Chapter 507


Kaguya Ji’s palms shot out a large number of gray bone spurs, one after another, flying towards the huge meteorite that fell…


These bone spurs are extremely inconspicuous compared to meteorites, just like ants are to elephants. Even though these bone spurs are extremely penetrating, after hitting the meteorite, they directly penetrate the surface, but because of the volume For the reason, the speed of the meteorite falling has not changed at all…


Although this huge meteorite has not been dragged down by the bone spurs, it is surprising that after the meteorite was shot by many bone spurs, as it fell, a large number of cracks began to appear on the surface of the entire meteorite. And as the cracks expand and the number increases, the entire meteorite seems to be blown away by a gust of wind…



As the cracks on the surface became more and more dense, the entire meteorite suddenly seemed to be weathered from the inside out, and first collapsed and broke into small pieces of rubble, and these pieces The stone was corroded again and turned into scattered pieces of sand and scattered…

At this time, even though there were more meteorites hitting the meteorite after it was corroded into sand, Kaguya Ji relied on the same method to eliminate Yuzan’s barriers to her…

There was more and more sand, and Kaguya Ji was no longer blocked by meteorites at this time. It was not because the meteorites in front of her were all emptied, but Yuzan saw Kaguya Ji “easily” destroy her meteorites. , Yuzan is not deliberately controlling the meteorite to attack Kaguya Ji, but continues to attack the entire small world. Obviously, Yuzan wants to use the power of this meteorite rain to break through the space blockade of the ice and snow world…

“call out”


Kaguya Ji, who had no meteorites to stop him, saw Yuzan who was all wrapped in blood-colored Susanoo at a glance. He rushed towards Yuzan without hesitation, and the bone spurs in his palm shot out crazy…

“Bah… Bah… Bah…”


Facing the surge of bone spurs, Yuzan controlled the impact of the meteorite on the ice world while controlling the impact of the meteorite on the ice world, while controlling Susanoo to pull out the Taito pair that was burning with the black flames of Amaterasu in his hands, in line with the principle that one minute is one minute. Bone spurs for defense…


The distance between Kaguya Ji and Yuzan is getting closer and closer, and although the sword in Yuzan’s hand stopped the attack of the bone spurs, and from time to time he cuts out the sword to attack Kaguya Ji to gain more time, but the gray bone spurs are still with the bloody Susanoo after all. The Taito sword in his hand is in contact. At this time, the body of the Taito sword that burns the black flame of Amaterasu is also covered with fine cracks, and no matter how it is repaired by Chakra, it is constantly being corrupted… …(Read more @



Finally, the sword in Scarlet Susanoo’s hand was still shattered by the bone spurs after it resisted the attacking bone spurs for the last time. Broken Chakra crystals were formed and fluttered away. As the blade shattered, Scarlet Susanoo was even tighter. Followed by other bone spurs to stab…

“call out”

While Yuzan’s Scarlet Susanoo was hit by a bone spur, Kaguya Ji finally broke through the barriers and came to Scarlet Susanoo’s body. Facing this huge Scarlet Susanoo, she did not hesitate to hit several palms in a row. …

“God Air Strike”

“Whirring whirring…”

Several huge air cannon fists formed by Kaguya Ji’s continuous attack followed by the many bone spurs that hit Scarlet Susanoo and bombarded Susanoo…




A huge roar sounded, and I saw Scarlet Susanoo’s broken body appeared after being shot by a bone spur, and was immediately knocked into the air after Kaguya Ji’s divine air strike, and even after being knocked into the air. Shattered directly…


Even though Susanoo broke away, Yuzan also broke away from it, and has ended his continued launching of the Indian style, the meteorite shower that was originally orderly suddenly became chaotic for a while, and moved towards the whole without any rules. The ice and snow world smashed down everywhere, but it was also because of this that the ice and snow world got a respite, so that the space blockade was broken and there was a time buffer…

After Yuzan left Susanoo, he stopped the Indian style, and saw Kaguya Ji’s two bone blades appear again between her palms to kill him, and Yuzan’s hands also appeared two bone blades that had already impacted her eyes in front of her. ‪⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Kaguya Ji slashed in the head…

“Bah… Bah… Bah… Bah…”

“Unexpectedly, you kid actually has the same ashes as mine! This is even more tolerant of you!”

After avoiding Yuzan’s knife, Kaguya Ji stabs Yuzan with a backhand and speaks.

Originally, Black Zetsu had told Kaguya Ji that Yuzan also had gray bones, but even though Kaguya Ji knew about it, she didn’t take it too seriously. In her opinion, Yuzan’s gray bones are at best owning her own gray bones. It’s just some special effects, but at this time, seeing Yuzan’s gray bones is as strong as his own, there is no flaw at all, so Kaguya Ji immediately put all the contempt for Yuzan away…



“Kaguya Hime, you are too arrogant! Didn’t the things of that year make you reflect deeply? And, do you really think that you are stronger than me?”

Seeing the opponent’s bone piercing towards his heart, Yuzan, who is familiar with the characteristics of gray bones, did not dare to take the risk. After a sideways dodge, the bone blade in his hand immediately shot the attacking bone blade while another The bone blade in his hand cuts across Kaguya Ji’s neck again…

“Thousand Killing Ashes”

The speed of the knife that came across was extremely fast, and it was about to cut off Kaguya Ji’s neck, but she saw a lot of gray bone spurs growing on her body instantly, and these bone spurs were not like her before. The gray bones that grew out of the back were as thick as they were smaller and more solid. With the emergence of these small gray bones, Kaguya Ji turned into a “hedgehog”.


The bone blade in Yuzan’s hand hit a tiny gray bone shot from Kaguya Hime’s body. It was precisely because of this momentary block that Yuzan missed the opportunity…


After Yuzan’s attack was blocked, I saw that the many small gray bones in the body of Kaguya Ji, who had become a “hedgehog”, shot out in an instant, whizzing towards Yuzan…


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