredulously. What shocked him was that the power of his axe was extraordinary. If he avoided it normally, he thought it was possible, but he insisted on his axe. , It is not something that a normal person can do, but he looked at Uchiha Yuzan as if he didn’t have any effort at all, and he easily withstood the smashing force.

While he was thinking and meditating, Uchiha Yuzan knocked him down with a direct palm, and he lost consciousness and could no longer move.

“Uchiha Yuzan, good job.” Kerby screamed beside him.

“This time it seems that he was really knocked down.” Sauron leaned against the wall and said coldly.

“Well, it’s not bad to be our teammate.” Lu Fei smiled at Sauron and said.

“It’s unbelievable that Colonel Monka was hit.”

“It looks like he can’t stand up anymore.”

“Hahaha, long live.”

“Long live the Navy.”

The subordinates of Colonel Munka determined that Colonel Munka had been completely defeated and could no longer stand up. They were all very excited and threw all the weapons in their hands.

“Why are they defeated? They are very happy.” Luffy asked very suspiciously.

“Because they are not the same as Colonel Munka. Colonel Munka was dazzled by power, and they belong to the oppressed group. The real navy is not like them.” Uchiha Yuzan is beside him. Looking at all this lightly, he explained to Luffy.

“Everyone was just afraid of Colonel Monka, not convinced of him. He was defeated, of course everyone was happy.” Colonel Monka said very happily, at least proving that the navy of his dream was not what he started with. As you see.

And just as they were talking, Sauron fell with his head upside down. Because of him he has been hungry for more than 20 days. Now it was time when the oil ran out and the lamp ran out, and I saw that I was finally safe, so I fainted.

“How about you, Sauron, are you injured?” He asked very nervously as he watched his companion faint.

“I’m just hungry.” Sauron was surrounded by them, regained a little consciousness, and said weakly.

And inside the naval base, the girl who sneaked in mysteriously in the office of Colonel Monka, after laying down two guards and tying them up. So he rummaged in the office of Colonel Monka, as if looking for something.(Read more @

She scanned the entire house, and still hadn’t found what he was looking for.

“Where did the old fox hide things?” the girl said distressedly.

“But I guess it must be in his office. With his cautious character, he must not be placed elsewhere, but by his side. Normally, he is in this office, so that thing must be It’s also in the office.”

So the girl looked at the whole room again, and she firmly believed that the thing must still be in this office. Third, he found a mysterious compartment behind a row of wine barrels in the room.

“Ah, yes.” You also saw the hidden grid, and your eyes lit up, guessing that what you were thinking must be correct.

You are a girl who came to the wall and moved the barrels full of wine with difficulty. What appeared in front of him was a password box.

“Ah, that’s right, it’s here, it must be here.” The girl said very happily.

The girl fiddled with the code box for a while, borrowed the wire he carried with him, and smoothly pried the code lock. After opening the code box, he saw a roll of drawings, which seemed to be a nautical chart.

“Yes, that’s it. The route map of the great route.” The girl said excitedly.

But when he opened it, he found that it was not a nautical chart, but a message left by a man named Baqi.

“I took the chart, Bucky.”

“Captain Bucky, the man called Bucky the Immortal is really damn.” The girl crumpled the drawing into a ball and said angrily.

Uchiha Yuzan and a group of them took the unconscious Sauron to the restaurant run by Riga’s house. After a big meal, they were full of blood and resurrected. They were completely different from Sauron, who had fainted at first.

“Wow, I’m so full. I haven’t eaten for three weeks. I have reached the limit and can’t eat anymore.” Sauron said contentedly, clutching his stomach.

“Hahahaha…” The Liga family looked at Sauron and said very happily, because this is their savior.

“Are you full?” Luffy asked.

“Why do you eat more than me? I haven’t eaten for three weeks.”

Sauron said to Luffy very speechlessly.

“It’s delicious. Haha.” Luffy said honestly.

“Thanks to the boss for the warm hospitality.” Uchiha Yuzan thanked Riga’s mother.

“You are so polite. We need to thank you. If it weren’t for your entire town to live under the shadow of Colonel Monka, you saved the entire town.” Liga’s mother said thankfully. ,

“Big brother, you are really amazing, you are the hero of the whole town.” Riga said to Uchiha Yuzan very cutely.

“That brother can be even more powerful, because I want to be the One Piece.” Uchiha Yuzan said to Riga.

“Hahaha, brother, we want to become One Piece and conquer the world together. Now we have four people, and our strength is becoming stronger.” Luffy clenched his fist and said excitedly.

“So besides me, how many people have you found now? I remember you said that you are recruiting companions.” Sauron asked Uchiha Yuzan very curiously.

“Um, what are you doing? We are still a thieves, and we are currently in an expansion period. For the time being, there are only four of us, but we will definitely gather more team members.” Uchiha Yuzan explained very embarrassingly.

“Ah, are the four of us embarrassed to be called the Pirate Group?” Sauron said in disbelief.

“What does this have to do? We are strong. If we want to be a member of our Pirate Group, we must be strong. You have also seen our strength, haven’t you.” He said very confidently.

“Well, put this aside and don’t talk about the ship? Where is the pirate ship? As pirates, we must have a very huge pirate ship.” Sauron asked again. ..

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