Chapter 315

“Damn, me, how, how can I fall here, I, I want to protect, water, Lord Mizukage!”

Although Chojuro was exhausted at this time, but after looking around, he saw that the situation was getting worse and worse for Mizuna, so he gritted his teeth and wanted to stand back on his own will. He got up and continued to fight with Kisame, but at this time, Kisame had already recovered. He immediately carried his Samehada and slowly walked towards Chojuro. It seemed that he wanted to give Chojuro the last match for his recognized opponent. hit……

“Hey, you have no chance!”

Kisame walked to Chojuro’s side, and as he spoke, he raised Samehada in his hand and slashed towards Chojuro…

“Lava Style Melt Technique”

But at this moment, there was a sudden burning sensation behind Hoshigaki Kisame, and he immediately felt bad, and he immediately withdrew and flew back. Just after Kisame stepped back, the mass was sticky and corrosive. The magma fell from the sky, and the astonishing heat radiated from it made Kisame a chill that couldn’t help it. If she didn’t get out just now, she probably won’t even have any bone scum left…

“Nagajuro, are you okay?”

Terumi Mei’s figure appeared beside Chojuro, looking at Chojuro worriedly and asked.

“It’s okay, Master Mizukage, no, leave me alone, I, I can still fight!”

Chojuro still wants to stand up bravely, but he has more than enough energy and lacks energy. Compared with Chojuro’s dilemma, Qing’s situation is undoubtedly the best for the Uzumaki side except Terumi Mei, despite what he is facing. It was Uchiha Itachi, but today’s Itachi did not fight as hard as he could, just dragged him down, but at the moment when seeing the situation getting worse, Ao also used an opportunity to retreat to Terumi Mei and Naga. Beside Juro, watching Uchiha Itachi, Kakuzu and Hoshigaki Kisame who have gradually surrounded him with a vigilant look…

“Mizukage-sama, we must leave this place as soon as possible. Please take Chojuro and go first. I will stay and break!”

The green complexion looked at Terumi Mei cautiously and said.

“No, Qing, that’s too dangerous, and you’re just a perception-type ninja, absolutely not. After I stay and break, you go first!”

Terumi Mei looked at Qing seriously and retorted.

“Master Mizukage, don’t be self-willed anymore, when is this, you must know that you are the shadow of a village, if you are caught by these guys… and I’m not too young anymore, I have saved Changjuro and Your words are also…”

Qing said excitedly, but Terumi Mei still shook her head resolutely:

“Do you also know that I am Mizukage? How could I let my men stay on the battlefield and escape by myself! Ao, hurry up, don’t hesitate, you take Chojuro first and I will arrive later. Don’t worry, I will catch up with you…”

And Terumi Mei hadn’t finished speaking, but suddenly heard a big laugh. Then everyone turned their eyes, but saw the madman Hidan with his feet on the ground once again drew the one they saw before. It was a circular pattern, and Hidan, who was standing in the middle of the pattern, laughed and laughed, and the San Yue sickle in his hand dripped the blood from it into his mouth…

“Haha, haha, you guys, prepare to be judged by Lord Cthulhu!”

“The curse of death is based on blood”(Read more @

Hidan laughed madly, and then saw that his whole appearance changed, looking like a skeleton, and he drew out the dark spear from his body and aimed it at his heart. Stabbed hard…

“What is this guy doing?”

“Are you crazy?”

However, just when those Anbu is still unknown…


Hidan’s jet-black spear pierced his left chest, and this group of unknown Anbu’s complexions changed, and then each fell to the ground in pain and clutched his chest, looking at Hidan in amazement…

“This? This is…”

“Shui, Master Mizukage, hurry up…”

Seeing many Anbus fell to the ground and died, and their deaths were still so miserable, a trace of sadness appeared in Terumi Mei’s eyes, but then he looked at Qinghe, who was almost out of strength, and faced Qingqing. Shouted:

“Qing, take Changjuro and go first, take advantage of this, don’t refute me, this is an order!”

Terumi Mei said, quickly forming a seal with both hands, and released her technique in the direction of Kakuzu…

“Boil Style Skillful Fog Technique”

“Whirring whirring…”

A large amount of mist sprayed out of Terumi Mei’s mouth, and it spread to the surroundings very quickly…

“Be careful, that technique is weird!”

Uchiha Itachi’s voice came from Kakuzu’s side and he quickly backed away after speaking. Although Kakuzu’s body retreated, his other four grievances did not retreat but instead moved forward. Rushing with Terumi Mei…

“Master Mizukage, I see! Chojuro, go!”

After seeing Terumi Mei’s determination, Qing nodded arduously after all, and then immediately pulled Changjuro, who had run out of strength, whose eyes were full of unwillingness, and disappeared after dropping a smoke bomb…

Fifteen days later, in the country of Snow, Yuzan’s laboratory.

Yuzan didn’t know what happened in the country of water, but Yuzan was frowning at the subject he was testing, looking at the data in his hand, Yuzan frowned and muttered to himself…

“Hey, it failed again, it’s really disappointing!”

Having said that, Yuzan walked out of the laboratory. This experiment has been going on for a whole year, but there is still no progress until now, but Yuzan is not in a hurry. There must be a way to the mountain by car, and In Yuzan’s thoughts, it would be best if this experiment is successful, so that it can increase the strength of one’s own side. Failure to succeed will not affect him…

“Yuzan, here is an emergency message!”

But when Yuzan walked to the gate of the laboratory, Mizuno Tsukiye walked in, said to Yuzan, and handed a piece of information to Yuzan…

“Oh? What information?”

Yuzan asked casually, but still opened the intelligence. After seeing the content on the intelligence, his eyes suddenly narrowed, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and he immediately asked Mizuki Ye:

“Is this true? Are you really sure that our people saw the members of Akatsuki in the Snow Country?”

“Well, yes, but judging from the intelligence of our people returning, they seem to be looking for something or someone! What I am worried about now is that if Akatsuki organizes such a fanfare search in the Snow Country, it will Investigate our situation, I’m afraid it will affect our follow-up plans…”


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