Chapter 516

Because they have received strict court training since they were young, the court dances of the emperor and the queen are very superb, and the skillful dance and all kinds of perfect skills are fully displayed, and the two are originally a combination of handsome men and beautiful women. After a dance, , Immediately won a round of enthusiastic applause, it can be heard that the applause is from the heart of praise, not just out of respect for the status of the two dancers.

According to custom, after the first dance was performed by the master of the palace, His Majesty the Emperor and His Royal Highness gracefully bowed to each other and thanked each other, and then walked back to the throne hand in hand and said:

“Well, everyone, the queen said she was a little uncomfortable, so I will take the queen to leave first, I hope you all have fun tonight!”

Having said that, our emperor took the queen and got up and left the banquet hall under the reverent eyes of everyone.

Then, the second dance melody played… but after the melody sounded, no one moved!

In the noble circles of the empire, they still paid great attention to each other’s traditional etiquette.

Because, in this circle, everything is operated according to “status and rank.” The first dance belongs to His Majesty the Emperor. Then the second dance begins, although everyone can dance. But there is another very subtle “tradition” in it.

That is, there is an unwritten rule here.

After the second dance is played, it must be from the people present tonight. Except for His Majesty the Emperor, the person with the highest status is the first to enter the dance hall. Only after this person moves first, other talents can leave the stage one after another, otherwise. Would be considered a rude and arrogant act!

On this occasion tonight, apart from the emperor, there were only two people with the highest status.

The head of civil servants of the empire, the Marquis Jolly, counts as one; the family of martial arts, who has guarded the empire for generations, and the general of Marquis Albert, the head of the empire’s military commanders, counts as one.

If the two of them sit still and the others leave first… then it is likely to be misunderstood as if you think that your status is more noble than Lord Jolly and General Albert…

The prelude to the dance music was over, and neither Jolly nor Albert moved.

In the past, General Albert could not attend such banquet occasions. Everyone knew that he did not like this kind of occasion.

The 33-year-old Jolly also died this year because of the death of his father, the former minister, the Marquis of Michel, and his sister, Princess Alice, gave birth to three princes for the emperor to be honored at this age. As a minister, he was not qualified to dance the second dance under such occasions in the past. This was also the first time he participated in a palace banquet as a minister…

In the past, except for the first dance of the emperor, the first person to end is often the marquis or earl of two or three other wealthy families in the empire.

But today, the new minister, the Marquis of Jolly, and the general, the Marquis of Albert, are both adults. How can others dare to “declare the army to seize the master”…(Read more @

“Master Albert, you are a senior, please first!”

After all, it was our new minister, Lord Marquis Jolly, who could not bear the many hot gazes below, and said with a polite gesture to General Albert.

“No, I have never liked such occasions, I still don’t disturb you young people, so as not to ruin your interest!”

Shaking his head courteously, General Albert said that he motioned to his son that Bud, who had become a hundred-man squadron captain in the Western Army of the Empire, followed him away…

“Since your Excellency Albert has said so, then he is disrespectful…”

With that said, our new minister, the Marquis of Jolly, walked towards a group of noble ladies not far away, and when he walked in front of a noble lady in a strapless evening gown, he faced the beauty in front of him. The local woman leaned gracefully, and then stretched out a hand.

“Beautiful lady, can you invite you to dance with me?”

Although the aristocratic circle of the empire has been eroded to the bones after so many years, all kinds of nasty things exist in it, but for this kind of superficial work of high-sounding, everyone is still doing so well that people can’t fault it…

The Queen’s Palace, this is a spacious palace, surrounded by tall pillars surrounded by gold walls, at this time in this magnificent palace, there are people coming and going, and everyone’s face is full of happy smiles. …

“Congratulations, Your Majesty, Her Majesty, Her Majesty the Queen, she is happy!”

An old man with Madara’s white hair flashed with a hint of surprise but quickly disappeared. After a careful examination of the “illness” of the exhausted queen, he immediately bowed to the emperor who was full of care in his expression. His Majesty said.

“What? I… the queen, the queen is happy? Haha, hahahaha, good! Very good! Come, give me a lot of rewards! Hahaha!”

After His Majesty Emperor Anthony performed the first dance with His Royal Highness Queen Vivienne in the banquet hall, our Highness Vivienne felt a burst of chest tightness and a trace of nausea and vomiting. After returning to the bedroom, His Majesty Anthony immediately The palace waiter was ordered to summon a senior palace doctor to come for consultation.

Originally, His Majesty Emperor Anthony just thought that the queen was a little tired and caught a cold during this period, but he didn’t want to get such a surprise at this time…

“Really, really? Is this true? Me, I’m going to have a baby too, I…uuuuu…”

When Queen Vivienne heard the news for the first time, she was sluggish on the spot. It wasn’t until Her Majesty Anthony’s delightful words came into her ears that she burst into tears, and her hands touched her unconsciously. My belly, my eyes are full of maternal love…

On the night of December 31, 996 of the empire, Her Royal Highness Vivian, the Queen of the 199th Emperor Anthony of the empire, was diagnosed with pregnancy. The news spread throughout the imperial capital that night. For a time, the imperial capital was surging…

Late at night, the imperial capital, the Oden family mansion.

The Oden family is the family of the new minister, the Marquis of Jolly. At this late night, a dark shadow suddenly appeared on the already quiet street. After looking around, he walked to the side entrance of the Oden family mansion. Knocked on the door lightly…



After a while, a deep voice came from the mansion.

“I am Princess Alice’s in-house servant. The Princess ordered the villain to come to see Lord Jolly. Please be sure to report it as it is urgent!”


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