Chapter 561


“over there!”

After the wind blade shot out of the cloud, Yuzan immediately perceives that the thing that made the “strange” sound is hidden in the thick cloud next to him.

“call out”


Suddenly releasing the repulsive force to maintain it within five meters of his body, Yuzan rushed towards the cloud group like this.



The strange sound reached Yuzan’s ears again, but this time, Yuzan had already heard clearly, what kind of “strange” sound was this, it was clearly the sound of a snake vomiting a letter, no wonder I had a hint of ear. Familiar, after all, when I was in the Ninja Continent, I also had a lot of dealings with the guy Orochimaru.

And immediately after the whistle, there was the sound of a sharp object breaking through the air. Immediately after, Yuzan saw a white tail with a black pattern suddenly pierced out of the cloud. The tail was sharp and above it. Covered with fine scales, it is the tail of a snake.


Although the tail stabbed Yuzan, the repulsive protective shield spread by Yuzan within five meters of his body resisted and bounced. When he was bounced by the opponent’s attack, Yuzan’s speed increased by three points again, and he charged instantly. Into the clouds.

Visibility in the clouds is extremely low, as if you are in a white mist, but in such an environment that greatly affects the line of sight, Yuzan’s eyes are as if they have a perspective function, not caring that the line of sight is blocked, and the palm is fast. An ice blade condensed from ice appeared, and the sky behind him was also covered with dense ice thorns, pointed in one direction, and quickly shot out.



However, less than a moment after this dense icy thorn rain blasted out, there was a burst of crisp ice crystals breaking and hitting the metal like sound.


Immediately after the sound of the dense metal collision, a huge roar suddenly came out from among the clouds, but Yuzan heard this huge roar, but it had a different coercion, as if it were like a dragon chanting. .

“Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhah(Read more @

After this huge roar like a dragon’s roar, the cloud seemed to be frozen, and a large amount of cold breath shot out from it and swept towards Yuzan.

But Yuzan didn’t retreat but advanced instead, relying on the repulsive shield of his body to rush directly in the direction of the breath of cold ice, and when he rushed, he continued to condense ice thorns and flew into the clouds.



The breath of cold ice is a combination of cold air and ice crystals. It not only has the freezing air there, but also contains a large number of condensed ice crystals and even has a sharp cutting wind blade. Wrapped Yuzan who was rushing towards the clouds.

The attacks of both sides hit each other without exception. The only difference is that all the attacks that hit Yuzan were blocked by the repulsion. The repulsion protection was airtight and leaked, and it didn’t make Yuzan suffer at all. The injury, even the robe Kakuzu never broke.

“Roar! Roar!”

But in the cloud group, painful roars came out again and again.

“call out”


Maybe it was because I sensed that my attack did not play any role. The snake super-dangerous species in the cloud group that Yuzan had guessed finally did not release it again. It did not have any effect on Yuzan, and even dragged Yuzan’s speed. Breath attack that can’t be done.

As Yuzan continued to move forward, a huge head suddenly appeared among the clouds. It was a snake head. When it rushed out of the clouds, it immediately opened its big mouth with smelly blood. , Showing his fangs and biting at Yuzan.

Seeing that the other party no longer hides in the clouds, he has revealed his true face. Yuzan also showed a smile on the corners of his mouth, and then he held the ice blade in his hand, a change of direction accelerated and escaped the first attack of the snake head. After that, he quickly appeared at the neck of the giant snake, and the ice blade in his hand was cut out without hesitation.


However, what surprised Yuzan was that the ice blade in his hand should not be as “vulnerable” as the ice thorn that was condensed before, and its solidity was much higher than that of the ice thorn. , But at this time when the ice blade hit the giant snake’s neck, there was a spark and a crisp sound, and finally the ice blade in his hand was broken.


Although it failed to break its defenses, Yuzan’s previous blow still left a white mark on its neck, causing it to suffer a lot of pain. With a roar, he turned his head and bit at Yuzan again, and This time, before it bites, it exhales a lot of cold air spreading around it, not asking for much damage to the other party, but asking for as long as it drags this hateful human script.

“Huh, a beast is a beast, forget the pain when the scar is healed!”

A taunting self-talk came out of Yuzan’s mouth, and then, when the giant snake’s big mouth bite, Yuzan did not dodge again, but directly let it bite. However, a smile appeared on the bitten Yuzan’s face.



There was a crackling sound, and the giant snake roared in pain, and its huge body was rolling in the clouds, but this did not alleviate its pain. At this time, its appearance was extremely miserable. The blood was flowing continuously, and the two huge fangs of the upper jaw were completely gone. At this time, he was looking at Yuzan with an extremely cold expression, but Yuzan could clearly feel it from the depths of his expression. It has a trace of fear of itself.

“The defensive power on the outside is pretty good, but you should have nothing to do with this!”

A faint glance at the white mark on the opponent’s neck, the palm of his hand was squirming, and a gray bone blade slowly emerged from Yuzan’s palm.


At this time, a gust of wind came, and the cloud in the sky that blocked the body of the giant snake was also blown away by this wind, and at this time, the giant snake finally revealed its entire appearance.

This is a giant snow-white snake with a body length of more than 20 meters, the thickness of the bucket, and the dense black scales covering the whole body, with a faint purple-red halo. Its huge body is not bulky, and there are three pairs of almost transparent on the back. Wings, flapping can make it off the ground to fly in this high altitude.


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