Chapter 293

“This, this is…”

Uchiha Itachi’s original indifferent face and calm, water-like eyes have changed. The pupils in his eyes shrunk, as if he had seen something incredible…

Indeed, Yuzan’s figure appeared in Uchiha Itachi’s spiritual world at this time, but this was done secretly when Yuzan gave this special kunai to Yurihong, in order to meet in Yurihong. At the time of Uchiha Itachi, as long as Uchiha Itachi’s Chakra fluctuates, this karma will appear, and at this time in the spiritual world of Uchiha Itachi…

(Note: This thing can refer to Uchiha Madara’s method of making Black Zetsu, although Black Zetsu is not his will)

“Itachi, what? Are you surprised to see me?”

Yuzan looked at Uchiha Itachi calmly and asked.

“Indeed, I can’t think that Miss Hong still has your things on her body. This really surprised me. Okay, may I ask you something?”

Uchiha Itachi is now calm again, but if his heart has calmed down, I don’t know…

“Hehe, don’t care about this. I am sure that she will see you in Konoha this time, but there is something that needs your help. I need you to understand some of the roots in Anbu back then. Tell Hong in your monthly reading world, you don’t need to worry about other things!”

Yuzan smiled and said to Uchiha Itachi.

“Oh? Why should I help you? There seems to be nothing to do with us, right!”

Uchiha Itachi said calmly.

“Hehe, it’s up to you, but you have to remember that whether it is you or your lovely brother, they are all under my watch. I hope you will think about it carefully!”

Yuzan said indifferently.


Uchiha Itachi snorted coldly, but didn’t say much…

“Okay, I’m just talking to you with a trace of will that I injected into this root of nothingness at the beginning, and now this trace of will can also dissipate, then, we will see you again!”

Uchiha Itachi and Hoshigaki Kisame finally failed to take advantage of Konoha’s hands. After Kakashi and Guy arrived, Uchiha Itachi released an illusion to Yuhihong to send information After giving it to her, I also released it to Kakashi for a month and finally escaped Konoha with the help of Hoshigaki Kisame…

Rain country, in the headquarters of Akatsuki.

Standing on the fingers of the huge Gedo Statue was full of figures. Except for the group of Uchiha Itachi and Hoshigaki Kisame, the group of Angle and Hidan also went out and continued to do his bounty mission, so it was only in the form of phantoms. appear……

“Suzaku, how did you go to Konoha this time? Have you found any information about Nine Tails Jinchūriki?”(Read more @

The leader of Akatsuki, the avatar of Penn’s Six Paths, opened his pair of Rinnegan and calmly looked at Uchiha Itachi’s phantom and asked.

“Well, it is certain that Konoha’s Nine Tails Jinchūriki is a kid named Uzumaki Naruto, but now he is following Jiraiya, one of Konoha’s three ninjas, so we can’t start!”

Uchiha Itachi replied calmly.

“Ms. Jiraiya?”

In my heart, I thought of the figure that was always smiling and lacking in truth. For a moment, a little complicated color appeared in Payne’s stiff eyes. Then he nodded and said to Uchiha Itachi. :

“If this is the case, then you can find a chance. It doesn’t matter if you didn’t catch it this time. Okay, let’s do it! Absolutely, you will need to collect more information on the village tail beasts and Jinchūriki!”

A week later, Short Book Street, a famous gambling street in the country of fire.

“Master Tsunade, you can’t gamble anymore, this time we have a mission from Master Yuzan!”

Standing behind Senju Tsunade holding the piglet, Shizune said sadly. She said so for a reason. Since Tsunade was taken to Snow Country by Yuzan, it has been considered self-cultivation for so many years, but since a year ago, After Tsunade got Yuzan’s instructions and left Snow Country, she began to regain her gambling nature. Therefore, during this year, she not only lost all the money Yuzan gave, but also owed it. The ass of debt has made Tsunade a famous little sheep among underground casinos in various countries…

“Wow… Shizune, you have to know that the task assigned by Master Yuzan for us is only to come out, and there is no specific instruction! If you don’t play more now, wait until Master Yuzan’s instructions come, then I am very Suffer…”

After speaking impatiently, Tsunade swaggered into the largest casino on Short Street…

At the same time, Orochimaru also took his most important assistants Yakushi Kabuto and Uzumaki Naruto led by Jiraiya and arrived at Duoshu Street almost at the same time…

“Nawaki, how is it? A country that hasn’t been tempered for so many years, are you still used to coming back this time?”

At this moment, in a restaurant not far from the casino where Tsunade was gambling on Short Book Street, Yuzan asked faintly that the one sitting opposite him, who seemed to be only in his twenties, had short brown hair and had a hair on his forehead. Young man with a diamond mark.

“Well, Yuzan-sama, I can’t think that the country of fire is still prosperous as before, but how much darkness is hidden behind this prosperous world!”

The young man interviewed by Yuzan is Senju Nawaki, who has grown up.

“Well, no need to sigh, all we need now is to wait patiently. I believe that in the near future, you will be able to meet two old friends too!”

Yuzan said calmly.

At noon, Tsunade, who was already gambling in the casino, appeared on the street with Shizune. At this time, the street was sparsely populated, and Shizune complained a little:

“Master Tsunade, why, we obviously won so many, it is so hard to have a chance to win money!”

“Don’t talk, I always have an unknown premonition!”

At this moment, two figures appeared in Tsunade’s line of sight. The evil feeling of fluttering hair was not exactly her teammate Orochimaru…

“It’s been a long time, you really make me easy to find, Tsunade!”

Orochimaru spoke first.

“Yeah, it’s been a long time, what can you do with me?”

Tsunade asked calmly.

“Hehe, Tsunade, I was actually only asking for such a small request…”

Orochimaru smiled evilly.

“Oh? You want me to heal your hands for you!”

Tsunade said confidently, she also recently learned about what Orochimaru did in Konoha…


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